Help! Wedding day in 370 days and counting!

  • So I've done the math...

    I'm at 266 right now. At a rate of 1.2 pounds per week over the course of the next 52 weeks... that's 62.4 pounds by the big day (assuming the luck of my body being nice and continuing that pattern!).

    That means that I'll still be over 200 pounds by the big day. This is just unacceptable, people! Start sending some super duper weight loss vibes my way!!

    Ok, so I know 1.2 pounds a week is within the 1-2 pounds a week range, but why can't it be more like 1.7 pounds a week or 2 pounds a week!?

    See... at 1.7 pounds a week that's 88 pounds by wedding day, puts me at what 178. I can deal with this! At that'd put me at a whopping weight loss of 104 pounds and put me at 162. Now we're getting somewhere!

    I doooont wanna be 200 pounds in my wedding!

    I ordered a bottle of Lean System 7 (figured it can't hurt to try, I wrote a post about it in "does it work"), hoping for a slight increase... I'm guessing .3 pounds a week.

    Any suggestions on that extra .5 pounds a week I need?

    Come on, I'm open for any healthy (I say this as I try a diet pill right? LOL) realistic suggestion. I'm on WW because I want to make sure I keep the weight off this time. This is a journey of healthy changes and my health is my gift to my soon to be future husband (along with quitting smoking, that's coming soon).

    Tips? Hints? Suggestions? Should I simply lower my caloric intake? I've been trying to avoid this because I've been eating for satisfaction, and I think I'm doing really well. I don't eat when I'm not hungry, I 'treat' myself about once a week to something chocolate (when I'm really craving it). I eat when I'm hungry.

    It's been really hard to stick with an exercise program, so this 1.2 pounds a week is without exercise. Realistically, if I somehow manage to exercise 3 times a week could I make the leap from 1.2 pounds to maybe 1.7 or 2?

    Help! I'm coming down the homestretch, I'm motivated and ready for suggestions!
  • I believe that with exercise you could achieve your goal of 2 pounds a week.Have you thought about calorie counting? Counting calories gives you flexibility and is a reliable way to lose weight. Don't lower your calories too much, do you know how many calories a day your eating now?I don't like to exercise, either but I lose faster if I diet and exercise together. Even taking a couple of walks a day will help. Do you swim? There are all kinds of ways to get in exercise without joining an organized program. I believe that you can average a 2 pound weight loss.
  • I do WW currently, and count calories on top of it (yes, I make it more difficult lol). I average about 1500 calories a day currently A lot of which is simply fresh fruits and vegetables. Which is why I was thinking the exercise thing.

    Thanks for the encouraging response. I think that I'm going to try to start exercising regularly, I've just been putting it off so much. But I have a goal, darnit!
  • I think its realistic to expect a greater weightloss the first few months. I have lost 73lb in 10 months on a 1400 calories a day (I also keep my fat grams to less than 40g a day). I averaged about 10lb a month for the first 4 or so which has fallen to an average of 5lb the last couple of months.

    I'm very strict with myself and don't have days off or cheat meals. If I have chocolate (rarely) it would have to be within my calorie/fat allowance.

    I do think with a bit of dedication you can achieve your lower goal, if you really want it.

  • I lost 100 pounds in a year by counting calories (logging everything) and walking. I've kept it off for over 3 years now....I added weight training and biking and jogging and plenty of other cardio since then.

    It can be done! Find the plan that works for you - IMHO pills are useless. From what I've seen, it seems like they might cause more trouble than they help. I don't, however, speak from experience.
  • Exercise. That's the best advice I can give ...

    If you can, get a personal trainer - even for a few sessions to get someone to help you set up a routine and a plan that pushes you. I lost the most weight when I was working out regularly and pushing myself.

  • Thanks guys, I decided to join a gym. I know it's exercise that I can stick with, so my soon-to-be-hubby and I are going this week to sign up at the Y and get our butts moving!!

    Thanks for the advice.
  • For motivation, you could watch 'Buff Brides'. It is interesting to watch those that are planning a wedding and losing weight at the same time.
  • Oh, I've never heard of that before. What channel is that on? Guess I could google it...

    I don't get cable anymore so I don't know what channel it is on. You might be also be able to rent the DVDs.