Thoughts From a Newbie!

  • Hi All

    So ever since doing this weight loss thing a couple of things have sort of blossomed in my mind - am I alone in thinking these things?

    #1 - I have tried half-hazardly at the weight loss thing before but it took next to nothing to throw me off. And then now it has all changed for me. It is like a switch went off in my brain that said ok - now is the time. And it hasn't been as hard as it was before. My husband and step-son would get McDonald's before and I would eat something small and then dive into un-eaten fries guiltily. Now I don't even give them a sideways glance and even if I am tempted, it isn't AS bad as it was and quite controllable. I guess this is how a long time smoker feels when they finally do quit.

    #2 - the scale isn't as scary anymore! I used to HATE the idea of getting weighed with a passion!!! But now I know that I am working towards losing weight and getting healthy I just see it as a tool to get there.

    #3 - yes I am bored at work so I am sharing all thoughts that come to my head today!

  • As another newbie I agree, this time is easier. I was able to pass up Taco Bell today without a wimper! I think reading the thoughts here of others just like you helps keep your own life in perspective. If they can do it, so can we.

  • I agree completely. That old junk that I used to love before isn't ever nearly as tempting. And a scale is nothing to ever be afraid of! It's a tool to give us some feedback, it is not a judge.
  • i concur as well
    it really does seem like a switch is flipped and it losing weight/changing ur lifestyle becomes, well-not effortless-but less effort*grin*. i actually made a huge batch of triple chocolate brownies for my students and didn't feel that intense crazy chocolate craving at all. it didn't pain me a bit to be chomping down on some nuts and a banana. crazy, huh?
  • I agree as well. The "switch" went off for me as well. At 31, almost 32, it was either resign myself to always feeling second rate, or get back to my super confident 20-something self.

    I can't minus years, but can minus pounds.
  • Yes, I know exactly what you mean. I found it very odd because I honestly cannot pin point the moment, what it was that changed, or how. I don't know why suddenly I was able to do something I had not been able to do for my entire life. It has not been easy by any means, but it did suddenly become easier than it had been. The only thing I can say is that what I really changed was the hardest thing of all, I changed my mind. I effectively changed what was important, what I cared about, and how I related to food and eating.
  • Hi It's an unseasonably warm 85 or so degrees here in Western Wa and i just registered to be a member of 3FC late last nite.

    I am a Curves member who loses inches and pounds when i go 3x a week, but i've yet to ingrain that 3x a week good habit into my psyche so that piece is still off and on.

    As for the eating part i've read lots and lots of stuff and very briefly tried some different diets but never last long on them. I think i've arrived at an approach that is reasonable: logging my food-what i eat , how much i eat and how many calories are in that food and working towards 1500 a day ( a weekly average). The challenges with the food will be the extra work and planning involved in logging my food and planning and preparing healthy portion controlled meals. I also read here at 3FCs about the 4golden rules guy and think his ideas make sense for me up to a point. I know i need to create a structured healthy eating plan and work to build healthy eating habits into my psyche, like the exercise. At the same time it makes sense to pay attention to the physical hunger and emotional hunger signals my body is giving me and pay attention to how i'm getting satiated. I know that my tendency to be really critical of myself at different points does nothing but demoralize and discourage me. I'm trying to look at this thing long term rather than right now because i do know from past experience with curves that when i work it and it works i feel stronger and more energetic and that is reinforcement right there.

    So... I just read this thread and am hoping at some point that i feel similarly to all of you who have apparently experienced real changes of heart and mind. Keep up the good work and hopefully sometime i'll be posting here having experienced a similar shift.

    from the heat, Ailey