Stamina 55 cm Crystal Edge Workout Ball

  • I bought one of these last night at wal~mart and I love it. I'm kind of sore today but it is totally awesome. Does anyone else use these exercise balls?
    What is your favorite exercise to do on it?
  • OMG, I just got one of these like last week. They're incredible! I had one about 3 yrs ago but never knew what to do w/it. I also never bothered to look at the package and got one that was waaay too big. I'm just starting to incorporate it into my w/o's. I got a book at Marshalls ($4 bucks!) called Pilates on the Ball. I'm reading thru it first; it gives great info, exercises, form, w/o's, etc. Saw it completely by accident.

    Here's some links I found on Youtube for stability ball exercises. What exercises are you doing on it?
  • Great, great! Thank you. I'll check those sites out right now!

    ohhh by the way I'm just doing the exercises that came with the ball. When I get them down pat I will try newer exercises.