Things I didn't know until now...

  • With changing my lifestyle, I have come to learn some things about myself. Some are things I would have never expected... other things I could have only hoped for. I'm proud of myself, for making the change to a healthier me, and for pushing myself to hopefully become the person I have always wanted to be. In no particular order, the things I have learned so far...

    1. I love the feeling of shaky legs after an intense workout

    2. Water has become my favorite drink of all time (I used to dispise water)

    3. I look forward to sweat dripping into my eyes: when that happens, I know my body is doing it's job.

    4. Walking around in my sweaty workout clothes after a good work out makes me feel sexy

    5. There is no such thing as "not being a runner." I used to think to myself "well, I am just not built to be a runner, so I shouldn't run." Just in two weeks of High Intensity Interval Training, I have doubled my endurance.

    6. A really good workout leaves me feeling drunk afterwards (good drunk, not puking "why did I drink so much" drunk.) Now I know what the term "runner's high" means.

    7. Things like cake, icecream and cookies now look gross to me. The smell of McDonald's makes me slightly nauseous.

    8. I crave vegetables. I didn't know that was even possible.

    9. I enjoy the aching feeling of tired muscles in the morning.

    10. Stretching can be rather enjoyable. It really isn't the **** I always made it out to be.

    11. Eating junk food in no way helps me solve my problems.

    12. Chocolate is not a food group.

    13. Cottage cheese in an egg beaters omlette is amazing.

    14. Soymilk tastes better than real milk.

    15. I actually have muscles under my fat... and they are screaming to be let free.

    I used to think I just had to settle and live with the body I had. Now I realize that isn't the case. My body is a work of art, and I am the sculptor. I decide what my body looks like, I am the one in control.

    What have you learned?
  • Nice list!

    Hrm. Things I've learned ...

    1. That it is possible for me to lose weight... I just have to actually try.

    2. That I like to sweat! This is included with "That I like to exercise" "That I like to feel that work-out high" "That I like to feel my muscles moving".

    3. That I can feel full and even sometimes stuffed on food that amounts to rather few calories.

    4. That my slip-ups and "oops" have not kept me from continuing. I worried about what would happen if I gained ever. I no longer worry, because the answer is simply "Get up. Continue."

    5. Every once in a while, I realize that maybe... just maybe.. I wasn't born to be overweight.
  • Some things that I have learned so far...

    1. I can throw food away instead of cleaning my plate, and the world won't end! In fact, I don't even miss it! (Better in the trash than on my...well, you know )

    2. I can find the time to exercise, and pack healthy lunches for myself to take to work.

    And thanks specifically to 3FC, I've learned:

    3. I'm not alone in some of the thoughts/feelings/issues I am facing when it comes to weight loss, and it helps to see others facing (and conquering) the same things I am confronting.

    4. I have a place where I can go for support and inspiration any time I need it -- which is more often than I realized.
  • OK I Have to CHIME in here also.....

    1. Food DOESN'T make me feel better!


    3. I DO SWEAT! (I never thought I was a sweater...but I do when I work out)

    4. I have less of an appetite after working out