Low Carb journal topic for Wed. March 05

  • OK, this one is a little off topic but I think it'll be a little more entertaining!

    Journal topic: What was your most embarrassing moment? (It doesn't have to be diet related)


    My response is diet related. A few years ago I went to this amusement park (ya'll probably already know what happened) and I wanted to ride the Pharoh's Boat. It's a ride that just swings back and forth really high. First I had to climb this flight of stairs. Then when I got up their and sat in the seat and noticed that the bar wouldn't lock it was like everyone in the world was watching me because I was so far up. Of course, I had to get up and leave. For the rest of the day I tried hiding my feelings from my family that witnessed the whole thing, but at the end I finally gave it up and just started crying.
  • I don't realy have a most embarrassing moment, I fairly succesfuly block them out . I think I have just been generaly embarrassed about my body since I was about 9 years old, I was teased a lot then . My sisters where the worst when we where growing up.
    All my non diet related Most embarrasaing moments have to do with getting caught skinny dipping and tresspassing, nothing like climbing a 6 foot fence in the nude with a Hot young security gaurd shining his light on you the whole time.. now thats Em-bare-a$$-ing