Thin4Life - Week of 3/3/08

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  • Tanya: It sounds like you've got great benefits at your new place of employment! That's wonderful! I had to accrue my time off when DS #2 was born and I could only accumulate 1 1/2 days per month so it took quite a bit of time to get the amount I needed to have paid time off; we couldn't afford for me to be off without pay; I did that with DS #1 and it was rough.

    We're digging out from a major storm--Friday night it was so icy, the university closed early (3 pm) and the drive home was not nice. Saturday we couldn't even get out because of the wind, snow and accumulations. At this point we've have over 24" of snow from Friday night to Saturday night (7 pm); the official storm total hasn't been tallied yet. It's crazy! The snow is over the tops of our cars and we don't have room to shovel it anywhere!

    More tomorrow.
  • Melissa,
    Yes we are lucky to have such great benefits.
    That is a lot of snow! We have had almost 3inches of rain in the past 36hrs! We live in an in-law apt that is sort of like a basement apt. I say that because we have tons of windows and natural light, but we are still half underground. Luckily we have never had any flood/water issues.

    I am going to go to bed early so that I can be up early for my orientation in Boston tomorrow. I will have to leave the house around 6am. I am looking forward to it though. I love learning about organizations, and their focus... and what benefits are available to me.
  • Hi Everyone!
    Things have just been a whirlwind around here lately so I haven't had time to post. For a change, I've actually been keeping my New Year's resolutions which I probably shouldn't have made since now I'm so overextended. But I'll hang on as long as I'm having fun. May have to hire a housekeeper though! I've been pretty much OP (except for that box of Samoas last week), and have upped the intensity of my exercise 2-3 days a week. So finally I'm starting to see some progress. I'm not really losing much yet, but my clothes are fitting better. I can run 1-1/2 miles now without a rest break every half mile! The problem is that the pollen is so bad right now that my chest is really congested from sucking in that yukky air. Guess I'm going to have to break down and go back to my allergist. The last few years I've just done indoor exercise when the pollen count goes up, but it sure is feeling good to be outside.

    All this baby talk! I've only had one (many moons ago!) and gained 60#. I was only 115# when I got pregnant, and by the time I had my baby shower my best friend said I looked like a big chicken - all body and skinny legs! I had extremely bad morning sickness for almost my entire pregnancy, and when they got it under control, I ate like a pig. Thankfully, I lost it all quickly. I didn't really start putting on weight until I was about 40 and quit running. Since I had never really had to diet before, it took a long time before it got bad enough for me to look for help. I'm not proud about having to admit that I was so not understanding about being overweight. I always thought you just didn't eat so much and you'd be thin again. Was I ever wrong! I guess it was payback for all the bad things I thought about overweight people when I was young. So now I try to make amends where I can and be supportive when I get a chance.

    On when to have a baby - I always tell our kids that it's good to make plans, but be prepared to be flexible too. You never know what life brings right around the corner. My plan for my 55th birthday was to be retired and cruising around the country in a motor home with DH and grandkids. But here I am at 54 with a big house that we hadn't planned to buy so that we can house my MIL, and I won't be retiring until 60. I'm still hoping to sell the house once we don't need it anymore and do that traveling. But by that time DH will be almost 70! I realize that isn't THAT old, but those "basketball knees" are going to be needing replacement soon. Luckily he's married to a therapist so I'll be whipping him into shape.

    Don't wait around trying to make life perfect. Be smart, but enjoy everything you can! - Theresa
  • Thanks Teresa. That was great advice and very sweet!

    I had a great 1st day at work today and it was busy, but I love being busy, so that was Ok. I am going to go watch some T.V and get some sleep. DS was home sick today w. a bad cough, and luckily DH was home and had last night off, so he had slept. I could have sent Jax to daycare, since he wasn't coughing that bad, but I hate to get other kids sick. I know how much it bothers me when everyone else sends their kids in sick. I love knowing that Rick is home days. I mean obviously it is important for him to sleep, but it's nice to know that in an urgent situation, I can depend on him. You can't work in the medical field and take time off regularly, at least not in OB'GYN. I will give more details about my new job later. I am off to sleep.

    Where is everyone? I hope all is well?
  • Theresa, Good for you for 1) staying OP (what is a Samoa?) and 2) for running non-stop. That is terrific!. Wow! 60 pounds with your baby. My mother gained 50 pounds with me and she said she was miserable. Yes, the pollen is bad everywhere this year. Yes, somehow our plans just don't work out.

    Tanya, So glad the job is going well. Sorry Jax is sick; hope he's doing better.

    I'm headed to Yoga tonight. Tomorrow is tax appointment (yuck) and golf (yea). Saturday is a race (I volunteer and DH runs)--10K. Then we're headed to a ballet. I have to work on Sunday.

    Yes, where is everyone else? Snowed in?