Favorite brand of tortilla?

  • Mine is La Tortilla Factory's low carb tortillas. I eat them almost every day...sometimes even plain! I haven't tried them all so I don't know what's good and what's not. What's your favorite tortilla?
  • i don't know the brand but its the spinach tortilla from Whole Foods that they make the wraps with...

  • I like the Tam-X-Ico's better than Tortilla Factory. The Tortilla Factory tortillas have a texture that I just can't stand. I'm not sure why. But to me they're very spongey.
  • La Tortilla factory, definitely. 50 calories and tons of fiber. My grocery store only has them every now and then, I stock up when I see them!
  • I make my own or buy Organic WW tortillas at my local health food store. I think they are Garden of Eatin' brand.

    I used to only buy La Tortilla factory, but I have a hard time finding them since we moved.

    Although, honestly, corn tortillas are my favorite. They make great quesadillas!