High on one day, low on another. Does it work??

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  • Wow.....I have more to say here..but don't have time right now as I have to work today.
    I'll check back later today.

  • Are you seriously going to tell me that you gained more than 100 pounds by slightly eating over 2000 calories? B/c I would highly disagree. HIGHLY.

    If that's childish and confrontational, so be it. We didn't get to 100 pounds overweight by eating 2000 calories ladies! (okay, well maybe some of those closer to 5 foot tall, maybe...)

    And a lot of LARGE women (300+) on here *ARE* eating 1800 calories a day while dieting.. they certainly wouldn't think that if they ate an extra 300 calories they would be BINGING. ::sigh::
  • This will be my last response on this thread because I refuse to be drawn into an immature altercation.

    Here is my reality. I am 43 years old. I am in full menopause due to a hysterectomy and oopherectomy in 2005. I was in adrenal fatigue and I was diagnosed with insulin resistance. I was a couch potato with zero exercise. I ate a lot of sugar and starchy white carbs. I ate virtually no vegetables and no fruit. In less than two years I gained 75 pounds. I have fought hard for each and every pound that I have lost so far. If I eat more than 2000 calories a day, I gain weight. If I allow myself to eat more than my scheduled calories for the day, then I have allowed the food to re-gain control which equals a binge for me. There are big binges and little binges....but, for me, a binge still means a loss of control and a regression into old eating habits.
  • I don't really think Purple meant to be offensive in any way. She was just siting that 2000 - 3000 was really high based on her normal range.

    BrandNewJen - I am sorry that you were offended. I myself am well over 300 lbs and set my limit at 1800 and sometimes 2000 and I didn't find any offense in Purple's reply. I guess sometimes things just strike us in different ways. Name calling isn't appropriate and I don't think "obtuse" was necessary.

    Therefore, I am closing this up. We are all friends here and are trying to do this together.