Um, wow-OT

  • For any other moms out there, I hope you don't mind me venting my frustrations. I have a 4 y.o. DD, and I love her to pieces, but she has a temper, and some days I consider listing her on eBay. Today is one of those days. She wants me to do something for her, but I refuse to do it, because she is saying it in her screechiest, top of her lungs shouting voice, demanding that I "do it NOW!" I'm trying to keep my composure, even though inside I'm seething. I don't know where she got that she can talk to me like that, but buddy, it won't fly around here.
  • Oh no, is this what I have to look forward to LOL. Just kidding. I have a two year old. She doesn't talk too much (due to chronic ear infections) but when she wants something done, man, she will scream at the top of her lungs. She knows better than to do it with me but when she's with daddy, she will get her way no matter what. Good luck.
  • SsssssssssssssssMACK

    That's what worked for me growing up.
  • Sounds like you are talking about my 4 yr old daughter. She is exactly the same way, I have to do it now and I say no you will wait. She then goes on to tell me that I am her mommy and that she loves me very very much so that's why I have to do it right now lol. I usually just ignore her until she is done with her little fit or I try to get her mind off of it and talk about something else.
  • That sounds like me when I was about that age. My poor mom would try to ignore me, but I would follow her anywhere in the house and continue to yell and screem. I can remember her locking herself in the bathroom to get away from me and I would bang on the bathroom door and when that didn't work I would write notes and shove them under the door. I onced screemed and yelled and banged on the bathroom door so hard that I actually passed out with my hands on the back of the door clenched into fists. Had ebay been around in those days you could have bought me for cheap, cheap cheap!

    My mom got creative about how to deal with me... When I would screech about having nothing to wear and how nothing looked right (I was 5, somethings never change I guess...) My mom would grab 2 outfits and toss them in the back yard or garage depending on the weather and I wasn't allowed back in the house till I was dressed. I would bang on the kitchen window and cry that I had to pee. My little brother who would have been about 3 at the time would crack the window and yell back "Pee in the bushes!". Oh, what the neighbours must have though.

    When I would yell and complain at a restaurant my mom would get my food packed up and I'd have to give it to a homeless person and I would get sent to the car (my parents always made sure they could see me). The list goes on and on. I am now a resonably behaved adult (or so I tell myself about the adult part) and all screetching was removed for my vocab by about the age of 6. It did make a slight re-appearance around the age of 13 or 14, but it didn't last long..... You can be much more creative with a 14 year olds punishment than a 4 year olds....
  • LOL, I am going though this w/my 7yr old going on 17yr old DD. Her favorite lines are "your not the boss of me" and "My life stinks"..followed by foot stomping, eye rolling, arm crossing, door slamming, dramatic belly flops onto the couch/bed/floor...etc..etc...My mom just laughs at me when I tell her ..she tells me its karma.....since I had horrible tantrums every day on the way home from school....I even broke her passenger seat from slamming back and forth so much....I cant wait for the teen years!!
  • Shntroy, that sounds like my DD, to a point. I'll lock myself in the bathroom and she'll beat on the door. All this because she wanted me to move the laptop from where she wanted to sit, but I refused to because she crossed her arms and told me, "DO. IT. NOW." She did this during breakfast when she wanted me put put milk in her cereal. 30 minutes later, she had milk in her cereal, after she quit screeching and asked nicely. The parenting books tell you to remain calm, but it's hard to sometimes, I tell ya.
  • If my brother or I did anything like that we either got put in a chair in the corner, put in our rooms for time out, or popped in the mouth. Any and all worked.

    My cousin was just as bad...she would hold her breath and threaten to throw up and so her mom would give in finally one day her dad got sick of it and shoved her head into the trash can at the mall and said if you are gonna throw up then go ahead and do it! That stopped those tantrums right there.

    I'm sorry that she is doing that to you, but good for you for standing your ground!