What have you done today to make you feel PROUD! Take a bow here!

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  • On top of really planning my diet/exercising, cleaning my kitchen, I'm going to financial planning classes, started tonight. It seems that discipline and organization in one sector of life leads to others! I'm on a roll with this new year new me thing and I've made it past Jan, and onto Feb, almost March with this theme - hoping it's for life this time.
  • Today's bows:

    1 hour on the elliptical machine

    avoided chips with lunch even though I bought and paid for a "combo" meal at Subway (cause it's still cheaper to get the sandwich and the Diet Coke that way)
  • I joined Weight Watchers and have my first meeting next week. That's what I did today
  • Cakses! Congratulations!

  • I am proud of myself for sticking to exercising since a week before christmas. Everyweek I have been to the gym. First with a buddy and now kept it up even though she doesn't go anymore. I am working on attending 4 times a week this will be the first. I have 3 days down one more to go. I am feeling confident and I haven't gotten on the scales but feel I have lost and inches are going. The jeans are fitting nicely and my rings are loose. I am a bit scared to step on my scale as I might be disappointed but today have a doc appt so no choice.
  • i was able to finish a workout on one of my exercise dvds today without stopping in the middle of the workout
  • Last night I had the worst craving for cholate and didnt give in, We have alot of it in the house too.
  • I ran a mile today!!!
    Without stopping!!!!!
    Nothing has made me feel so strong and so empowering like that.
  • I did not eat those mint milanos.
    I did not eat those cheetos.
    I did shovel the driveway.
    I did count my calories.
  • I kept it under 1700!
    I had an awesome workout!
    I didn't eat the leftover bagles from Wednesday's meeting!
  • hey

    I'm proud of myself because I wasn't going to go to the gym tonight. But after reading the post "Somebody say something to make me go walking" I decided to go and then I stayed and did 32mins on the treadmill at 3.4mph and did Pecs, Delts & Triceps with free weights. I'm so glad I went I feel better that I did! I'm that much stronger and ready to do my workout for tomorrow!

  • I exercised, allbeit in fits and starts -- but I did it. Wanted to hoover a box of Frosted Flakes last night. There's none in the house, so it wasn't possible. Does that count?
  • Been pretty sick lately with terrible sinus infections and respiratory infections among other things and when I'm sick I tend to crave junk and "comfort" food like chicken and dumplings and stuff like that. I haven't given in so far! I like this thread.. it's motivating makes me wish my body would hurry up and get better so I can get back to exercising..
  • I'm proud of myself because I put together a "mini recipe book" that has my CORE dieting plan - which isn't really a diet, healthy foods that I will eat. I have a list of breakfasts, 2 of which I'll repeat the most often, lunches, 2-3 of which I'll repeat the most often as well, snacks - a bunch to choose from, and I'm working on dinners where I'll be more creative, with individual cards for recipes that fit into my calorie/health plan (plus a list of frozen entrees for when I'm really busy so I won't eat out/junk/fast food). Next I'll create a "travel" plan, I go on trips for business and eating out has been mine downfall, so I'll have a list of restaurants I can go to and a list of what to put in a cooler. I've gotten my ideas from a number of books, Clean Diet, Superfoods RX, Don't Say Diet, Grocery Store Diet. Finally I found I can't follow a diet, that I feel empowered to create MY OWN plan from various ideas and sources. With time I'll modify my menus but for now I'm just PROUD to have gotten this far!!!!!!!
  • I walked fast paced relentlessly for about an hour and a half, with a stop to do 20 minutes of tai ji.

    My feet hurt like ****, "these shoes weren't made for walking, and hurt just they will do, one of these days my feet will fall off.. nananananaa"