Tell me this isn't annoying

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  • I was at work last night, with the skinny, size 2 high school girls with their high metabolisms who can still snarf down anything they want to. They had their calzones and pizzas, and I had my salad and crunchy carrots. Lemme tell you, the pizza was looking good (but I didn't have any). Anyway, I was eating my salad, they were eating theirs, and they started taunting me. Waving food in front of my face, saying "Mmmm, you know you want this, it's sooo good, pizza is way better than carrots" and I finally had to say, "CUT IT OUT!" Nice, huh?
  •'ll catch up with them some day, one way or another....
  • Seriously, forget about them. When they do that just sit back and think to yourself, "your day is coming". Thats rude but they have no idea what it is to struggle with weight. I would be ticked too if they did that to me! You did good and did not give in to there temptation!
  • Wow that's mature of them *insert sarcasm*.

    What goes around comes around in the end. They'll get theirs some day.
  • hahaha...agreed.
  • evil.
    someday, they'll realize how awful they were and regret it.

    so sorry!
  • yeah, that's not just annoying, that's downright rude, even if you weren't trying to lose weight. How is that acceptable behavior in ANY context? I would go out of my way to avoid people like that...
  • Look up the how much sat fat, calories ect... the next time they ask say yea I know what it is then tell them... Then add I deserve better than that!!
  • Yeah, just wait. Perk for me is I'm young and figuring it all out now. Better than being them. They will be skinny then have a kid or two and they will balloon up. I do my silent evil laugh at those people. Wooohhaha. That's mean, but it makes me feel better.
  • That isn't professional and may even be bordering on harassment! I agree with the others, just ignore them. It will catch up with them one day!
  • I used to be a thin girl...( not mean, just thin) and looked what happened to me.. lol Their day will come. Karma is a b***h. We shall have the last laugh.
  • I feel your pain...
    My daughter is 21, 5'2"; weighs about 98 lbs. She eats all the wrong things, basically lives off of junk food. Yesterday I told her..."Look at your mama; I weighed but 9 lbs. more than you at your age...This IS your future...unless you makes changes now." She of course laughed it off...I think I did at that age too. I am worried about what she eats; there are many hereditary health issues in this family.

    I know it is annoying watching others eat what ever they want; while you have to watch every bite you take. Try to ignore them...maybe they will get the message and go away...LOL

  • Juveniles acting like juveniles. Definitely annoying. Ask them if their moms would be proud of them for their behavior.
  • Cocacola, I was the same way as a teenager. I worked at Sonic in high school...oh Lord, the foods I ate. Tater tots and cheese, blasts, burgers...egads. I was blessed with a great metabolism when I was 17, as well, but definitely wouldn't wave a cheeseburger in someone's face who couldn't eat it. A couple kids later, and I'm not in such hot shape. Could be worse, but I'm nipping it in the bud early. All I can do is, in my head, evil laugh, thinking, "Yeah, keep eating like that and one day you won't be a size 2." Hopefully the more I bring in better foods, the less bothersome they will be to me.
  • A friend of mines (who struggles with her weight) told me something really interesting her mum told her....

    People who have it easy when they are younger are not lucky! They will his 30 and balloon and then have no idea what on earth to do about it!

    Then theres people like us who struggle forever, hit a point and think "this is it" we work hard, we get where we want to achieve and we realise that every piece of chocolate we skipped, every salad we consumed, ever kilomoetre we ran is worth! Cas being slim and healthy is so much more than that! That realisation is so powerful...and means we will never struggle as much as them! We might go up and down, but we know how to deal with it, and we know how effective and easy it is in comparison to being overweight!