Squee! Met a goal!

  • After my emo, self-depressed pity party a few days ago (and thanks again everyone for putting up with me ), I put my diet back on the front burner. I've been taking the time at night to prepare everything for the next day - clothes (for everyone, lol), bags, meals, everything. It's been much easier to do things that way, since I can just wake up in the morning and grab a bag.

    I have hit my first goal(s) of 240 pounds (15.5 lost) and a "By-The-Chart" size 20. I very triumphantly updated my goals and tickers this morning. When I reach my new set of goals, I'll be going shopping!

    I'm trying not to worry about the 80 pounds ahead of me, but that still eats at me. I tell myself that it's a work in progress, and I may hit 199 and decide that I'm happy there. But today I'm just happy that I hit a goal!

  • That's great about your preparation ahead of time. That will make life much easier in the morning!

  • Congrats!! How exciting.
  • Yay!!! Awesome.

    Maybe come up with a little reward for yourself. A magazine or book...a nice body cream...whatever you're into.

  • Woo-Hoo!
    You Rock!
  • Wonderful!!!

  • That is awsome! Keep up the great work!!1
  • That is great! Just take it one step, one mini-goal at a time. Keep enjoying those triumphant moments along the way!
  • WTG, you are doing awesome! Keep it up!
  • Great job and great attitude!!!! Preparing ahead is such a good idea and so timesaving.