Trying again...

  • Hey guys. I've been here before, though it's sadly been two months since I visited. Does anyone remember me? Life kinda got a little crazy. I found out my Grandma had a tumor in her brain, we had christmas, My grandma went in for surgery which was successful, I hurt my hip (bursitis) and couldn't work out at the gym for a long time, and then my gram passed away from a blood clot in her lung (from after the surgery.) With everything that happened I found myself returning to the same old habits: over eating, too many carbs, junkfood binges... and while I am happy I caught myself long before gaining back all the weight I lost, I still gained back 5 lbs, and I feel very far away from my target weight. I also feel like it's going to be hard to kickstart myself into healthier habits. I know this sounds awful, but do you ever go back to eating all the junkfood and wonder if being thin is worth giving up all of it? I was going through that for a little while... until I realized how quickly my cruise is coming up!!!!! I am going on a carribean cruise with my hubby on may 18th, and I want to feel good about myself when that once in a lifetime opportunity rolls around. I will be having a lot of bathing suit time. So... I am ready to start again. While I won't reach my initial goal weight of 135 by the time of the cruise, I am pretty sure I can hit 145, so that is going to be my new target cruise weight. Help me guys... I remember how hard it was to lose those last 13 lbs, and I know I can't do it alone. I missed you all!
  • Welcome back!

    What a rough time you've had!

    Just make sure you snuggle right back in here at 3FC. Let us know if there's anything we can help you with.
  • Hi Little Moon Rabbit,

    You remind me of a saying I once heard that goes "Life is what happens when we're busy making other plans."

    I am so sorry about your gram and your grief. So glad you're back at 3FC, and I'm sure your friends will find you and give you tons of support.

    And Kudos to you for "catching," yourself before you regained any more weight!
    Once you get going again, keep going - (perhaps if I had learned this earlier, I would not have emotionally eaten my way to 226 pounds in part due to unsuccessful fertility treatments and carried that weight for nearly 5 yrs!).


    You can do this - WE CAN DO THIS!

    I hope it's ok if I give you a hug

  • Thanks guys... I missed this nice little support system. It's great to know there's a place you can go where people understand what it's like to be over weight and to struggle with bad eating habits. My husband has been eating the same food as me, and instead of gaining 5 lbs, he has lost 5 lbs. Go figure
  • you're welcome -- hey, that's a great little ultimate goal pic -- mind sharing how you did that? I would love that!

  • Hey there! Welcome back I remember your name (ChibiTsukiUsagi).

    I'm so sorry to see that you've had it rough. You don't have to go it alone. We're all here for you. Jump back on the horse.
  • Welcome back!
  • Quote: you're welcome -- hey, that's a great little ultimate goal pic -- mind sharing how you did that? I would love that!

    I can't remember what site it was, but it was an internet clothing site- I am sure you could find it. I entered my weight and height at my starting weight and then at my goal weight. After each I copied i and pasted in into paint side by side
  • Quote: Hey there! Welcome back I remember your name (ChibiTsukiUsagi).

    I'm so sorry to see that you've had it rough. You don't have to go it alone. We're all here for you. Jump back on the horse.
    ChibiTsukiUsagi... lol, when I was younger I used to be so in love with Sailor Moon... the show, the manga, all of it. Even though I have since grown out of it, I always think back fondly on the main character Usagi... seemingly flawed in so many ways, but always strong enough to face any challenge. I can still see why I identified so well with her character.
  • Quote: ChibiTsukiUsagi... lol, when I was younger I used to be so in love with Sailor Moon... the show, the manga, all of it. Even though I have since grown out of it, I always think back fondly on the main character Usagi... seemingly flawed in so many ways, but always strong enough to face any challenge. I can still see why I identified so well with her character.
    I don't get the chance to be obsessed with Sailormoon like I was when I was a teenager, but, yes, I'm also still fond of it. Yeah, can see how many people identify with Usagi.

    I was always a Makoto sort of girl

    And goodness I still have all of my collectibles. I won't ever get rid of those!