#194 Bale of Turtles Doing It!!!!!

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  • Hello to everyone! Such a nice welcome. I am still learning how to use boards and so far enjoying just reading posts and answering when I can.
    Judy, I think I am in the same boat when it comes to being hungry and think too it is emotional hunger. All the other weeks I did O K on the points and lost (10.8 lbs so far.) Maybe if I pick up on the exercise it will 'even out'.
    Loved the angel food cake recipe and will make it for this Sunday with grandkids coming for dinner. Need to lick this worry about family matters instead of licking my dish. LOL
  • Liz,
    I hear you and like the way you said it. Lick the family matters instead of the dish!!

    See you all on #195 Bale of Turtles Climbing over Obstacles!
    Look for it in the ww clubs.