Steel Magnolias -- #4

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  • Good morning everyone! I finished the cutest pair of little mary jane style booties to go with the sweater and hat yesterday. They think she is going to have a girl and I didn't want her to get the idea I was making boy clothes so I whipped them up. I ordered these teeny little heart buttons to put on them and will post the picture after they come and I can sew them on. I may just have the pants done by then and can take a picture of the whole outfit. I got the yarn yesterday for the sweater I am making for one of my friend's for her birthday in August so that is my next project. It will be tedious as it is a lace pattern throughout.

    Susan: Hope you have fun at your quilt show. I know you have to be happy with Stan's good doctor report. I will be happy when the summer season gets here to get good fresh fruit locally and tomatos. I love fresh ripe tomatos.

    Jean: Hope you are all ready to fly to Maui today and have a great time!

    Time to get chores done and do some knitting.
  • I know everyone is out of town and such except maybe Gloria, but I wanted to keep us on the front page.

    I decided to get the clean out done and did the go lightly at 8:30. Oh my gosh, how nasty is that stuff. I got all of it down but the last half glass and gave up. I had to drink a half gallon of the nasty stuff. I sat with a black trash bag with my ostomy bag inside it! It seems to be all done now, but I am starving and get nothing until tomorrow. I drank some chicken broth and hot tea and some water. Jack may have to go and get me some jello! lol

    Hope everyone is having fun on their trips. Back to knitting for me.

  • Yes Faye, I am here. I do have to respond to your 'fun' day today. I have done that so many times and my turn will be again on April 1 as I have a colonoscopy scheduled for April 2. I only wish you the very best tomorrow and remember the worst is over. I have colon cancer in my family so I have been going through this for the last 15 years. The first time they found a couple of polops and were able to take them with no problem. After that I have had a 'clean' report each time. With the history I still need to be on top of this...I am now on a once in 5 years schedule which isn't too bad.

    I know that Jean is in the nice warm air of Hawaii and hope that she is really enjoying herself...she deserves it.

    Susan: Happy to hear that DH is making progress. I am sure you are very happy to have lost weight since Christmas...keep up the good work.

    A week ago yesterday I picked up my new glasses and had to take them back on Friday. The right lens was falling out. Just what one would expect after paying $428. They will have to examine them to see why that is happening and it will be another two weeks before I get them back. Thank goodness I had my old glasses with me.

    We hare having a bit of rain which is supposed to be heavy tomorrow. It will be warm..which is good as it would be snow if it were colder.

    Faye: I hope you have an easy day tomorrow.

  • Good afternoon, ladies!

    Faye, I hope the miserable test is over and you can put it behind you! You are always thinking of more things to knit. The booties must be really cute.

    Gloria, good to hear from you. Isn't it awful what you have to pay for glasses these days. I generally wait for Pearl Vision or Sears Optical to have a good sale.

    It was rainy and nasty this morning, but sunny ad 67 degrees now.

    I'm working extra today thru Wednesday and then taking the rest of the week off so I can go to the quilt show with a clear conscious.

    Having "Faye's Stuff" for dinner at hubbie's request.
  • Good morning to you all! I hope your day is starting out well. Except for a sore tushy area and a kind of bruised feeling stoma from the tubing, I am fine. He did say there is several diverticulum on my intestines, but I am not sure that wasn't there when I had to have surgery. It isn't something the doctor would have messed with I don't think. I think he was more concerned getting the poison cleaned out and the bad part of my colon removed. I think you can control the inflammation with diet and medication if needed. I had no symptoms I was in trouble until the day it happened, but I am going to try and really up my fiber to a level that will make it lots less likely for them even to become inflammed and since I drink water, I don't have to worry about that. I do plan on talking to the doctor at my next appt to find out what kinds of fiber are needed for this as I guess there is soluble and insoluble???
    As far as the test, everything went fine until the very end. They did my stoma first, which was a snap and not painful or even uncomfortable. When they did the other, I knew what to expect so at least I was prepared. The junior tech forgot to clamp off the balloon that keeps it all in though and after the dr did his thing with the machine, she was taking still xrays and was down to the last one. She had me roll to my left side and the balloon deflated and the whole thing came out. There wasn't much I could do about that as I was holding it in as best I could. She called the senior tech and told her it all came out and they discussed whether the balloon would show up in the last shot, she said no to go ahead then said, "You didn't clamp it and that's why it came out." I wasn't embarrassed, just told her I was sorry that it just fell out on it's own. That was that, I cleaned up, luckily I didn't have it all over me, put on a new bag, put on new gowns then went back in for one picture to make sure the stuff was all out then I dressed and left. I was pretty shaky afterward and tired all day. I had some breakfast on the way home and later some lunch, then fell asleep in the recliner and slept for 3 hours solid! We were having cornish hens and I slept right through putting them through my spice mix and into the oven. We had to have sandwiches for dinner!

    Susan: I thought you left for quilt show last weekend. Well, I hope you can get all your work done and get off to have some fun. Who is staying with Stan?

    Gloria: Jack's glasses cost nearly that with vision insurance. We actually have better insurance since the city changed, which shocked me as they go for the cheapest they can get. I wear contacts and the exam was only a $15 copay, then $150 credit for contacts, $30 of which came off for the fitting so was left with $120. You have another $15 copay, but if you order more than the $120 credit +$15 you just pay that. For example, I ordered 6 boxes, 5 were covered so I had to pay the other $24. I am going to my regular internet site to the order the rest as they are almost $10 a box cheaper.

    Everyone have a great day today. I am off to do some chores, then finish up a little pair of khaki bell bottoms to go with the sweater, hat and shoes.

  • Good morning gals! Hope everyone is having a good day. I am sure Jean is having a fabulous time in sunny Maui.

    Not much to talk about. Just want to keep us up on the front page.

    Susan: Hope the "Faye's Stuff" turned out ok. I think it is a pretty easy recipe and one that adapts to a lot of diets, especially since it came from the American Heart Association. I sure like it as does Jack. Hope you can get your work all done today then have fun at the quilt show.

    My brother wants to move my mom's grave so we have been disccussing that. She is currently buried in a tiny cemetary near her former home, but also next to my abusive stepfather who just passed away a few months ago. Everything about the area is only bad memories and my brother wants her moved up to where the rest of the family plots are. He is willing to pay for the whole thing so I told him he has my blessing if he wishes to do it. It certainly would make it easier to visit her grave if she is nearer and it would be easier to put that part of our lives behind us forever too. We shall see what happens.

    Guess I better kick in and get some housework done. I had some cramping most likely from leftover barium yesterday so didn't do much except sit and drink water. I feel loads better this morning so no excuses not to get to work.

    Have a great Wednesday!
  • Good morning! I did a quick post yesterday but it must have ended up in cyberspace.

    Quilt Show starts tomorrow. It's not far from where I live so I will be at home at night. Stan's aide will be putting in more hours and coming on Saturday and Sunday so I can go. I have 100 respite hours a quarter and hardly ever use them.

    Took him to the doctor yesterday - bad news, more surgery to clean out a deep pocket of junk that is still draining but the incision is almost healed. It'll probably be next Thursday. Poor guy is feeling worse again and hardly eating.

    More later!