Just starting

  • I hope i can reach a mini-goal of 4-5Lbs this week..i haven't dieted in years...og goshhhhh
  • Hellooooo and good luck Arabianwit...have a good week and let us know how you get on at your first weigh in.

    Love Boo x x
  • Quote: I hope i can reach a mini-goal of 4-5Lbs this week..i haven't dieted in years...og goshhhhh
    Hi and Welcome to 3FC - a great place to be!

    According to the BMI charts and the weight and height that you have in your profile, you are already at mid range of a "normal" and healthy range. So, I'm thinking that 4 -5 pounds lost in a week is going to be pretty difficult, if not impossible to obtain. I would think that weight loss for you might be slower. It's when we start out at higher weights that it comes off faster in the beginning.

    You say you haven't dieted in years, well you're obviously doing something right, since you are at that healthy weight - good for you!!! What kind of plan will you be following? Whatever it is, please be patient as weight loss is not an immediate gratifacation type thing. Good luck to you.
  • Hey!

    What kind of plan are you following for your weight loss? 4-5 pounds a week at your current weight is pretty much impossible unless you're doing something dangerous. 4-5 pounds a month would be good!

    Tell us what program you're doing.

  • Hi and welcome!

    I'm going to invite you to join us in Featherweights.

    Lot's of us there are kinda trimming ... the last couple pounds ... the last couple inches. Sort of like fine tuning toward maintaining.

    Hope to see you there.