New Member Says Hello...

  • Hello Everyone,

    I have been using this site as motivation since I started my journey to a healthier life on 10/20/07. I have read from the sidelines for a while and really appreciate the positivety that is generally the rule on this site. I am a recent new father and am so happy that even my small progress to date has resulted in a "real life" change in my life. I am able to play more with my child and I enjoy her more as a result. She is truly a blessing in my life. My motivation is simple...I WANT TO LIVE BETTER! I DESERVE TO LIVE BETTER! AND I WILL LIVE BETTER! Surrounding yourself with successful people is the surest way to insure success and thats why I am here. Thank you all and I look forward to getting to know you all....
  • I have also found this site to be filled with positive people! Congratulations on your weight loss so far, that is a tremendous achievement with a new little one at home! I have a one-year-old and they are good motivation for sure. Welcome!
  • Hey Takingback...

    Congratulations on your successes so far...that's incredible!

    We have lots of groups here...chats by amount to lose, like the 300 plus or 100 lb clubs, chats by age, chats by find a spot or several and keep posting.

    I can't wait to hear more from you soon!
  • Hi and welcome!

    Don't just read! Come on right in and post. We're glad you're here. Always remember that if there's anything we can help you with, just ask.
  • Hey &

    Great motivation! Jump on in & post wherever you're comfortable

    Best of luck!!!
  • Welcome!! This is a wonderful site and such an amazing tool for support! You do DESERVE a better life and you WILL have it!!

    Much SUCCESS to you!