300+ Weekly Thread #1144

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    We are a group of individuals who weigh or have weighed 300+, or near there. This group was formed to provide a place for others like us to find support and hope. We are aware of the distinct problems that come with weighing over 300 lbs.

    We want to invite everyone (roosters as well as chicks!) to join us in our journey. We share laughter and tears, heartaches and fears ... joys and celebrations. We also share what works for us and what doesn't.

    We know the thread can move very quickly, and that people often make "personal" remarks and keep a number of conversations going. Please feel free to contribute even if you can't make personal comments all the time.

    Finally, we also have several extra threads going on simutaneously such as Monthly Challenges, Weekly Weigh-ins, Recipes, Bios, Photos, Exercise, Info for Getting Started and more. Many of these threads are stickied at the top of the page. Please feel free to check them all out.

    We have found this thread to be more than just a support group... we have found it to become a home. We invite you to join us.

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  • Okay, I started a new thread but forgot to add #1144. If you can help Heather, Please do. LOL.

    Xena: Hi. I hope things get more sane for you soon.

    Kayley: Great job not snacking at the movies. I take some green tea when I go or water. It helps to sip, sip, sip.

    Debbie: I hope you have a great loss this week on the scale!

    Catherine: How was your party? I bet smashing success!

    Carol: So glad that your party was great. Did your sister treat you nicely? I sure hope so.

    Juleecee: Your chille recipe sounds yummy.

    Angie: I'm impressed by 5 minutes on the elliptical. Those are such killer machines.

    Tina: Glad you are able to talk with your daughter some about her weight.

    Well, I am at work very early today. I have 63 reports to do and wanted to say hello before I get going. Applied for another job yesterday and will talk to someone about one today as well. I'm sure God will work everything out the way it is supposed to be. I am now just praying for patience and to be calm and not get so upset. One of my many bosses told me on Thursday that I am too much of a perfectionist and it is making me get nervous. I told her that my being a perfectionist isn't the problem. Having too many bosses tell me each something different or wanting something different is the problem. Oh well.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day today and drink and move.
  • Hi, I'm new! I introduced myself in another post somewhere, but I'll be glad to do it again. My name is Charlene, and I'm 32 from TN. I had gastric bypass surgery about 4-1/2 years ago, and my heighest weight then was 355. I lost 115-1/2 lbs, but over the course of two or three years, I regained what I lost, and ended up at Weight Watchers a week and a half ago at 358-1/2. But, my first week, I've lost 1-1/2 lbs. I've decided to cut out my flex points this week and up my water intake. I usually drink NO water, but I've found some sugar-free Kool-Aid singles for bottled water. Hopefully, that will help.

    Anyway, I'm back on the wagon and getting married in less than nine weeks. I want my dress to fit better than it does, so my goal is 15 lbs by that time. I think I can do it!!! I look forward to all the support I'll get here.
  • The last guests left about 10pm last night, and since the game ended at 8 our time, we just stuck a movie in after the game was over because people didn't want to go home. One woman who works a lot of hours during the week who only has Sunday afternoon to do her laundry wanted to come, so we told her to just bring her laundry with her, and she did. She did laundry while watching the game. One guy came late because he's a bus driver and had to work until after 6. His girlfriend came earlier, and he came straight from work, had some dinner, and just fell asleep on the sofa curled up next to her. We may not have a big house, and it's certainly not fancy, the furniture needs replacing, but no one seems to notice or care. I've been in Canada 2 years now, and it is really starting to feel like home.
  • Xena, thanks for the ideas on chili ingredients. I don't know, I just think chili in general is fattening isn't it? I used 80% lean ground beef, 4 cans of tomato sauce, 4 cans of kidney beans, the chili mix, and that was about it. I did have 2 cups of it, so maybe I should of made smaller portions. I like to make alot of it, because then it goes for my husbands lunches for work. I added 2 oz. cheese, and some onion on top too. I want to try veggies in it next time though, that sounds good.

    Heather, I hope you can get yourself straightened out. I know how hard it is. I wanted to eat ALOT last night and did eat more than I should have. Back to OP today though.

    Carol, I'm so glad the party went well. I bet she had so much fun once she got there. Funny how they can be so stubborn though. Yep. take some time for yourself now. You're doing great on all the exercise. Great news on increasing your reps too!

    Tina, YAY!! She's trying to help herself.That is the first step. I'm sure with your gentle guidance, she will do well in her journey to lose some weight. What a great Mom you are!!

    Annie, I hope you get the job you want. I can't imagine having so many people telling me what to do. They should be happy that you are a perfectionist and want to do the job right. Just hang in there, good things are coming your way.

    Hi RockStarChar, I'm glad you found us and we're so happy to have you here. You gotta drink that water if you wanna flush that fat out. I know it's hard, but just try to up it in small amounts and before you know it, you'll be drinking lots of it. Good luck to you on you journey.

    Catherine, that's wondeful that people can feel like the are at "home" in your house. I love it when people feel that way. It sounds like you had fun and relaxed too.

    Well, I was certainly disappointed in the game. The commercials were great though. I couldn't believe how the Pats coach walked off the field. He should be ashamed of himself.
    We have some snow falling right now! So pretty.
    I didn't fair too well last night during the game. I ate too much and regret it now, but that's pretty typical. I just have to hoist my fanny back up on the weight loss wagon and get myself together.
    Hope all are doing well, and if you're not,
  • Annie - Good luck with the reports!! And I've got my fingers crossed that you'll hear back about a new job SOON!!!

    Charlene - Hello & WELCOME to the forum!!!

    Just a quick MONDAY post for you all! lol. My wireless is down, because Andrew went tinkering even when I told him not to! So, he has to get his booty back here, and fix it for me! Hehe. So, I'm confined to a desktop for the moment. Bleh.

    I did NOT need a workout today, I'm telling you what. I had to wrestle this one student on the bus this morning, and the sweat was just pouring off me for about 3 hours straight. Heh. I'm going to count a little bit of it into my goal (only about 30 mins, though, not the whole three hours.) Because I definately think it counts, and I was worn OUT afterwards!!! lol.

    Well, I'm going to make a salad for dinner, and go play some Sims 2 on my laptop before hitting the hay early tonight! Hope you all had a GREAT Monday!
  • Hi Peeps - how's everybody?

    Annie - things will work out for you jobwise. Keep your faith. It is hard listening to so many bosses. I know I think in certain ways I am a perfectionist too - I am having to learn "gray" in eating - I have always been black or white - when I tripped up I would just stay off until Monday - or the first of the month - or the first of the year - or until I weighed 348 pounds. Hugs to you my friend.

    Charlene - WELCOME - there is so much support here - keep posting! Congrats on the upcoming marriage.

    Catherine - your hospitality is just as I suspected. Your home is truly open to all. The world is a better place with you and Himself in it. I love it when my guests are comfortable enough to make themselves at home.

    Debbie - I put a lot of green pepper and onion in my chilli - no mix - I cook red beans down eliminating some of the sodium (and we think they taste better too). I also use 50% turkey/50% 93% ground beef with lots of tomatoes (have to be put in the blender), garlic, cumin, chilli powder and pepper. Depending on who all is eating it I will also put in crushed red peppers (like for pizza) and jalapenos. I always make two huge pots since I don't know how to make a little chilli. Normally I only make it once during the fall since I freeze it for us to eat all winter.

    Great job being back on track today. You go girl!

    Kayley - you are rockin! Sounds like you are liking your new job. Get Andrew back over there to get your wireless back up and running - although I would spend less time online if I had to use the desktop - hmmmm - good idea.

    Hoping the scale chooses to move tomorrow - I wasn't ready for a plateau - like who is - OK - no sense borrowing worries.

    Everyone have a great evening. Move your bodies, drink your water and SMILE.

  • This is my first post to the weekly thread. Hello all!

    I had a very down-in-the-dumps kind of day. No particular reason, and I suspect it's PMS related. I just didn't have the inspiration to do anything, all day long. But my Just My Size Yoga dvd came from the library today, so I'm going to do that tonight.

  • While I am thrilled to see Katt back, I'm super down about my weight. However, this is my post from yesterday when I weighed in.
    " I'm up to 300.6 today and my measurements went up to 160".
    I don't really get it. I know I'm swollen and bloated, but I don't know
    why, so I really hope it goes away. I haven't gone nuts with sodium, but I haven't been getting enough fluids this week either.
    I don't want to change my ticker yet. I'm so sad."
    I think a lot of has to do with drinking lots of soda last week and have 2 strawberry daquaris (spelling ?????) Saturday.
  • I did so awesome during the Superbowl as far as eating went and the game was exciting too!

    I had a 6 inch tender roast beef sub from Subway, one of those small sized bags of Baked lays and a Diet A&W Root beer. A bit later in the game I was still hungry. I look at my calories and they were hovering at 1,250! No wonder. I could have eaten something bad, but I ate a sliced granny smith apple with a cup of Fat Free Cool Whip for dippin'. I think before the night was over, I also ate a serving of unsalted, dry roasted peanuts. I made it under my goal in both calories and sodium and had about 92 ounces of water! YAY!

    This is day 4 of alternating JMS Yoga with WATP and let me tell you, I stink at yoga. I about tripped during Warrior 1 today and I can barely do all the leg pumps and stuff because it makes my wrist hurt but I did more of that section today (about 90%) than I did last time. I also am utterly awful at downward dog. I can't straighten my legs but I hope I will get better. The last time I really felt it in my arms. I can this time too but not nearly as bad. Either I didn't work as hard this time or my body is getting better at this. Let's hope it's the latter.

    It got really warm here, about 65 (way above the norm for Feb) and it's supposed to get up to 58 tomorrow and then get cold reeeaaaaallll fast.

    Hope everyone is doing well~
  • Hi all,

    Today was pretty on plan. And I exercised. And feel good about that. And I only worked 10 hours...yahoo!!!

    So on to personals.

    Catherine...what a great host you are. I am happy your party went well. I am a Steeler fan, so I despise the Pats. I can't get over Spygate, and obviously there is some poor sportsmanship. Little rant there...iffn ya didn't notice.

    Annie... I am sorry your job is so draining. You are a trooper...remember that. You will ALWAYS succeed.

    Heather...sorry to hear a few pounds crept back. But good for you catching it before it got out of control. I have messed up a few times lately, but I am determined to weigh daily to catch the damage. I was a whiny little baby about losing only two pounds in Jan...but it was 2 pounds in the right direction, darn it!!

    Debbie....you are a DDR queen. I really enjoy it, but don't seem to get to it as I should. Until I get able to do the elliptical for a longer period of time (I am doing 6 minute intervals now.... ), I am supplementing with DDR. And I think perhaps a little strength training tomorrow. I have a physical next month and I am trying to impress my Dr.

    Carol....can I just sayyou are a chipper, fun contributor to this board. Even when the scale doesn't do what you ask it to, you get on keepin on.

    Kayley...glad to see you are enjoying your life so much. Good for you!!!

    Where or where did my little Ratkitty go? Where are ya chicky? I miss ya.

    Any of you I missed....so sorry. Keep on going!!!

    Take care and be well,
  • Heather: I promise, yoga gets so much easier with practice! When I first started, I could hardly hold a balance pose for two or three seconds, and always had a chair in front of me in case I started to lose it. Now I can hold the dancer pose, and I hardly ever feel like I'm going to fall over.

    Congratulation on getting started with it! I think you'll enjoy it more as it gets easier.

  • Hi All~

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    I'm doing okay. Today was the first day that I was able to go out for a walk after hearing that my ankle is sprained. I got about halfway through my usual walk and my ankle locked up on me and caused a bit of pain. I ended up cutting my walk short to get home and put my foot up. :/

    I am struggling to get back on program here again. Gah!!! My mother makes Gumbo every year for Super Bowl (no the Gumbo wasn't the problem), but she also has a lot of snacks. While I tended to stay with the veggies that I brought over, I had some chips and such, so I am fairly certain that I have a gain going here, somewhere. I refuse to weigh myself until I get a battery for my scale. The thing is weighing me at like 4lbs. up and down within a few minutes of weighings. :/

    Anyway, again, I hope everyone is doing well and if not, as always, you are in my prayers.

  • Charlene: Welcome. I hope that you enjoy it here. Everyone is so very supportive and encouraging. Congrats to you on your upcoming wedding. You can do it Charlene. Put your mind to it and see yourself less 15 pounds!

    Catherine: I almost felt like I was at your house when you were discribing the party. sounds so great! I bet all of your guests feel at home.

    Debbie: It's okay. So the game is over and a new day tomorrow to drink more water to flush out that sodium and anything else you ate that wasn't the best choice. You can do it Debbie!

    Kayley: I got 61 our ot 63 reports done today!!! I was so proud of myself. Days like today make me glad that I am a perfectionist because I know the reports are done right and I only have 2 more to do by 5 pm tomorrow. Should be a breeze!

    Carol: Hugs to you. I hope you have a great weigh in tomorrow!

    Lisa: Welcome, You will love all the people here. Wonderful support and friendship with a ton of encouragement along the way. Sorry you are feeling blah! Hugs.

    Sandy: You silly goose. Of coarse the extra sodium in the soda pops is making you retain water. It is only 1 pound silly. Keep on truckin. You are doing so well. Hugs.

    HatherDW: Great job eating at the game!

    Angie: Thanks.

    Well, It is 8:34 and past my bedtime. lol. 4 a.m gets here mighty early.

    Blessings all,
  • Hi Storey,

    We must have been posting at the same time. Hugs to you and I hope that when you do weigh it isn't up at all.
