"The Feb Group"

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  • Sorry I am not able to post for a few days.. fell and cannot sit at the computer. question re: calories burned.. from the fitday software activities log.
    might be in error. I will check it thanks for mentioning it to me.
  • Coralee-- How are you doing???? Sounds like you are in a fair amount of pain.

    Misty- you are rocking!! Great job!

    Lori-- hope your test went well and you are feeling better!

    Since we are only on page five, I don't think I am going to start a new thread.

    Anyone in the mood for a challenge? I am challenging myself to drink all my water (64 ounces) every day this week.

    I think I am finally over the stomach bug. That was a doozie. Drinking water actually seems doable to me. I have been having leg, feet and back cramps, I think from dehydration, so I need to get some down me. Drinking water, or eating normally, didn't sound doable to me last week.

    My data is entered into my calorie tracker and it has new batteries- I am ready to roll in the morning. I think I may head out to the mall to walk-- we can't catch a weather break here.

    Have a great night!
  • Just a quick post. I've been sick all weekend, but slowly getting better. Glad today is a holiday and I didn't have to use any sick time! Will check in again tomorrow hopefully.
  • So very close on my water. Tomorrow I will nail it.
    The weather is insane here. I can't wait to walk outside!
  • Hey girls,
    Sorry I haven't been around. I've had a terrible week.. I cant stop eating! I was doing so good I don't know whats gotten into me. I've hit every fast food place and ate everything in sight for the past 5 days. Wednesday is my weigh in day and I'm not even looking forward to it. I'm guessing I put on more then a few pounds during this fat fest. But it ends now!!!
    I need to get back on track .. I am going to lower my calories to 1200 a day until I lose all the weight I managed to put back on, I am going to drink my 64 fl oz of water and I am going to do some form of exercise EVERYDAY. I can't even believe I sabatoged myself like this. I feel just horrible.
  • Hey Ladies...
    Sounds like everyone has had their battles between Coralee falling, Lori getting sick, Chris getting over being sick and Traci having a bad week!! I hope everyone is feeling better and getting back on track! I had such an insane weekend!! I ended up staying up till 4am working on my homework and midterm and did homework all the way through my sister's bf's bday party. I ate pretty well under the circumstances. Friday I ate rice pilaf, salad, steamed broccoli and rolls. I also had a small piece of cake and I had a long island iced tea without the coke. On Saturday I ended up going up early after staying up till 4am to finish up the homework and midterm. My bf and I went out for his bday Saturday night. The buffet at the comedy club forced me into pretty much the same dinner from the night before, rice pilaf, steamed broccoli, salad and warmed pita bread. Sunday I was at my mom's, she ordered Chinese, but I stuck to soup and an egg roll. Yesterday I had my one meat meal, warmed roast beef sandwich! OMG, it was delicious! Luckily, she had cheesecake for dessert, which I hate. I had no sugar added apple raspberry pie and no sugar added vanilla ice cream. I am sure I wasn't exactly within my calorie range, but I could've really blown it, which I don't think I did. I seem to have maintained my weight, which makes me happy. Now it is time to get back ont rack. The weather here was cooperating, but it seems as though it is going to rain on and off for the whole week. I found out the fitness room at my complex doesn't open till 8am, which rules out working out before work, so I am going to TRY to get in there and at least walk on the treadmill after work, but school makes it really hard to do. So, my mom and I finally bit the bullet and each ordered Urban Rebounders. I am pretty excited because I can get up before work and bounce with my ipod on without disturbing my bf, w/o worrying about weather. It comes with dvds, so once I am comfortable on it, I can use those, I can also add weights once I am comfortable too. Then, my mom and I just both found it that our jobs supplement an LA Fitness membership, so eventually we are talking about getting a membership. We can workout 3 days there and 3 days at home on the bouncer, then have one day off. I can't wait for it get here! Now I just got to order an Enell to keep the girls from slapping me in the face! Anyway, I hope that everyone is doing much better today!!

    The plan for today:
    4-5 bottles of water
    Walk for 30 mins (either at lunch or at home on the treadmill)
    1800 calories

    B: Honey nut Cheerios with skim milk (250)
    S: Kashi GOLEAN Roll (190)
    L: Mac n Cheese with broccoli (398)
    S: Organic granola bar (120)
    D: Spinach ravioli, salad, sourdough toast (643)
    S: ??
    Total calories consumed: 1599 before after dinner snack
  • Today I did much better. I had to rethink my 1200 calorie punishment I want to get at least 1200 calories a day but hitting that number and not going over or under is a tad impossible. So I'm restricting myself to 1400. I did go a tad above it and I know I could have done better, but I'm not going to beat myself up over it.

    Calories: 1411
    Water: 64 fl oz
    Exercise: 45 min workout video

    So maybe the scale gods will feel sorry for me and tomorrows weigh in wont be as devistating as I'm anticipating..

    Blueyedluvgirl - Great job maintaining your weight! I know I would have gave in to temptation and ended up gaining gaining gaining...
  • Traci-- great job!! It is so hard to get back on track. I love that you are losing weight before your wedding. That is an awesome motivator.

    Misty-- you are rocking my world. You are doing such a great job.

    Lori and Coralee-- how are you feeling???

    Got my water in today. I had a little help from the baby. She won't drink from a sippy cup but likes my 32 ounce bottle. Go figure. I am not taking her amount off my total.

    Tomorrow is my day at work. Lots of temptations... that is the problem with working with a bunch of women.

    Have a great day!
  • Misty-- by the way, the Enell bra is a MIRACLE!!
  • Hey ladies...
    Well, last night I made some trades...instead of sourdough toast, I saved the calories for a few scoops of Dreyers Light Brownie ice cream...It's TOM and I really NEEDED the chocolate!! LOL! I did get out and walk yesterday, it was nice and cool, so I got a great walk in. By the looks of it, I don't think it will happen again today though. Maybe a miracle will happen and the clouds will open up and make room for the sun! I have a TON of homework to do, which is causing me and my bf to postpone our anniversary dinner until Friday. Maybe I will prop my laptop or textbook up on the treadmill so I don't feel so guilty about making time for exercise, but not dinner!!

    Chris and Traci---Thanks for noticing! It's been tempting to jus totally give in, but I would only be hurting myself in the end, I have enough weight to lose without adding more! LOL...I am too lazy and tired to add anymore to the mountain I already have.

    Chris--I heard about it from this website, I have NEVER found a bra that I didn't painfully bounce in, so we will see. Are they pretty true to size? I want to make sure I can breath once I have it on!

    Lori and Coralee---How are you feeling? I had cramps that were so bad earlier that I was seeing stars and felt like I was going to throw up. Yuck!

    For today:
    4-5 bottles of water, hopefully the treadmill (not looking good for outdoor walking)
    B: Yopait light and english muffin (256)
    S: Wheat thins and pepper jack cheese (240)
    L: Cottage cheese with pineapple (197)
    S: Lara Bar (190)
    D: Organic bean, rice, cheese burrito "wet" with enchilada sauce and 2%
    cheese with brown rice (636)
    S: ??
    Total consumed: 1519 before evening snack
  • I am feeling better - not 100%, but better. I am back to work today, but I wish it had only been a half day. I'm tired! Trying to watch what I eat today, but I dug into some of the chocolate that is hanging around at work. Not too worried about it. I am up a couple pounds from not watching what I ate when I was sick, but I'm not too worried about that either. Once I'm feeling better and am back on track it will fly off!
  • Misty-- I LOVE mine. It takes some time to adjust to it-- it seems too tight. BUT I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!

    I went to a speciality shop to get fitted for mine. You can get on the Enell website and look for a shop near you that will fit you. Best money I have ever spent.
  • Evening Ladies...
    Well my dreaded weigh in didn't go half as bad as I had thought. I honestly was expecting a 5+ pound gain, but THANKFULLY it was only 1.5 pounds. Which is bad enough.. It takes me 4 days to put it on and 2 weeks to work it off Now I have to pat myself on the back for staying totally OP for 2 days in a row. Not much of victory but the way I've been lately it's huge.

    Todays Totals
    Calories: 1346
    Water: 64 fl oz
    Exercise: 30 minutes Curves workout
  • Traci-- GOOD FOR YOU!!

    Well, today stunk. It is the one day I work (10 hours) and I forgot my lunch on the counter at home. My DH and I carpool so I didn't have a car and there are no healthy fast food restaurants I could get to walking in 30 minutes. So I hit the vending machine. My day consisted of peanut butter crackers, trail mix and skittles. Luckily there was fruit from a meeting so I ate a bunch of that. Unluckily there was dessert bread from a meeting so I ate a bunch of that. grrrrr... so dumb.
  • Add to me the list of not-so-good yesterdays...I BLEW IT!!! I was doing ok, breakfast went smoothly, but then I got to lunch. I tried this new brand of cottage cheese and brought it for lunch yesterday with pineapple. It was so GROSS...OMG! Not even the pineapple covered the taste!!! I was starving so I went downstairs to the breakroom and had a cup o noodle. The label said 330 calories, I didn't drink the juice, so hopefully that shaved a few calories and a lot of sodium! Well, since I had more calories at lunch than planned I skipped the Lara Bar, to compensate. When my bf picked me up he insisted on taking me out to dinner for our anniversary, so when we got to Mexican restaurant I was starving from skipping my afternoon snack. Guess what they brought...freshly fried, still warm tortilla chips and salsa, of course! I think I had about a basket and half...not good. Then, the only thing that didn't have meat was cheese enchiladas, so I got that with rice and beans and ate every single bite. I am surprised I didn't lick the plate!!! LOL! Then by the time we got home it was too late and my cramps were horrible, so I didn't even exercise, instead I tried to get some homework done. I don't think I even drank my water, which lately I have been so good about! Yesterday was a total bust!!! I am sure that TOM had a lot to do with it though. I weighed myself this morning, probably not a good idea...I am up 2.2 lbs. I know that is mostly due to TOM, but it was a good motivator, b/c it made me see how easy it is to reverse a lot of hard work. So, I got right back on track today and I am hoping that it stays clear long enough for me to walk today, I feel lost without exercise!! Right now I have 1343 planned, hopefully I can stay down a few hundred calories to help make up for yesterday. I have a lot of cleaning planned for the weekend, that should help burn tons of calories, plus my rebounder will be here Monday!!! YAY!!!
    Traci--I am glad that it wasn't as bad as you thought it would be!!
    Lori--Happy to hear that you are at last on the road to being better!!
    Chris--The store listed as selling them locally doesn't have my size and takes 10-14 days to get in. I can get it faster online. I have a question...did your measurements align with your normal bra size? Mine are way off, I figure I should go with the measurements though. Is the size you wear the same as they said corresponds to your actual bra size?

    For Today:
    5-6 bottles of water
    30 mins of walking
    B: Cereal with skim milk (259)
    S: LUNA bar (180)
    L: Progresso light with added broccoli (158)
    S: Granola bar (120)
    D: Organic burrito, enchilada sauce, lf cheese and brown rice (626)

    Total Calories Consumed: 1343