
  • Im totally new and looking for some diet buddies! I am at like 227 and I want to get down to about 160 I think for my first goal. I am 19 and I really dont like to exercise (bad leg) but I think I might try the whole "run 2 minutes-walk 1 minute" thing to get by. Im thinking about doing the low-carb/portion control/only eat when im hungry(thats been an issue for me) diet. haha. I did it before and lost about 60lbs and then gained it all back...

    So yeah, anyone wanna be my diet friend? It will be fun! We can not eat stupid food together and talk about our favorite songs and all the cute boys!
  • You had me sold at the boys! I actually really need a diet buddy, too, since going it alone hasn't been working so well. I'm 19 too and doing the USDA food pyramid thingy slightly modified. All ready to not eat stupid food! Sounds fun!
  • Kylee!!!

    Jump in & post around!

    Best of luck ^^
  • Have room for one more buddy? I am 20 and I am about 20lbs into my journey but I would love diet buddies around my age! I am not so good with exercising either...I had a car wreck about a year ago and I now have back and knee problems!

    I am so ready for this!
  • Can I bust in on this buddy thing, too?? I need someone to talk to to keep me motivated!!! At 200 right now, want to lose a lot, and feel like I'm finally ready to take some control! PM me if any of you guys are interested!
  • Hey, I'm new here, is there room for one more? I am definitely in need of some motivation, well that and a kick in the butt to get me off of this chair! I have no idea how to use PM though
  • Mmm, did someone say cute boys? lol hiya everyone! I'm 19, also know what it feels like to lose and gain 30 pounds...twice I'm doing a lot of cardio/weight training, but eating healthy is my main focus. I'd love to be a diet buddy for all of you lovelies!
  • hey all I need a buddy too I am 22 years old and I have lost 43lbs (33 of them since jan 2) I would love someone to chat with about weight loss, life and music
  • Hi There! I am a teensy bit older than you guys, but I would love to join your buddy group. I need some buddies too - I have a horrible time staying on track right now. So, if you have room for one more - count me in!