What mood are you in?

  • You Are In a Decent Mood

    You aren't turning cartwheels, but you're having a pretty good day.

    Some ups, some downs, but overall you're coming out ahead.

    And who knows? Tomorrow could be even better!

    What Mood Are You In?

  • "Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy.

    While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective.

    And it seems like things are looking up for you! "

    ^^ And here I thought I was coasting today!
  • You Aren't In the Best Of Moods

    While you aren't full on depressed, things aren't going your way.

    You may be hurt, angry, frustrated... or all three.

    Not to worry - you'll be feeling fine in no time.

    What Mood Are You In?


  • "You Are In a Decent Mood

    You aren't turning cartwheels, but you're having a pretty good day.

    Some ups, some downs, but overall you're coming out ahead.

    And who knows? Tomorrow could be even better!"

    Hmm, and I thought I was having a pretty low day...
  • You Are In a Fantastic Mood

    You're confident, focused, and on top of your game.

    People are attracted to your energy right now.

    This is the time to go for it - you're likely to get what you want!

    What Mood Are You In?

  • You Are In a Good Mood
    Today, you're feeling pretty together and happy.

    While not everything is going you're way, you're keeping things in perspective.

    And it seems like things are looking up for you!
  • You Are In a Fantastic Mood

    You're confident, focused, and on top of your game.

    People are attracted to your energy right now.

    This is the time to go for it - you're likely to get what you want!

  • ***You Are In a Fantastic Mood***

    You're confident, focused, and on top of your game.

    People are attracted to your energy right now.

    This is the time to go for it - you're likely to get what you want!

    What Mood Are You In?
  • You Are In a Fantastic Mood

    You're confident, focused, and on top of your game.
    People are attracted to your energy right now.
    This is the time to go for it - you're likely to get what you want!
    What Mood Are You In?