02/08/02 Lo-Carb Friday Weigh In

  • I always start with a poem.........

    Nothing happy to report,
    So this is gonna be real short!

    Once again, I've stayed the same,
    (I may have even had a gain!)

    Mr. Scale has made me mad,
    I hope he makes my BUDDIES glad!
  • This buddy is glad i have droped owon to 170.6 I had seen 160's this week but not on the day that counts!!

    soon the scale will change for you. you need to start journaling your food again and maybe that will see some thing that you have been eating that will stall you. make sure that you are getting in your calories, and your water, and your protein.

    how is everybody else going???
  • Hello...I am late, but I did weigh on Friday, and it said......

    199......No loss , yet no gain

    Better next week I hope.

    Where is everyone else?