is low calorie intake really that big of a deal?

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  • Very good advice as always ladies... I agree with all... some of you may remember I also started out extremely low (500 calories) I didn't know better and I actually didn't lose a thing and am STILL fighting to get me body back right after just about 10 days of doing such low cal... its still effecting my body! I wouldn;t want to see what the long term results from this would be... up those calories and give the body what it needs and you will be just fine!
  • When I lost weight about 6 years ago I was on LA weight loss. I think my calories were too low and I lost weight too fast because I ended up with gallstones (the most painful thing I have ever experienced, though I have not given birth). I eventually had to have it removed. So be careful going too low on calories!
  • pamatga-

    I calculated more along the lines of the 800-1000 calorie range with her laid out plan.

    Strawberries are about 45 calories for a full cup-much less than the 50-150 calorie range you allotted. I highly doubt that she ate 3 cups of them-even if the serving size wasn't posted!

    Also, my english muffins are about 100 calories each, and the 2% cheese that is at our house are around 70 calories-so the original poster probably is pretty close to what they are calculating.

    It all varies by brand and variety of product.
  • (sorry it won't let me post the link) is where I got the cheese calories from. It's actually 50 calories. My english muffins are 120 for the whole thing, so 60 calories is for 1/2 of one (that's what it says on the package). I'll start eating the whole egg instead of just the yolks. That'll add a whopping 40 calories.

    I eat 1/3 cup yogurt b/c I buy the big tub and that's all the tupperware container I use will hold. I also will eat the Lite & Fit yogurt on occasion, but it's also only 60 calores and I like the taste of mine better anyway.

    The crackers I ate had the calorie count on the box, so that's how I got that number.

    You're right about my black bean stew. I plugged in the ingredients into the daily plate site and it didn't come up as 171 calories... it was more like 140 calories per serving. Guess it WAS lower than I thought.

    I read that some of you said that I wasn't getting enough vegetables or protein. This was ONE DAY's menu... not what I eat every day. Granted, I did get only 2 servings of protein and 3 servings of fruits/vegetables, but I typically get much much more than that.

    I'm going to try and up my calories a bit, but I don't want to STUFF myself. I drink tons of water and get good exercise every morning, so I'm keeping healthy. I've got more energy since I've been "dieting" than I've had in YEARS - and that's important with 2 small kids!

    Thanks for all the help ladies!
  • PSlade, just so you're aware, at 5'11 and 160 you are well within a healthy weight range. Maybe some strength and toning work would give you the results you're looking for, and prevent the muscle loss that can occur with very low calorie diets.
  • yeah, I know I'm in the standard "healthy range" for my height, but I'm BIG for me. Know what I mean? I feel better when I'm in the 140's. My body frame is small (even though I'm tall) and I have excess weight right now. I ALWAYS have people telling me that "you don't need to lose any weight"... but I've gained 20 lbs since last Christmas... it needs to come off!
  • Jill I didn't speak to a nutritionist however the doctor I was referring to is a weight loss specialist. Although reading all the posts on here have made me wonder if I am underestimating my caloric intake. highly possible. Either way I feel great I take a prenatal multivitamin as I am a nursing mother and I exercise so for now I think i am okay although I guess if I stall I'm not sure what I will do!!
  • Quote: Jill I didn't speak to a nutritionist however the doctor I was referring to is a weight loss specialist. Although reading all the posts on here have made me wonder if I am underestimating my caloric intake. highly possible. Either way I feel great I take a prenatal multivitamin as I am a nursing mother and I exercise so for now I think i am okay although I guess if I stall I'm not sure what I will do!!
    *smacks forehead* Does this weight loss specialist know you're a nursing mother?! Good lord, I'd be likely to sure him/her for malpractice--you need to feed yourself before you can feed someone dependent on you for nutrition!

    *deep breath* I wrote a bunch of other stuff, but I deleted it. I don't want to inadvertently offend anyone while typing in a rapid fit
  • Wait a second, your doctor okayed an 850-1000 calorie diet while you're nursing????? What is the world coming to?!?!?! 2beautiful, you should be able to lose weight on wayyyyyy more calories than that. Such low calories isn't healthy for you or the baby! I think breastfeeding requires an extra 300-500 cals a day. You should be eating at least 1500, at a minimum!
  • Okay you now have me worried. I am not specifically on a low cal diet or any specific number of cals but I started using fitday this week and based on the info I input it looks like I am quite low in calories. I have really just been doing my own thing and trying to eat sensibly andfrom all the food groups etc. I will try to increase the calories with nuts etc. Also I am not nursing fulltime. My baby nurses once or 2x a day although this week she has been sick so she is nursing more but mainly for comfort.
  • Ok, good. But please do eat a little more--extra protein and fiber are always good. Food is not the enemy!
  • PLSlade, I was thinking your black bean soup recipe would be higher, not lower. Can you please post it? Black beans are notoriously high in calories, so I thought my 350 cal recipe was pretty low. If it is indeed 140 calories, I definitely want the recipe!
  • Black beans have around 200 calories per cup (give or take) so the soup would have to have a lot of (veggie) filler or a very small serving for the cals to be that low. The high calories in beans are just a fact of nature. They're very nutritious and a good way to spend calories, but you can't eat them with reckless abandon.
  • Quote: PLSlade, I was thinking your black bean soup recipe would be higher, not lower. Can you please post it? Black beans are notoriously high in calories, so I thought my 350 cal recipe was pretty low. If it is indeed 140 calories, I definitely want the recipe!
    Sure thing! I'll take a look at it tonight... it's actually something I made up and calculated the calories via packages and the daily plate website (I think that's the right one). It was more like a stew with brown rice in it... very yummie and super filling. My portion was about 1.5 cups.

    To the nursing mother (sorry, I don't remember your name), I lost weight SO FAST while nursing last year... by eating tons of stuff! Nursing is a great way to get your body back. I drank tons of water (hydration), ate bananas & oatmeal, drank tons of skim milk, got lots of fiber (post-baby constipation)... and the pounds just FELL OFF! Of course I ate other things too, but you really don't need to diet while BF - your baby needs all he/she can get from you! You want your milk to be as RICH as possible!