Bistro MD buddies?

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  • Princess........ here is my experience re the food.

    the food comes individually packed in sealed bags and then in a bag for the whole meal. The sauce comes in a bag.. when I heat that I just slit the top of one of the edges and then microwave that in the bag.. ' This takes up a lot less space in the freezer too.

    No, it isn't difficult to do to take them out of the bags. I have kitchen shears and that does quick work of the bags. I tried the boil in the bag but it takes too long and I never got the timing right so that the food was at the temperature that I wanted.
    . Now others may do it differently, but I take the meat portion out first and heat it for about 3 - 3 1/2 minutes. ( the meat portion of bistro food is very large and thick not like a usual frozen chicken breast))). then add the sides and the sauce( in the bag) and heat it for 3- 3 1/2 minutes more or to the temp that I like. This all depends on the wattage of your microwave so it will be a little trial period until you know your machine.
    Most of the sweet breakfast items DO NOT need heated, at least for my taste. I put them in the refrigerator vs the freezer and when I want to use them just take them out and sit on the counter for a hour or so to bring it to room temp. The muffins are wonderful and can be heated for a short time.

    Also the dietitian gave me a list of suggestions for 100 calorie snacks that can be used vs using the snacks that they have so if you want or need it just ask for it.
    Oh and DO contact the dietitian if you have any questions. She gets right back with you and is extremely helpful on the meals and any questions you have re weight loss etc. And will help you workout issue you may have re allergies or like the soy thing... you were talking about. One of the gals needed to be gluten free so she worked with her and helped her design a meal plan that was gluten free.
    Only one more suggestion.since your not getting the snacks ..... DO SNACK.... if you are like me that is something that was a hard thing to get in my head but the plan is designed to have you eat something that has protein in it at least every 3-4 hours.. That way you never get too hungry and your blood sugar never drops.

    Again if you have questions just ask..

    I hope you Enjoy the adventure........

  • Renita, you are a doll. Thank you a million times over for all your suggestions. I had no idea how I would cook this stuff so you have been a huge help! Can't wait to get my first week of Bistro Biggest Loser food!
  • Renita -
    We have one of those boxed litter boxes! Ours hooks up to a water supply, has its own re-usable litter, and auto-flushes everyday. We could never get the cat to use it, so it's in a box too. It would have been great if the cat would have accepted it.

    Isn't it great to get the closet thinned out? I LOVE to do that. If I haven't worn it in the last year, it goes.

    One treat I give myself everytime I lose 5-10lbs or so is a pair of quality well-fitting jeans. I used to hate jeans, but they are the best invention ever. If I wore jeans before, they'd be really baggy. I have since discovered that tight jeans are flattering, they act like a girdle and keep things in place. Its a reminder everytime I wear them to keep up the diet progress.

    Had the shrimp in orange sauce today. I replace the orange sauce with Old Bay Seasoning (as someone suggested a long time ago). Yum.

  • if you want to see the ' You tube' that shows the Bistro md and the MD that created it........and some of the yummy food............... here it is...... I didnt' know that had this out there.
  • Happy Valentines Day!

    Renita - Good going on cleaning out the closet! I've got a stack that I keep adding to, as I try things on and they don't work. With spring coming on, I'm going to do a major purge in a month or so of winter clothes. I want to be able to start all over again next fall.

    Well, first full day of being back on Bistro. I am stuffed! Man, it's good to be home
  • After all this time on Bistro, I'm still amazed at what a great job it does at controlling hunger. It's not just a matter of portion sizes, but also balance, so your body isn't whispering in your ear that it needs something. The fact that you're eating every 3 hours definitely helps as well.
  • Kathy, Hear Hear.... I totally agree

    It is really amazing what protein will do. If I had only known this years ago I wouldn't be slogging through this weight loss deal. I would have been HAPPY to eat my meat and fish thank you..........

    What is so surprising to me is that just one reasonable plate full of food with the right components is so filling and satisfying. Add in a few reasonable protein snacks.. and Viola..... weight loss and appetite control. Can it really be that easy ??
    Eating is the magic pill to weigh loss ??????
  • Quote: What is so surprising to me is that just one reasonable plate full of food with the right components is so filling and satisfying. Add in a few reasonable protein snacks.. and Viola..... weight loss and appetite control. Can it really be that easy ??
    I think so, especially when it just magically shows up on your doorstep once a week (even tho for some of us, it's in the middle of the nite...Renita, you've gotta fill the newbies in on your vampire fed ex)

    Quote: Eating is the magic pill to weigh loss ??????
    You've hit the nail on the head with this one. Renita, I know I'm preaching to the choir for you (look at your weight loss for crying out loud), but gotta get on the for someone else who may be cruising the thread. It's not temporarily starving yourself (which I bet we've all done from time to time) or doing some weird combinations of food (yes, I did do the grapefruit diet...and the cabbage diet..and...). When I look at the quantity of food that I'm eating now, it probably is as much (or more) than I was eating when I weighed 270. And from a taste standpoint, I'd much rather have a Bistro steak meal than a Steak-out delivery meal. But it's the old adage in my field of 'work smarter, not harder'. These guys are not just showing us how we can do a temporary fix to lose some weight, but showing us how to enjoy eating in a normal life to enjoy food and still be healthy. I am the most 'un-cook' person in the universe (and previously un-breakfast), and I'm buying silicone muffin pans, cause I've gotten hooked on egg breakfasts. The world is coming to an end! I'm starting to cook and eat breakfast
  • Egg Muffins!!!
    Renita!! Thanks for turning me onto these. They are absolutely incredible. I broke down and bought 2 of the silicon muffin pans today. I used Kraft fat free cheddar (90 cals in 1/2 cup, I used less than that for 12 muffins), mushrooms, onions, spinach and egg beaters. With all of the veggies in it, I only used 1/2 to 2/3 of a pint carton of egg beaters. I spent a bunch of time sautee'ing the onions and mushrooms since I was doing a double batch, but if you're using canned/frozen/leftover veggies prep time would be 5 minutes. Throw whatever veggies/cheese you want in the tin, pour egg beaters in on top of it, and give it a quick stir to mix it up. Even I can do that I tried one out of the first batch, and had to talk myself into freezing the rest of them, instead of eating the whole batch for dinner!
  • Hello everyone, my name is Carol and I am about to place my first order for BistroMD. I was wondering if any of you know of coupon sites where I can get either free delivery or free/reduced prices on this product. I have visited some sites but I'm either not using the site correctly or the maybe the coupons are outdated.
    Can anyone help? Thanks very much!
  • Hi Carol. Try using "free shipping 08" as the coupon code. I think that still works. Glad your looking at Bistro. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have.
  • Hope everyone's Valentine's Day was suitably romantic or, at least, agreeable.
    Nothing special on my end since I got weirdly sick on Friday night (right after watching Coraline - 3D - looooooved it!).

    It was like I had vertigo or something. It finally abated by this morning but feeling dizzy for a couple of days was no fun! Could be the 3D movie, could be the amount of time I've been spending looking at my laptop at close range, perhaps it's the artificial sweetners, an undetected sinus issue - who knows.

    What I do know is that I'm up and about and feeling MUCHO better. When I was feeling ill, I toggled between Bistro food/snacks and fast food and landed somewhere in the middle. It ended with a Bistro dinner on Sunday with small frozen yogurt. But, I'm not gonna lie: Taco Bell got me through a rough patch on Saturday.

    So, I'm not super excited about weighing myself on Wednesday - between that and other physiological forces, I'm going to call this week a wash. I haven't given up at all, in fact, I still have my toe in the door but I'm waiting for Wednesday as my big "REDO" button.

    I understand that this is about a lifestyle change: what I eat, how I eat, how I feel about eating, ad naseum.

    I can say that when I felt the urge to snack, I've been choosing Bistro Snacks or popcorn - when I normally would have chips or something fried.

    So, I'm calling a Mulligan - the last 7 days don't count. Onward and downward - tally ho!

    I'm back in, ladies!
  • Mona......... Kathy and I like to call those weeks' Metabolic Reset" weeks...... helps clear the deck to more reductions next week

    I haven't done a 3D movie for years after my last experience in Toronto.... I was in a large theater and they had a wonderful outdoor movie with skiing and sailing and swimming w the big fishes..... well after just a few minutes I was almost on the floor. Had to close my eyes for the rest of the movie. When I tried to walk out of the theater after just those few minutes of viewing I needed help. That sensation didn't leave me for over 24hrs. I was so disappointed as I have had a number of good opportunities to do Imax movies and had to decline for just that reason. 3D tv viewing seems to be the coming thing. I hope it will be an option vs a push on the boob tube.
    Glad your feeling better. And you did the best you could, Taco bell and all. There are worse things you could have done so you still are aware of what you are doing and still making better choices. Good for you.
    Yesterday was my meal off plan...... well..... I had what I wanted but felt uncomfortable afterward. Now I didn't do anything crazy but I do just generally eat less now than ever.
    So onward to the new week for all of us
  • Good to know I'm not the only prodigal dieter.

    So, a lovely oat bran muffin (which is very maple-y. I love it) for breakfast. Shake for snack. Szechuan Beef for lunch. Soy snacks and then Chicken Fajitas for dinner.

    Back on track
  • Mona- Nah, I guarantee you that you aren't the first one of us to run into a ditch. The cool part is, instead of dreading getting back on a 'diet', I always look forward to getting back to the Bistro food, and have the yum factor. I love the Szechuan Beef. Hope you enjoyed it. Normally not a bran muffin gal, gut I liked them too. Not trying to lure you to the dark side but what's really good is the chicken fajita on one of the 50 cal flat bread things that Renita was talking about from Wally World. Talk about not feeling like you're giving up doodly squat!

    Jenny - Glad you like the Old Bay on the shrimp. If you nuke you food, it's even better if you put it on before you heat it up. And BTW, glad you're coming out of the closet to talk to us It's great to have another 'old timer' on the thread!

    Carol - Any luck on the 'free shipping 08' coupon?

    Well, I've worked the freezer down enough that I'm getting my first new shipment next week. I'm hoping that the frittata or crepe will be one of the breakfast goodies. How often are they coming to you guys? (they introduced them after I went on freezer break).