300+ And Getting Fit after 40 #143

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  • This thread is a sub-set of the 300+ thread.

    This group is for those dealing with the challenges of having a significant amount of weight to lose and being fit which becomes harder after age 40. If you're an old or new friend and not over 40 and feel this is the place to post, jump right in.
  • Good morning ladies,

    Not much time to post. I'm up early and enjoyed a nice workout in my newly reorg'd exercise room. It was nice to be able to watch a DVD on a regular TV instead of just the portable player. And nice to have more room to move around.

    Right now I have a bloodhound crawling under my chair because he's sniffing out a mouse. We haven't had any mice this fall and winter until this morning and its in my office. And Duke can smell it. And he's pretty good because the mouse ran under my desk and that is where Duke is jammed. I'm off to get a mousetrap and then take a shower.

    Have a great day! to all!
  • #31
    Senior Member

    Join Date: Jan 2005
    Posts: 502

    since I had to drag this over I lost my emoticons. Lilion, that was the tantrum smilie in your post. LOL!


    Good morning ladies, how are all of you this morning?

    I have had a few good days of being op and cursing the scale every step of the way! LOL! It is stuck and won't budge. I know I should just quit weighing for awhile and maybe be surprised when I do weigh again. Gosh, that is hard to do.

    Youngest daughter called me this morning already. LOL! I got on her case good about not getting in touch more often. I tell you, they get so absorbed in thier own life they forgetabout everything else, or so it seems. I reminded her that she had a Mom and Dad that would like to know she is alive and well. Sheesh!

    Lilion, I understand that me too!

    Kim, welcome! Stick around and get to know us and let us get to know you.

    Carol, Hi. I read you over on the other thread sometimes. Nice to have you drop in.

    Terri, How are all of the animals doing? Picking up poop is not so much fun is it? EWWW!

    Val, OHHH! that sounds scary. I am so not a horse person. I don't think I would want to be that far off the ground. LOL!

    Karen, I hope your doggie is doing well.

    Bearcub, Hi!

    OK, as you can see I am not full of light chatter this morning. I have a list a mile long of things I need to be doing instead of sitting here. Have a wonderful op day and I will catch up later. Ruth
  • Good Morning Ladies!

    I don't have time to post much, but will get this done quick.

    Valerie - BRAVO on not falling off Gabe! Seriously, I bet that was scary up on that big boy, but you sound like you did GREAT!

    Ruth - I saw your post on the other thread. I am, hopefully, back in the saddle - so to speak - again. You and me...no more tantrums!

    Saturday I did 22 on the I.M. and went to a wedding and ate wedding food. Sunday I did no exercise, but I did go shopping for HOURS and FINALLY bought, brought home and installed a light fixture for the Bathroom-that-never-ends! Then I finished the second coat of paint! Caulk at the top of the shower walls and a quick curtain and it'll be usable! Not done, of course, but usable for the first time in 9 months!!! Still need to put up the mirror, paint the ceiling, install the doors on the shower, put up the towel racks and paint and re-laminate the vanity. But it will be able to be showered in and pottied in and we can return the camping lantern to the camping gear!

    Ate way too much yesterday. Overslept today and did not exercise again. I'll get it tomorrow though. So for today, I'm good. And after overeating all weekend, I still weighed 1# less than I did on WI day! Whatever.

    Got to run. - OH! Kim -

    I'll try to get back later!
  • RUTH, I'll take you're reprimand of your youngest on my own parents youngest... that would be me. I really should call more often. I was getting better about getting up to NY to see my dad, but I should have gone last weekend and I didn't. I'm ashamed of myself. And as for Gabe, yeah, I'm kinda thinking it's way off the ground, too. But I just can't help myself.

    LILION, You overslept, and I underslept. Simon decided he had to go potty at 12:30 this morning and DH, God bless him! got up and let the dogs out so I could get more sleep. But by 2 I was awake again, and up by 5. Yuck! I did have a nice stop on the way to work - I went to the barn and took the boys' blankets off since it was going up to 45 degrees here today. I changed the clothes I couldn't cover in the heated wash house before going on to work, but couldn't shake the "I'd rather be hugging my horses" feeling for the rest of the day.

    I had great intentions of working out after work again today, but I lost a large filling and then the tooth broke. I have an appointment to get rid of the thing on Friday, but it's really uncomfortable - when it isn't killing me. I worked over a little, too. I think in bed by 8 sounds like a great plan.

    I wish I had a glass of wine. That and a hot bubble bath would nicely complete a lovely little self-pity party. Oh well, life's not so tough. I have a doodle-dog to warm my feet or lap, and truly many blessings that too many in this world go without.

  • Hi peeps,

    Sorry its a fire=drill kind of week. I was up early for exercise and dashing off to work. Today is lunch for the last person to be losing their job due to integration. Kinda weird for me because if he had not had his mental meltdown with depression in 2006, it would be me losing my job. I will order salmon or something healthy.

    Gotta run. Be good!
  • While it's regretable that the melt-down man has to leave, I think that you must be the best choice to support the rest of the remaining staff there. I know you've been concerned about everyone while this huge transition has been going on, and surely you're the best one for the job. I hope he moves on to a position that suits him better and doesn't stress him as much.

    Just workin' today - tax forms, more tax forms, mail some tax forms, file some tax forms, recalc some tax forms.... You know, it sounds boring, but I actually love my job!

    I hope to play with the ponies tonight. Gotta put their blankets back on because the temps are supposed to start dropping again.

    Good weather, good willpower, good exercise to every one!
  • Okay, yesterday it was 60 degrees. This morning the sun was shining and I didn't need a coat to feed the horses. By the time I got to work it was incredibly gloomy, windy and COLD. Thank goodness my leather coat was in the car! And I'm sitting here watching it snow. Enough to make a grown woman very cranky.
  • Hi everyone! DeeDee is doing as well as can be expected for an old girl. She can get around somewhat on her own, but only on the carpeted floors, otherwise, it's slipsville! I still have to walk with her the back support for her hips. It's a little bit of work since she weighs about 63 pounds, but I figure it's good exercise, right?

    I'm having a hard time getting back on track with my eating and exercise since all of this went down, but am slowly gaining a little confidence that my "willpower" will return soon.

    Val, thanks you for your thoughtfulness. I call DeeDee "Doodle Dog" Too! I see in your part of the country the temps are supposed to drop something like 40+ degrees within a few hours, so be prepared!

    Ruth, thank you as well for the well wishes for my precious pup.

    Welcome KIM! This is a very supportive place to come to anytime of the day.

    Thank you all again for your kind words and support. They mean a lot to me and I appreciate it very much. God Bless.
  • Hi All - yes the weather today was definetely strange - even for Missouri - when I went to work it was 52 - 20 minutes later it was 32. By 10 it was snowing and blowing like nowbody's business and 14 degrees. What a day!

    The scale climbed up on me this week by 1.25 lbs after staying the same last week. I have done well OP and exercise wise. I posted 3 days of meals on the main thread looking for suggestions to kick start this in to high gear. I'm very open to anything anyone has to offer.

    My cardio class was cancelled tonight because of the weather. I actually am not disapointed as it is so dang cold, especially with the wind.

    I think my new I.M. is the scale. I need a whoooosh.

    Hugs to all - stay warm,
  • Hey all. I was out sick yesterday and wish I was today. Out that is. Sick I have covered. Really, truthfully, I don't feel that bad. I'm just achy and yucky and it's getting me because when I feel this way I want FOOD. So I've been eating. And I don't want lettuce - I want crispy fried chicken and potatoes. So I had them. I'll be good when I feel better, right now I just don't care.

    Yes, the weather is bizzaro here! My DS was upset with me yesterday when I made him wear his winter coat to school. But he came home shivering because he lost his stocking cap and it snowed on his head. It was only 10 this morning so DH drove him to the bus stop. It was in the 70's this weekend and they are calling for up to 6 inches of snow tonight. I say we call off the rest of this month altogether and just start February.

    I'll get back on the IM eventually. For now, I just want to crash. Only two more hearings to go and I think I'll call it a day.
  • Ack, I'm completely out of sorts this week. I had a job interview yesterday (which actually went well, but I doubt it will go anywhere). They were honest about the job being a contract, but wanting someone permanent eventually. I was honest about not wanting the job full time. So at the moment it's only going to happen if they don't find someone that they think could work out full time. I'm actually okay with that because I honestly couldn't do the job on a permanent basis (it would drive me nuts).

    I'm also kind of out of it because I suddenly realized that I had to make my college applications before the 31st (yes, tomorrow). Luckily I got what I needed together (although I'm still waiting for information about one transcript, but that's okay at the moment). Diet and exercise is good (yay), so that's a good thing.

    Terri - I love watching TV when on the treadmill. I don't feel like such a couch potato. I've been working my way through Medium, from the beginning.

    Iwillbe - I sometimes think that the scale is a curse, but a necessary evil. Take a deep breath, it will move again.

    Valerie - I remember years ago working with a guy who did the same kind of thing - sent an email (cc-ing it to a lot of people) that basically called another manager a bunch of very nasty names. Mostly not called for. He ended up being transferred, then eventually let go.

    Karen - I'm glad that DeeDee is doing okay.

    Carol - I'll look at the meals, but sometimes I just think there aren't any answers. Up until this slowdown had you been losing a lot of weight? I don't think I've ever been very good at kicking through a plateau. Good luck.

    Lilion - we all have our foods we want when sick. Mine are lemonade, peaches and potato chips. Yes, a very odd combination.
  • Greetings all! Just a quick stop before hitting the hay, but wanted you remind you I still exist. Had a 4H advisor meeting tonight, and tomorrow I have to clean stalls to make up for someone else doing mine tonight. Maybe I'll luck out and it will get a bit warmer. Maybe.

    Got up early enough to work out this morning. I really prefer 5 a.m. from the other side - going to bed, not getting up! At least I did it, and feel better for it. My eating's been way off track again lately. I swear, I can't believe I screwed up this bad, this soon.

    Tomorrow is another day.
  • Good morning ladies, How are you? I am doing poorly in the loss column. I know it is my fault, even though I am "mostly" on program, I slip up way to often.

    Lilion, I am so sorry you aren't feeling well. Hope you can kick that bug ito the curb and feel better soon. I get in those I don't care moods sometimes too. Like I said way to often. I am not really good at being op when I am hungry either.

    Funny note here, I have had people say to me "just eat normal and you won't gain weight" What the heck is normal?? If I knew that, I might not be fat. Don't you think normal for one person is maybe hunger for another? There are times when I could eat everything in the fridge and still not be satisfied. It is like a gnawing insistence to eat more and more. I guess they call that binging? Wow, I didn't mean to go on a tirade about eating this morning. It just gets so frustrating to always feel like a failure where others excel.

    I still have more Dr. apts. this month. UGH! Next one is to have my eyes examined. I have cataracts starting on both eyes and I am keeping them checked to see when they need to come off. I am not looking forward to that. I think it makes your eyes look weird. Kind of glassy eyed. Of course it is better to see plain than to worry about the small stuff.

    I am getting my new puter this weekend. My SIL has it all ready to go, just has to install a few more things after he brings it. I will be glad, cause this one is moving like a snail even though I have DSL that is supposed to be fast.

    Have a super day and take care of the one that matters most....you. Ta for now, Ruth
  • Quote: Funny note here, I have had people say to me "just eat normal and you won't gain weight" What the heck is normal?? If I knew that, I might not be fat. Don't you think normal for one person is maybe hunger for another? There are times when I could eat everything in the fridge and still not be satisfied. It is like a gnawing insistence to eat more and more. I guess they call that binging? Wow, I didn't mean to go on a tirade about eating this morning. It just gets so frustrating to always feel like a failure where others excel.
    Oh Pull-eeze! "Eat Normal?" Give me a break! We have a clerk here who literally is 5'1" and weighs 90 lbs! And I see her eat McDonalds and Donuts and biscuits and gravy and chips and candy - ALL THE TIME! She eats at 90 lbs like I did at 300 - And never gains an ounce. The other women here order Chinese food about once every two weeks and while most could stand to lose a few lbs, the ones that are thin are the ones getting General Tso's million calorie chicken! They aren't just picking out a few bites either - these women EAT. There is no "normal". There is healthy and unhealthy. I also have days when I just can't get enough to eat. I've been watching how I eat for so long now that those days are further and farther between, but they still happen. Usually a "binge" for me is a craving though, that I just can't fix, and usually for something unhealthy. I'm more likely to eat all day if I don't just figure out what I want and eat it. That's why I got the fried chicken the other day - I knew that was what I wanted and if I didn't get it I was going to just keep eating all night. I ate too much of the KFC, true, but the craving is now gone and I can get back to eating right.

    I'm back at work today and already regreting it. I truly hate my job at this moment. Sometimes there are real ethical problems with what they tell me to do. Sometimes things are just contrary to my understanding of the law. It comes down to "Do as I'm told and keep my job or stand up for the right decision and maybe get fired?" This is a horrible situation for me as a lawyer and just a moral person. I so wish I could say more...but I can't.

    Anyway, on a brighter note, I did 15 minutes on the IM this morning. Not much, but I slept late and after being sick for a couple days I figured I better not push it. So...and I have OP meals planned for the day. So even though I'm sure I earned that 3 lb gain this week, I'm back on track.

    Got to run! you all!