Low Carb Chat: 1/28 thru Super Bowl-2/3!

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  • Yay! We survived Monday. (Of course it is only 6:21 p.m. here but I'm counting Monday GGGGOOONNNneeee). The rollercoaster week is off to a good start with 7 sick employees this morning (monday morning and all). I have decided to recategorize absenteeism. I am now going to (internally of course) review absenteeism in two ways. Innocent abesenteeism (wherein one is absent due to circumstances beyond their control...including the occasional mental health sick day) and Culpable Absenteeism (wherein one is working the system for stupid reasons that end up impacting their annual bonus and compensation review...what I will unofficially call, "Screwing yourself in the end" dummy absenteeism.

    Enough of that.

    All: Woe to the person who told me about vodka and crystal light (even though it contains the nemisis aspartame). I'm having one now and don't want to get on the exercise bike.

    Bouncing: Glad to meet ya!
    Crabby: Great job with the waffles. I might have been caught licking stray plates for the maple syrup. MY DD is 9 but it will be a long time until she sees a waffle or pancake around here I can tell ya. I'm not strong enough.
    Lilly: You are my guru of balance. I want to be you. And you are certainly not old. Remember? I called you a stone cold fox. Oh, wait, I just called you foxy but you know what I mean.
    BB: Be careful shoveling snow and such. Dangerous work. Sitting in the living room looking at the snow with a vodka and crystal light is better...er, I mean more fun.
    Lynn: You dancin' fool. I don't ballroom but I studied ballet from the time I was 4 until 22. Then I got in a skiing accident and could no longer do the dance thing. I think all those years of not being able to eat did something to me. I remember having to stop dancing after being used to it 4-5 hours a day when I was about 23 and then having to cut my eating down to 200 calories to try to keep from gaining weight. Of course, I don't know why I was trying to stay skinny. It is not like anymore emaciated gay men were hefting me into the air anymore. Nonetheless...old habits die hard.
    Robin: Way to go on the recharge. We ALL need that sometimes. Good for you.
    Amy: Shows? What kind of shows? I want to know all your groovy performer gal you.
    WS: Welcome. Glad you are delurking.

    Someone, I can't remember who right now because I'm on the advance screen and can't back up to look, checked into Jimmy Moore's webcast stuff. Isn't it a hoot. I dig him because he is exactly right. Basically do whatever diet you are working on by the book and then start playing with it only when you are sure it is working for you and don't kid yourself or waste time whining if you delay results by "arsing around" (kudos to Fay for that statement. I used it three times at work today). MY DH loves him because he hates what he calls "Diet ****s". Jimmy is the master of the gentle yet truthful approach.

    Hope this post finds all to be well.


  • OK I checked back. Aud you were the one who checked out the Youtube episodes. They really are a hoot aren't they? I think those two are cute as a bugs ear. The episodes are really between 9-10 minutes. I really got some good tips from them (If you can count Chocoperfection bars as a tip. I just dropped $40 bucks to buy the new LLVLC Raspberry chocolate bars and I don't even eat sweets...go figure. If I can hide them from hubby they will last for at least a year). I even left a comment on the site. Something I never do. I just needed to tell those two they are appreciated.

    I read through the other sites you mentioned. Good Stuff.

  • Hi ladies,

    My son came over tonite. He decided that he wanted a birthday cake after all. He remembered that I had never missed baking him a cake for his birthday his entire life. I baked it. I hadn't planned on eating any, but he asked me to please have just one small piece and I finally relented. I haven't eaten enough today for it to actually hurt me, so I'm OK with it. I saved 1piece each for Lacy and Shelbey and sent the rest of the cake with Shane to take to work tomorrow. This is a real NSV in disguise for me cause I normally eat 4-5 pieces of stupid cake instead of a tiny 1" x 2" sliver.

    After Shane left , I started feeling tearful and depressed. It really sank in that he won't be here for his next birthday, he'll be in Iraq. His going away party is this coming Friday, so please be patient with me while I try to come to grips with this.

    I've read everyone's post, but I'm not really thinking clearly to respond right now.
  • awww c'mere lily . . . you & shane are in my bedtime prayers tonight - not trying to be political, but it is my heartfelt prayer that we are out of Iraq asap. Holding that thought.

    Just popping by b4 bed - took 1/2 a sleeping tablet so somewhat incoherent but just wanted to hug lily & welcome wsmasher!

    cya in the morning all!
  • Oh, lily - that must be just heart-wrenching for you.

    ...I should go to the gym, shouldn't I? I should. Right. Okay. Going. Honestly...
  • Fay and Aud, thanks so much. I've only had 2 hrs. of sleep tonite, and I'm wide awake having coffee now. DH will get home about 9AM after his week of working night shift, so I'll sleep with him during the day today. Which reminds me, I better grab a shower before he gets here. He might hate for me to be stinky. Lol, probably should change the sheets too since my Lucy keeps hopping in my bed .

    wsmasher, welcome to the group. Great group of supportive folks here. I think you mentioned PCOS, I have it too and LC does work best for it.
  • Oh lily I have a great big for you too! I can only imagine how you must be feeling, and its hard just doing that. Just remember, even the darkest day is followed by a sunrise.

    As for me, I woke up with a sore throat. I knew this would happen. My full time job is in a small office with just a few people so there wasn't a big opportunity to get sick. My part time job, however, is working with the public and I think I picked up every germ possible and they are all invading my body simultaneously, ugggggh.

    My official weigh-in was this morning and there is no change from two weeks ago (skipped last week because of TOM). Honestly though, I am not upset. Not dancing like I would have been if I lost, but I know I wasn't as good as I could have been over the weekend and TOM just left on Sunday so I have a feeling I am still retaining a little water. I'm feeling good about this week so wish me luck!

    Broadabroad, I take 'em where I can get 'em too. Don't question it, just go with it, LOL. ...oh and I hope you went to the gym!

    WeightSmasher, welcome! Just jump right in! We have a great group of women here.

    Good luck with the training Amy, can't wait to hear how it goes. I hired a trainer a few years ago and honestly he was terrible. He was totally disinterested in is job (at least apparently where I was concerned) and I was a little pissed I was paying him $40 for the lame "workout" he was giving me. I'd like to try again with someone different, but we'll see.

    Speaking of exercise, I've been trying out different workout DVD's from the library and this time around I got a belly dance one. Anyone tried any of these? I haven't yet, but I am interested to hear some other opinions!

    Well, I've spewed on long enough! Have a great day ladies!!!
  • Lily: Your night sounds awful. For most mommiesthat is one of our worst nightmares. I think it is beyond sweet though that instead of going out to party your baby boy wanted to come to you and have you make him a cake and eat it with him. It made me cry. I'm glad your DH will be home today. You need some support on this. It is not something you can just snap out of.

    Belly dancing: I saw a video at the thrift store the other day (but for some reason thought 3 bucks was unreasonable for an old VHS). Now I wish I had bought it because I kept thinking my daughter and I woudl have fun doing it.

    Fay: I hope you got your work out in. I did not. That vodka and crystal light completely took away my motivation. I must be better tonight. I have not worked out now since last Thursday! Baddddd, Badddd.

    I hope all is well today for each of you. I'm off to get DD ready for school. It is "wacky day" so she wants to dress wierd. I'm thinking one of her daddy's shirts with a tie that does match and some leggings cut off with each leg a different lengh. At least we don't have to go through the agonizing ritual of brushing her very thick, very curley hair this morning. It fits into the theme. Especially after she has slept on it. Oh, have to make her lunch as well because she now marks the school calendar and x's out any "gross lunch days". When she was younger she just used to eat whatever they served now it is a whole new ball game.

    Love and hugs to all, especially to you Lily!
  • Lily, I can't imagine sending my 20 yo off for a year. We'll all be thinking of you and Shane. Maybe the whole Iraq thing will be over sooner than a year!

    I stumbled on the Jimmy Moore website through Skinnydaily.com which was my favorite blog type site for a while. I haven't seen the video's yet. In fact I didn't know about them until I was reading here. I thought last night I would get on the lap top and watch at home (can't get video's to play on my work computer which is actually a good thing since I really shouldn't be watching video's at work). But last night I got home at 7 and vegged out. I thought I was getting sick because I was tired and cold (in spite of 70 degrees in the house), but I feel all right today. I guess I was just tired.

    So, Stayincalm, you're an ex-dancer? Did you dance professionally with the emaciated gay men? The studio's my kids have gone to are almost completely female, although when my older DD did The Nutcracker in high school, the girls with solos all had to enlist boys to do the lifting. She was the Dew Drop Fairy and got her boyfriend who is neither emaciated nor gay — just a real nice guy — to be her partner. We still call him the Dew Drop Prince on occasion. Another time they did a ballet that called for everyone to have a partner so they had this whole line of high school boys in tights catching all the girls. I never thought they could make it work, but they did.

    I know my DD misses dancing a lot. In fact, I'm sure that's why she's teaching now. Sometimes she gets younger DD to teach her the dances the current high school company is working on. Usually the teachers get the opportunity to do their own solo at recital and I think DD is planning on doing one, but she's gained weight since those Dew Drop Fairy days and she may very well chicken out. I don't think the Dew Drop Prince will be joining her this time. He's a nice guy, but maybe not that nice.

    Fay, I bet you're a great teacher. I've always found that teachers who call their class "my kids" are the good teachers! My own children have had some teachers like that and some that just don't seem to like kids very much! You can guess which ones had the most impact on them.
  • Lily When my stepson was in Iraq we made a point of sending him messages and mail about every other day. It got very hard on my husband....but keeping in contact even if they dont get back to you helps alot. If you like, and Im sure I wont be alone in this offer.....pm those of us willing....your son's info (website, and addy for electronic mail) and we will write to him. What would we write? Oh who knows, but Im sure he would be thoroughly entertained!! I'll keep my fingers crossed that he gets another delay!
  • I thought it was the sleeping pill . . . but now see that yes, the phrases "arsing around" & "emaciated gay men" REALLY WERE used in the same paragraph. LOVING The Chat!

    Worried about beachie on ice get in here woman!

    Glad you checked in Amy - my re-dedication to lc wol put me back where I was + a pound. w00t! w/i @ 234 for the Make A Wish Contest at work Friday - could hardly believe I was @ 228 for my ticker changing day Monday! Have fun @ the gym - I'm still sore but it's still a "good" sore.

    I remember Fat Is A Feminist Issue Fay . . . but not sure I read it - will check it out next time I'm at the used book store - a place I so dearly love. Hope you're having fun at the gym as well!

    Sunny but windy out . . . gotta get out in the sunshine . . . have a Terrific Tuesday everyone!
  • Hi Ladies

    The snow shoveling pulled out my bad back.I been resting on the sofa this afternoon. Hope it gets better as I have choir rehearsal tomorrow.

    Did good with my eating & exercising the last two days.Hopefully at tomorrow's W-I I'll see some good results.

    Weightsmasher-Welcome to our thread. You'll find lots useful information on this board. I was low carbing a while back,but now I just watching my carb count & calorie count as well.

    BaB-Congrats on Maintaining. That better than a gain. It s possibility that it was the sweet & sour sauce and lot of that sodium that gave you some kind of water retention. Drink more water to flush out the sodium.

    SC-Thanks for your concern,I didn't over due the snow shoveling .MY dh and I took it easy when we shoveled,but this morning my back went out. Going to rest it today and hope I'll be better tomorrow.

    LILY-I do understand baking a cake for him I do that for DS only but I make s/f cookies for him around the Christmas Holiday.He has type 1 diabetes and I don't want him to feel left out. BIG CONGRATS for the NSV of not eat more than 1 pc.Oh Lily I know what your going though my DS was in Dessert Storm,and that wasn't the best place to be in either.He & your family are going on my Prayer list tonight.We are here for you so don't stay away too long.

    CC-Sorry about your W-I .I sure its water retention as you just getting over TOM. No I never try belly dancingis it fun.I try to Hula when I was in Hawaii 2 years ago,but that fell though when I came home. Good Luck on your next weigh-in.

    AUD-We went outside this morn and the it wasn't as icy as I expected it to be. I think the sea air on the Cape first melts the ice and than evaporates it into the air. I have some yak tracks to put on the soles of the booths to keep you from falling.Thanks for your concern about me.

    Have to go,will see you guys tomorrow

    Hugs BB
  • My sincere thanks to all of you great ladies for understanding my situation. I can't even think about it without crying. This is the hardest thing I've ever been through and I've been through a lot. I really feel like I'm losing one of my children. My biggest hope in the world is that we'll get a new president and they'll pull our troops home.

    Robin, that is the sweetest offer in the world! I'll surely take you up on it. I plan to write him very often and send him care packages.

    As for my weight, I'm not too worried about stress eating. I want to be healthy, lean and strong when my son does make it home.

    SC, I had to laugh at your "emaciated gay guys" post.

    Gotta go cause Dr. Phil show is about a 700 lb. man. For some reason I'll watch anything if it's about weight!

    BB, we posted at the same time. But thank you also for your kind words. I am sure since your son was in Desert Storm that you know what emotions I am going through right now. I am happy to know your son made it home safely.
  • lynnar, you're making me blush here! (And you also made me giggle at the thought of all those macho highschool boys in tights. Bless.)

    I did go to the gym! I am made of win!!! Also, I'm finding audiobooks on the iPod an absolute godsend wrt the whole treadmill thing (at this juncture I'm content to just put in half an hour on the treadmill a minimum of 3 times a week, hoping to do more but looking at 3 as what I HAVE to get done. Further down the line I'll be being more ambitious, but at the minute I'm still very much in a GetYourFatAssDownToTheGym mode, where simply going to the gym is an intimidating thing for me, so I figure Go Team Me every time I get there. And the more often I go, the more it'll be part of my routine/not scary. In a couple of months, I'm hoping that I'll be confident enough to start making use of the awesome park around the corner on a regular basis, but for now I'm not too ambitious.)

    Belly dancing! Yes, this is GREAT fun. AND, it's a style of dance where having an excess of curves is no bad thing - indeed, super skinny belly dancers don't look as good as the curvy ones. I learned a bit when I lived in Egypt, and I do have a Bellydancing DVD, actually - should dig that out again. That's one of my goals for 2008, actually - there's a lady in town who does classes, and I'd like to build up my body confidence and go see her.
  • Evening all: It is ten to six here. I do not know whether I am coming or going. I left the office at 4:00 for a 5:30 meeting in another city. I'm sitting in traffic 90% of the way there and realize the meeting is Wed.night not Tuesday night. I thought it was Wed. What a moron. No wonder people were looking at me wierd when I was dashing out of the office. They thought I was just leaving early. Even my assistant didn't ask me, "Where the **** do you think you are going?" Geez. What a moron. I had to call her at 4:45 as I was sitting on the offramp in a different city and cop to the idoicy.

    Anywho. Lily: I think Robin wins the award for good ideas. Not only do I want to send Shane letters, I want to send great big fun care packages. Not just cause we dig his mom but because we appreciate the sacrifice he is making with his time and effort. Lynn: Majored in dance in college until the accident with the hope of teaching and working with a local company. Lots of shows and independent stuff before that. How wierd though. Had to switch to acting and technical theatre. Ended up being a much better actor than I ever was a dancer. I was trying to make myself into a dancer even though it never gave me the rush acting ended up giving me. Had great opportunities too. Studied with Jose Quintero and the Royal Shakespeare Company too. Guess what though? Hated the idea of working gig to gig. The acting served me well though. Absolutely NO FEAR of public speaking. Can talk to hundreds and speak in very intimidating cirucmstances and actually enjoy it. Theprinciples were the same. Rehearse till you are almost dead and then creativity and acting occur on top of that when you are so sure of what you are doing that you can work and improvise on the rest. Having a degree in acting was by far the most valuable thing that I got out of my education. It taught me to really study something and take risks. Can't say enough about it. Plus. It is a rush like none other. I so wish I had nights free to pursue it again on a community theatre level. Alas, part of being an adult in a job that pays me very, very well for talking is that my nights are often not my own.

    However! I want to try belly dancing. Fay, I'm in there!


    p.s. Yes, I will exercise tonight!