Not sure if this is

  • the right spot or not.I have had some friend's who have and are still taking the weight loss pills Alli I was wondering if anyone here know anything about it and what the pro's and cons are concerning Alli

  • There are a bunch of threads about Alli in the Does it Work? Forum.

    Here's the most recent one.

    I've never been a fan of pills to lose weight. But that's my humble opinion.
  • i heard that it just have to make sure that you watch your fat intake or there will be a price to pay..i think i'm gonna try in during the summer when i go home for summer semester...that way if i mess up atleast i'm not on campus lol
  • I work in a pharmacy and we have customers tell us the good and the bad. If you can really watch what you eat, I say go for it. It can have terrible side effects if you cheat. Just stay close to the allowed amount of fat and you should be fine.