Daily Calorie Intake??

  • What is a healthy number for a 22 year old in order to lose weight? Are there any sites to calculate calories to eat a day to lose weight? I go back and forth, at first I was eating way too little and felt like I was starving all day, and today I hate almost 2000 calories and I know that can't be good, but I really don't know. Help?
  • I entered my info in mydailyplate.com and have been working from there. To lose 2 lbs a week, I'm supposed to eat around 1600 a day. (I'm 22, 5'7", 190 pounds and fairly inactive)
  • I tend to use this site!

  • Thanks you guys!
  • i aim for between 1200 and 1500 depending on my activity level. im 5'5 138ish and moderately sedetary.
  • I'm 22 and I do 1750. It's pretty easy, and I usually wind up under.