I've lost my momentum.

  • I was doing great! I made my 10% goal on December 3rd. Then we had an amazing(ly annoying) series of events that gave me all the excuses in the world not to count points. We had an ice storm and lost power for 5 days, so we had to eat out constantly. Then we had a hotel stay the weekend before Christmas (not to mention that I got a sinus infection that weekend which just knocked me out for weeks). I had to go out of town for work for 5 days on only a night's notice, so more hotel stays, more eating out. And we bought a new house and began the moving process last weekend. You guessed it, even more eating out.

    I actually had the chance to attend WW last week. I was up 6 pounds since Dec. 3. I tried getting back on track and counting points, but it's hard when you can't find a fork, much less your WW point-counting materials because it's all buried in boxes somewhere.

    I was doing so well, and now I'm not, and I can't motivate myself to just get back on track and stay there. Anyone else go through this? Can you tell me if it's mostly situational? I feel like on one hand, it has been an extremely crazy 6 weeks and anyone would have a hard time, and I just need stability. But I feel like at this rate, I'll never get back on track. And I was so excited because we moved so close to a park with an awesome walking trail, but it's been SO cold I can't imagine wanting to go out walking.

    So motivate me, tell me it'll all come together, tell me to stop whining, just help me please! (I have another meeting tonight and I'm going, but I never feel like I have the chance to bring up all my personal concerns there.)
  • Don't give up Amy!! Everyone has their hiccups and it sounds like you've had a hectic time recently. Maybe try switching to the Core plan while your house is upside down? I don't know much about it, but I think it just makes you think about what you're eating (can only eat whole wheat foods, etc) instead of keeping track of points. Or, if you can't find all your materials but have access to a computer, keep your journal for every day in a spreadsheet. That's what I used to do sometimes, rather than tell myself I would just remember what I ate and add it all up later, because that never worked and I always forgot something!

    The holidays are an extremely difficult time for people trying to watch their weight. Temptation is everywhere! And being in a hotel always makes me feel like I'm on vacation mode or something, like it's an excuse to overeat. Maybe try eating until you're full rather than to get your money's worth or if you go out to a restaurant, get a take-away box and split the meal up before you eat it. That is absolutely my WORST because I'm a poor student and if I pay for something, I want to get the most out of it! If you cut your meal in half, you'll have something to eat later or the next day and don't have to feel like you're wasting your money (as long as you've unpacked your microwave!!).

    Good luck! Don't give up! Going to the meeting will probably help. I have not been to one, but I imagine they are great motivation!
  • Definitely don't give up. You've already made it to your 10% goal once, which means you can do it again. I know how hard it is to hop back on the wagon (believe me, I've just recently "begun again" ), but you can do it! Start with small steps. Try to think about portion size and maybe switching to the Core plan would be good, just until you get your house unpacked. You can ease back into your WW program, and then once things have settled down a bit, you'll be ready to go back to counting points.

    But, above all, get thyself to a meeting! It always helps me when I've had a hard week.
  • Hey, Amy! Be patient with yourself, take small steps. Maybe just keeping a journal or tracker. I have found even when I'm over, if I write it down I do better each time. The fact that you're aware and trying to do something about it is good. You're not giving up on yourself. Neither are we, we'll be here for you!

    I don't want to begin to tell you my story of success and re-starts, it's too long All I will tell you is if you don't quit, you'll make through these hard times and get back to your program when you can you'll get to your goal.

    You're ahead of the game because you have tools to help you when you get your house situated, you know what you need to do, so maybe you'll be starting at square 5 instead of square 1, so you'll be off to a good re-start.
  • Go to the meetings!! Don't give up!!! It happends- life gets rough and we don't always make the best choices. But once the fog clears- get back to your program!! You can do it
  • Thank you all so much. I already feel better. I weighed in last night and my weight was exactly the same as the week before, which I suppose is okay. I fully intended to stay for the meeting, but the weigh-in line was practically out the door when the meeting was supposed to start! It was crazy, it's like everyone in town decided to join last night. Anyway, since we're still moving (we're keeping our old house for awhile before we can put it on the market), our dogs are at our old house still and it was freezing last night. Heh, here I go with the excuses. Basically, I knew I wouldn't get much out of the meeting because I was worried about the dogs being cold outside and all the stuff I had to get from the old house and the meeting was nowhere near starting, so I skipped out.

    Anyhoo, just going for the weigh-in was good. It was good to know at least I hadn't gained any weight, and the leader was so supportive (I just switched to a new meeting and I really like the new leader much more). I found my WW materials by the way and started counting points again yesterday. Setting up my kitchen, I have a cabinet devoted to my safe snack foods and it's far away from the snack foods for the rest of the family.

    Another thing is this winter nonsense is getting me down. I love that it's staying light out for a little longer, but I can't wait for it to warm up. I'm sorry but I'm not going out walking when it's dark and 1 degree. But it's already supposed to be much warmer tomorrow. Basically, I am feeling more optimistic and reminding myself this is all just a small blip.

    Thank you all again. Your support is wonderful.
  • I'm having some cabin fever, too. The littlest thing can set me off. I do get outside a bit, we get home about 1/2 hr. 45 mins. before sunset, so we walk right away if it's not ridiculously cold.

    I thought I really blew it this week, I was almost to the point of saying "might as well screw up the rest of the week ", I had tracked up until thurs. night, so today I got my tracker back out and filled it in and discovered I wasn't as bad as I thought.

    I think it stopped me in my tracks, we might go to the movies tonight, I was considering movie theater popcorn, but now I'll skip it if we go. We're trying to balance when we know we're going to eat out with eating better the other meals that day.
  • Hey everyone, just wanted to update quickly. I've done a good job of counting again this week (except for Monday when we had a baby shower during work, but I didn't just throw in the towel after that like I have been!). Thanks for your encouragement.

    I was sort of wishing I had just waited to join WW until this week so that when my life was in order enough to be on plan, I'd also have the enthusiasm I had last fall. But I'm finally starting to remember why I joined WW in the first place and once I start to see the numbers change on the scale (in a good way!), I'm sure that will be the final kick in the pants that I need.
  • Hi Amy -- and welcome back from a n00b!

    I'm proud of you for NOT waiting until your life was in order before returning...I did just that (waited for a "calm time"), and now have 20 more pounds to lose than I would have.

    Anyway -- you can do it! Hang in there -- the rewards are already on their way...
  • WTG Amy on making it back OP And I agree with Lizzie -- it may have seemed worthless to start WW while your life wasn't perfectly in order yet, but I imagine it did you some good. No progress was ever made by waiting, anyway.

    Be sure to check in from time to time and let us know how you're doing.
  • Glad to hear you're feeling more steady, Amy8888. I've been reading this fantastic book, "Thin for Life" by Anne M. Fletcher. It's about a group of people she calls "Masters" who have lost a great deal of weight and kept it off for a long time. One of the things she talks about is how hard it is to start a program when your life is in chaos. In fact, there is a list of questions she says to ask yourself to determine whether you have the time, energy, and spirit to spare to do the work necessary to control your weight.

    So don't beat yourself up for getting off plan. You're getting back to it, and eventually everything will feel under control again!

  • Yay, I was back down 2.2 pounds last night! Finally!
  • Congrats Amy! See, aren't you glad you got back on plan?
  • Wooo! Awesome loss! Congrats on getting back to it!!
  • Congrats, Amy! I'm proud of you. You're inspiring. Way to make a comeback!!!