LC Chat: 1/21 thru 1/27

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  • Family

    Shane, my son, showing off his muscles last night at the gym.

    Lacy's new hairstyle.

    Lacy and our kitty, Mr. Robo Kitty 3000.

    Lacy wrestling with our dog, Lucy.

    Click here to watch the video of my grandsons.
  • Holy cow, Lily - your boy has certainly got a shedload of muscles right there! Makes me want to get my *** straight down to the gym - not that I want THAT level of muscular development, but a bit less in the way of Bingo Wings* would be fantastic.

    The International Feast sounds tuff Fay . . . maybe you could sample stuff that looks meat or chees based & just suck the innards out of the carb laden shells?

    This, as it happens, is pretty much what I did. I'm a bit irritated with myself, because I COULD have just eschewed everything except for the roast chicken, I guess - instead I had various different kinds of meat and chicken and cheese (including 3 pieces of paneer, my only foray into the Indian food). I didn't touch any of the cookies, cakes, pies, breads, crisps, doughnuts, candy floss, sweets, pizza, rice, noodles, crackers or any of that, so you could say that I stayed on plan - but the fact is that several of the meat things turned out to be cooked or glazed with sugary things. And, um, I still ate them. Um. But on balance, I think that wasn't too bad. I hope.

    1st what is the Couch-2-5k?

    Not sure whether the link will get removed - not quite clear on how that works. But if you go to www dot coolrunning dot com and have a search around, you'll probably find it. It's a 9-week program that you can follow to get you into condition to run 5k - sounds really cool, and there's a nice-looking forum over there as well of supportive chat for runners and soon-to-be-runners. I'd like to work up to doing that myself, although I'm a long way off it just yet.

    Where ya at fay????? It's nice having a LC cyber bud around during my late nights that are prolly your days, right?

    Hi there! Presently in Bangkok, Thailand. We're 7 hours ahead of the UK, and the UK is 4-8 hours ahead of North America, so most of my day is your night and vice versa. Nice to see you on 'my' time, though!

    Meanwhile, my kids (they're Year 2, which is the same age as your Grade 1, although we start school a year earlier so it's academically more like Grade 2 - 6 and 7-year olds, anyway) did an unexpectedly awesome job in their assembly - they counted to 10 in Czech, spoke in synch and the 4 who had extra bits to say said them in big loud voices. (We only had 2 minutes - every class in the school went and did a little thing to tell everyone what they'd been learning about in International Week.)

    And my Mum and Dad are here! They arrived yesterday, and they're in Bangkok for 4 days before heading off to see other bits of Thailand on their package tour. Yesterday we ate together at a Japanese buffet, which was yummy and impressively on-plan (Go Team Japan!) but tonight I think it's Thai, which is more likely to contain hidden sugar. I think I'll go eat before I meet with them, rather than join them in their dinner. Then on Saturday night I'm hoping to whisk them out for dinner at an awesome Italian restaurant, and on Sunday to whisk them off for lunch at my favourite Thai place. Trying to make sure that I stay on-plan, though - I've been checking out menus and thinking hard. Fingers crossed.

    * occurs to me that this may be an Anglicism - do you folks have this expression across the pond? I'll explain, if need be.
  • Lily: You've got a family of lookers there! I'm still waiting for that video thingy though. My daughter wrestles with our obese English Cocker but it does not appear to be as spirited a bout as Lacy is enjoying.

    Hi Fay: Can't sleep (work stress)and caught your post. I'll bite on Bingo Wings. My granny used to use that phrase and I beleive it referred to "unsightly loose skin" in the arm area. She used it specifically in reference to our next door neighbor Mrs. Beeger. I can't however say that it is used widely here. Granny was from across the pond and emigrated here to live with us in 1965.

    Good for you on the international day feast. It sounds to me like you did swimmingly. Having your parents there for a holiday sounds lovely too. My mouth is watering from the eating excursions you are describing. I hope you have a wonderful time visiting with your mum and dad. Sounds better than anything naughty tastes!!!

    Everyone is asleep so maybe I can catch up on my Dexter episodes in peace. Odd that something so disturbing may lull me into dreamland.

  • Fay, I also don't want as much muscles as my son, but yeah, the batwing thing leaving would be good for me too!
    Fay, considering all the food at the banquet it looks like you did a great job picking what was best for you.

    SC, the video link is at the bottom of my previous post. Check it out, my grandsons are cuties. I'm in the black sweatshirt. This was at Christmas time and I was UP 7 lbs., so I look pretty crappy! My SD, Shelbey was doing the filming. BTW, Baby Gunner was not hurt in the video, he didn't even cry, just ran for Grandma Lily!
  • Good Morning Ladies

    Still brutally cold but clear up here,but Leo & I have to go out this morn and get some items[groceries] that we forgot or have to replace.Have to buy eggs for my rev rolls,as I making them this afternoon. I'm now using tart pans for the rolls,they don't come out flat,like when I used the baking sheet.

    Nothing new,just trying to keep warm,hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

    LILY-Love the photos of your family. You got a nice looking son and two beautiful daughters. Hope everything will be ok with your son be deployed.

    JG-I use fit day and I just minus the carb from the fiber and get the actually carb count. I don't think that you have to count carb on this plan,other than in induction is 20 and then when you heading to the OWL[outward weight loss]you add a additional 5 grams each week until you stall & start gaining]After that You might need some one more experience with the plan like Jersey Girl or Lily to help you further.

    Have to go,will be back later

    Hugs BB
  • Stayincalm - you got it! Bingo wings are the horrible wobbly upper arms. Eek. Oh, how I hate them.

    Ack! Well, if lunch went not-too-bad, dinner went not-so-good. My parents paid for me to be included in their trip to a Thai dinner-and-dance-show thingy, where it was a set meal that just appeared in front of you. The soup wasn't too bad (although it did have a little rice in it), and there were stir fried veggies which I ate happily (dutifully seperating out carrot and baby sweetcorn), and I didn't touch the rice, and I politely refused the fruit and stuck to plain water - but there's no way that the red thai curry or the sweet'n'sour chicken or the little wonton thingies were on plan. I mean, they weren't atrocious - still plenty of protein - but they sure as **** weren't Induction foods.


    I do hope that I manage to lose this week. I went to the gym straight after work like a good girl, and I'm doing my damnedest to stay as On Plan as I can in these circumstances, but it's not ideal for Induction. Although I'm planning on carrying on Induction for a good few weeks, so I'm not freaking out about this - I've been in Thailand a year and a half and this is my parents' first visit. Normally I can exert more control on my food choices, and I made a conscious decision that I'd rather enjoy a happy social evening and be grateful for their gift, rather than be all arsey about the food.

    Still. It's a shame that I haven't done a better job of Induction so far.
  • Fay, you shouldn't feel so bad about special occasion like your parents visiting. It's when the special occasions happen two or three times every week that you need to be careful.

    Actually, I guess that's kind of where I am this morning. I did a mid week WI (bad idea!) and "found" the two pounds I lost for the last offical WI. I fixed dinner for my "big kids" last night. We've been eating out a lot with them (they're both living in apartments 20-30 mins from the house). But I insisted on eating at home so I could control my food better. I had stuffed chicken breasts (stuffed with ham and chesse) and plain steamed broccoli so it was pretty much on plan. Maybe too much sodium?

    I am a little worried too because I seem to be hungry a lot more lately. My theory is that the hunger is tied to insulin resistance. I did Weight Watchers off and on for years. When I compared my food to what others were eating on the Weight Watchers board, I was always eating way more and yet, I was always very hungry. I'm pretty sure there's something going on, but I don't have a doctor to talk to about this. I saw my family doctor last spring, before I started on Atkins for that go round, and made him do blood sugar tests and thyroid tests, but I'm pretty sure he just wrote me off as another fat person who just "eats too much." I assume my tests were normal, but he never did give me any results.

    I think the thing that attracted me to Atkins was the first part of the book where he described some of his patients and I saw myself! I wish there was a doctor around here like that!

    (warning: venting here)
    Every diet and/or eating plan I've tried has worked well for two or three weeks and then it's like something happens, something "adjusts" and the weight loss slows. I can't stay on my even lower than regular induction plan forever! It interferes too much with my life (and my digestive process that really does need some fiber!), but if adding a second salad or a few stalks of broccoli makes me regain weight, what can I do? I know I'm panicking prematurely. I need to stay OP until my next WI and then I can panic, but I like to be prepared!!! Just venting. I gotta get to work now and pretend that I'm not really hungry!!!
  • Hellooooo

    Just a quickie....things have really picked up at the shop, and Ive put a few things to the side to say hi here!!

    Food isnt all that good right now, exercise has slipped too. BUT in my defense Ive been so tired. Just too flippin' tired to do anything.

    So......of course because Ive been so tired, I started questioning my food intake again. Hey girls I lasted alot longer this time, than last!! Ive added some carbs/sugar, but in healthier ways than before. Ive added some apples, oatmeal, and pb in the evening w/dark chocolate. Ive noticed considerable differences in my moods, and my energy levels. So I pulled out some old eating for life and low fat cook books. Its time to adjust the food intake.....more good carbs, and lower fat stuff.

    K........Im off to get some stuff done.

    Have a great day ladies!!
  • BB, Lily-- yeah im starting to get over it. Ive been taking airborne, vitamin c, day quil, night quil, and gettin some rest. Im alot better now, Thanks!!!
  • Heyya LC'ers!

    Sitting here playing catch up with coffee and just got done watching your vid, lily - just toooo cute - so glad I've got my 'puter fixed (knock on monitor) or I would have missed . . . yes, I could tell lil one wasn't really hurt & just needed some G'ma Lily time - was that Gunner? Cute names too . . . as far your son Shane - WOWZA! Seeing that physique made me feel like Koo-Koo-Ka Choo Mrs. aud ROBINSON! Please don't tell him about perverted-menopausal cyber-space buds, ok? When I first went shorter with the hair - mine was cut like your darling Lacy's - but didn't flatter me - hair too curly - so I went even shorter. I think a similar cut would be cute on you lily - if you're hair is as straight as dd's looks.(??)

    My dd has promised forevah to help me Post some pics - I'm just clueless still.

    oooops - rambled too long already - I'm up at this hour getting this lard-buTTOCK (aud-Gump? LOL!) to the gym - had an eye opeing w/i (new contest at work) - up to 234!!!! So have resolved to get going b4 I creep back up to 248, ya know?

    Cya a bit later . . .
  • Good morning all! (Good afternoon to some). Lily. Duh. Like the video post was not right there at the bottom of your post. I feel like a moron. I was so busy looking at the attractive children I overlooked the video. Oh my goodness that was cute and made my day. The best part was that poor little one tumbling off the back and calmly laying there looking up at everyone. Meanwhile the other just drives merrily on. I really enjoyed watching it. I want to bury my nose in their little boy hair and take a deep sniff of that "I'm barely leaving babyhood smell". By the way you did not look terrible. You looked like a youthful and attractive lady. It is not fair for grandmas to look as hot as you.

    I'm glad the weekend is here. Aunt flow should be finishing up today but she did cause me more distress than ususal this month. My chest feels swollen and sore still (and my bras feel tight and uncomfortable) and my back is still pretty sore. I did'nt do WI this week because she landed on my normal day (Wed.) so maybe I will check the scales tomorrow or Monday. If I'm smart I will double my water this weekend and just hold off on the weighing until Wed.

    On a side note: OMG. I ordered 12 Chocoperfection bars from netrution as recommended by Jimmy Moore and they are pretty yummy. Well worth it. We broke into one last night (I avoided during the worst of TOM because the dark chocolate craving I was having was so bad I thought it might set me off !). They are rich and decandent and if you are not on induction really, really, really worth it. Only two carbs and not the fake deflated two carbs but really two carbs. They taste like dark European chocolate. I only ate one square. I have had to hide them or DH will chow down on them while he merrily continues to cheat. Drives me nuts. "Don't eat the expensive or prepared in advance low carb stuff I'm making if you are going to cheat. Just eat what you wanted to eat instead."

    Work was so crazy and with aunt flow I did not focus on my plan as much as I need to. I didn't go off plan at all eating wise (though I did skip my bike workout on Wed. and last night) but I decided to make this WOL my number one focus and priority and give it 100% for at least six months and I need to move it back up the food chain (no pun intended). I think carb creep and not holding myself accountable result when it is not in the forefront of my mind so I'm trying to refocus. Jimmy Moore's Livin La Vida Low Carb Youtube videos really help me. I reviewed a few last night after I fed everyone, slowed down, and decided to take stock. I really, really have to work on not letting work/client/employee worries take over. I really bring it home with me and chew over them all evening and through the night.

    Have a terrific weekend everyone.
  • Mrs. aud Robinson, LOL. No, you can't babysit him, LOL. I'm gonna post his face pics for you today. He really is a gorgeous little heartbreaker. At least that's what all the girls think. I think he should have been a male model instead of a Sergeant in the Army! Of course, I'm prejudiced.

    SC, glad you took a peek at the video. I think the grandsons are soooo cute. Taylor sure learned how to dump his little bro out of that truck, LOL. Did you notice my DH, he's the one that went and helped Gunner up. My DH is HOT! (for an old man, LOL).

    I had a major stressful night last night. Lacy had her first major heartbreak with her now EXBF. She was sobbing uncontrollably and it hurts me so much to see her pain. How do we help a young heart through something like this?

    I went to bed with a tiny fever blister. I woke up with a monster fever blister! Any ideas how to shorter the course of this? My mouth is so swollen it hurts to even eat!

    My eating is on track and I think my scale is slowly moving down. I snuck a peek yesterday! I would head to the gym today, but don't want to scare off folks with my swollen/diseased looking mouth!

  • Aud, just for you, LOL. A frontal view, these are before he started working out like crazy and getting so Buff!
  • Hi Ladies

    Leo & I slept in until 8:30 ish and than we discussed world issues when looking around we noticed it was 11 AM and it was time to get dinner ready.Now its 2:57 and in 3 mins I going to watch golf on the golf channel.

    Nothing new,since its late,I going to spend the rest of the day by being LAZY.

    LILY-You have a very good looking son.I guess the young girls are keeping him in sight.Oh Dear,I remember those days when my DD had her heart broken,Hope she finds some comfort shortly.

    JLK-Glad that you feeling better.It takes time to lose those nasty colds.

    Have to go,the golf game is on

    Have a nice weekend

    Hugs BB
  • Thanks BB, yeah, he's broken a few girls' hearts. I end up always feeling sorry for the girls. I wish he could find a nice, single lady without kids. Seems everyone he dates already has kids and are wanting instant marriage. He's not at all ready for that yet!

    I'm coming down with the crud stuff again. I should have known from the look of this fever blister. Now I'm coughing and runny nose . I feel like taking some Nyquil and going to bed for a day or two.

    Good news is my jeans are looser today.