Finally admitted I need to be here

  • I've been lurking off and on for a few months. My bingeing (sp?) has gotten pretty bad lately and I really need to get on top this so I decided to do a profile and get to posting. I look forward to getting to know everyone.

    I guess I could tell you a little bit about my binge behavior. Most are planned. I look forward to them. Meaning when I am at work I am thinking about what I want to binge on when I get home. When my boyfriend stays the night he always falls asleep before me-- I do a lot of binging. I feel really guilty afterwards. Most times I binge 2-3 days a week then I can go for a few weeks without bingeing then the cycle starts again.

    I know the underlying reason why I do it. There are things that are continuing to happen within my life that contributes to it too. Some things I have control over and some I don't.

    What helps? I'm on 3FC as often as I can be and do what I need to do. The blog on here I started helps too. I try to keep myself busy too.
  • what helps me is i think about whether or not that food is going to be worth the mental pain it is going to cause me. i know the feeling of staying on plan and being proud of myself is so much better than the feeling of eating 10 tons of pasta and hating myself afterward (even though that pasta is dang yummy).
  • Thanks beautybooty. What worked yesterday and honestly it was my first effort to try to prevent bingeing was looking in the mirror and talking to myself. Posting here for the first time helped too. I think I will definitely take advantage of the cyber bingers and cyber purgers threads too. I'm trying to build up my "chest" of coping skills.
  • You can too...
    Hi Likenoother,
    You have to believe in you first! When you plan the binges plan different foods. I actually had to take out the wrong stuff. Stock with the right stuff and NOT stop off on the way home for the wrong stuff.
    A support system is good. Boyfriend supportive? Family? Coworkers? Whether those are yes or no you have US here at 3FC.
    One day at a time and dont expect overnight miracles. As they say in ALLLLLL The diet books. You didnt get to this weight over night you aint gonna lose it over night!

    I check in here every day at least once if not more so let me know how you are doing or if I can help with food ideas etc let me know.

    Your Friend at 3FC,
  • Hi Chilipepperlady. Thanks for your kind words.

    I definitely need to work on keeping the trigger foods out of my house. The good thing is I haven't done the stopping somewhere before home to get more stuff in about two months. Everyone one is supportive. I just told my mom I was an emotional eater a few months ago. She's trying to understand why because of course it has nothing to do with her. It was nothing she did. She brought me up to be a strong, independent, and tell it like it is woman. I don't know when I will be able to tell her what happened and why I'm like this.....the family hx is such a mess as it is. Boyfriend worries but he doesn't say anything. He knows why bc I told him. I plan to sit down and enlist him in helping me which he will do. I just need to reassure him that even if I curse at him...I will get over it and I know he is just doing what I asked him to do.