Weigh in at home 2/4 - 2/10

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  • Starting the topic. Be right back
  • Good Morning! How about those Patriots!!! You can not believe the moment when they won, you could hear everyone on the street yelling, cars honking horns, it was just crazy! You could still hear the cheering an hour later when we were bringing the trash out. And that is just in our little NH town, I can't imagine Boston.

    I did pretty good at the party, I had ZERO beers, which is the biggest accomplishment I think anyway. I did have some chocolate graham cracker thing but it was really good. Overall considering the amout of food, chips, dips, snacks etc. I did good. Very tired and house is trashed but that will all be better by tonight.

    How did everyone else fair this weekend?

    Jennifa-I would also love to hear about your new plan and see how it works. Please reconsider leaving.

    I dont know if I will make weigh in today, work thing kind of stinky today. Sneak peak this weekend looked ok, about 1 pound down, maybe I can make it some night this week. If not I will go next Monday. I have to wait and see what happens with work. Which I really wish I did not need, because I would love to be home right now and NOT here.

    Anyway, hope you all had a great weekend. Have a great day.
  • Karen C - I'm sorry to hear about your back - I hope it's better.

    Michele - Congratulations on the Patriots winning and on doing so well foodwise. Sorry to hear about your boss. I know at my company, if you work less than full time (no matter how much less) you do lose some vacation (equivalent to the time you work) but I don't think you lose holidays and health benefits. Can you find out more from him (exactly what is he cutting)?

    Jennifa - I'm with Karen C - you don't have to leave here because you are not doing WW anymore. I just want to say that no matter what you decide, I wish you luck!

    I had a good week last week even though my exercise stopped after Thursday 'cause of the chest cold. I slep late on Saturday morning and missed my regular meeting but I did get there to weigh in (they have 3 meetings on Sat mornings) although I didn't stay for the meeting (I went right back to bed). I lost 0.2 - back to the little amounts! I admit I was a little disappointed but it's still a loss and it's the fourth in a row! I stayed OP this weekend although I didn't exercise. Of course, yesterday's sneak peek was better than Saturday's but that's the way it goes. This morning's sneak peek wasn't good but I had some pickles yesterday and our dinner was a little salty too. Time to drink that water and flush it out.

    Have a great one!
  • WOOHOO! Loved the Superbowl, that was THE most exciting football game I ever watched!

    Michele, you done good girl! Congrats. Hope the boss can work something out so you are both happy.

    Judy, Congratulations on losing for 4 weeks straight. My back is better, hope your cold is.

    Well, I had a terrible weekend foodwise. It started Friday with my free day, which of course I plan for each month, but couldn't get back on program, so Saturday was a disaster. Yesterday I was pretty much OP but haven't been journaling. We went to the Yearling and food was amazing. I didn't overeat, thank goodness. Today has been rush rush, and took a girlfriend to lunch for her birthday. I had my once-every-six-months cheeseburger, and just a bite of her espresso cheesecake. I'm back to journaling, but still feel out of control somehow. Sneak peek this morning was horrible! Hope to get it together today.

    Hi to Karen B, Carla, Pat and Jennifa!
  • Hi Everyone!

    Karen C - sorry you're feeling a little out of control; you're probably entitled to a little slip considering how amazingly well you've done for so long! You're my inspiration on this thread! I love the great support from everyone, but you're my living proof that eating sensibly works! I can't wait to have the end in sight like you do! Well, not the end, but goal weight. I can't wait to get thrown out of the women's department for shopping for way too big clothes! There, I'll bet you're firmly back in control now! If you can't indulge once in a while, it's not much fun.

    Judy - congrats on your 4th consecutive loss! A small loss is a loss, no matter how you look at it. (Bet you didn't spit first though!) Hope your cold goes away and you're able to get back to exercising asap!

    Michele - great that your Patriots came through for you! It's so easy to plunge face first into all the goodies when an event like that happens, so congratulations on showing restraint! My experience with part time work and vacation time is the same as Judy's; paid vacation is pro-rated to the percentage of the full time that a person works. Bummer, but reality.

    Jennifa, don't go too far away! Drop in and let us know how you're doing (or we'll come looking for you on your other thread!!)

    Nothing spectacular to report from the weekend. Ate a big 400 calorie chocolate bar yesterday, but climbed aboard the treadmill and dutifully walked off precisely 400 calories to atone for my sins! Hardly seems worth the eating when you see how much walking it takes to negate it! Oh well, seemed like a good idea at the time. Mike had his wisdom teeth pulled Saturday, so he's been feeling sorry for himself. I've actually had to make dinner for three consecutive nights! HORRORS!!!!

    Talk to you all tomorrow...hi to Carla and Pat!

    Karen B
  • Michele - Congratulations to your Patriots! I remember the craziness from two years ago. Sounds like you did a good job handling the party food. That can be really hard, especially during a stressful game. Sorry things are rough at work. Both my jobs are part time. The original job I had full time until Sara was born. When I went part time, my boss reduced my benefits. My vacation and sick times are based on what I work a week. Since I work three days a week, I get nine days of vacation. I still get paid for holidays that fall on days I work. The other job I only get paid for the hours I work with no vacation or holiday pay.

    Jennifa - I'm with everybody else...you don't have to leave just because you aren't doing WW. Keep in touch and let us know how things are working for you.

    Judy - Congratulations on the loss. Even small amounts add up and that does make four losses in a row. Hope you're feeling better.

    Karen C - Glad to hear your back is better. Sorry you're feeling a little out of control. I'm sure getting back to journalling will help.

    Karen B - Hope Mike is feeling better. Sara had hers out a couple of years ago and Laura will need hers out in the next couple of years. It really is depressing to see how hard you have to work to burn off those calories, but sometimes its worth the extra work.

    I had a so-so weekend. I went out to eat Saturday night with my sister, BIL and nephew. I did okay with the meal, but we sat around so long that I started eating the bread. Yesterday I did too much snacking...again! I'm having a tough time getting my motivation back. Tomorrow I journal everything!!!

    Talk to you later.
  • Karen B, gosh thanks! I guess my slip was for a reason--to show myself how it feels, and I don't like it! Just how long did it take to walk off that big chocolate bar? Hope Mike is feeling better and is back to cooking soon!

    Pat, sorry about the rough weekend. Like you, I find that journaling is the big one for me, it actually makes me accountable for what I put in my mouth. I think I'll have to keep it up the rest of my life!

    I finally realized why I was so out of control over the weekend--I was feeling sorry for myself! Well, once I realized that, I got angry and made plans to handle the situation, so I'm back in control. I am woman, hear me roar! LOL! Hope you have a great day!
  • Karen C - sorry to hear about the trouble over the weekend. I have to chime in with Karen B though about "being entitled to a little slip". We are all entitled to a little slip now and then. The important thing is that we forgive outselves, put it behind us and get right back OP. We didn't gain the weight by slipping once in a while - we gained it by beating ourselves up, giving in to the "well, I blew it so I may as well blow it big time" attitude. I'll be sending you "back in control vibes"!

    Karen B - I just LOVE that you walked away that 400 calorie chocolate bar and I have to agree with you that if we did that for all of "red light" foods they'd lose some of their attraction. I hope Mike is feeling better - getting wisdom teeth pulled is no fun at all.

    Pat - I'm sorry to hear you had a bit of a rough patch on on Saturday. Think about it this way, before WW you probably would have more than a little too much bread! I really think most of us (it's a common thread with WW members at my meeting too) beat ourselves up a bit too much. Maybe that had something to do with too much snacking yesterday. Just a guess - I could be wrong. In any case, I'm sending you journalling vibes!

    Hey Carla - how are ya' doing????

    I had a pretty good day yesterday. It was a pretty busy day at work but that seems to be the norm. Tony and I had a good size dinner of pasta, veggies and grilled chicken breast and it was pretty filling so my snacking was at a "medium" level - there but no problems point wise. I did do some free weights (left side only) and I walked from Penn Station to work this morning - it is freezing here but I feel OK and wanted to get the walk in.

    Have a great Think Thin Tuesday,
  • Good Morning

    Ok night, ate too little, just not feeling up to par, went to bed right after Jazzercise. I did however eat an entire candy bar myself yest. must have been something in the air

    As for the job front, I have called the local labor board and NH has no laws regarding part time/full time. I would not mind if he was cutting my benefits, he is taking them away. No holidays, No vacation and no benefits. I just assumed that I would have a 32.5 hour vacations week and a 6.5 hour vacation day. Silly me for assuming anything. Since I would still be doing the same amount of work in shorter time I thought I would be saving him $$, guess not.


    Karen-was that you I heard roaring? Good for you, back in control. Your visit to the rest. sounded nice, I am glad you had a good time. Yes, the Superbowl was the best game I ever saw too, and not just because the Pats won.

    Pat-I too have trouble when I do not journal over weekend. I think the fans around here are so happy because the Pats have really never received much respect. After we were killed in the 86 Superbowl by the Bears, we have kind of been the joke of football. Plus the Bruins and Celtics have not given us much hope lately either. I would have loved to have taken today off to go to the parade in Boston, kind of cold though only 16 degrees this morning.

    Karen-I hope Mike is feeling better soon, as for the cooking sorry! My family has totaly changed eating habits since I stared WW and Jazzercise. They either make for themselves or have a Lean Cuisine. I try to get us together at the table at least once a week for Bobby anyway, sometimes just does not work.

    Judy-4 weeks in a row with a loss, WOO HOO!! Good for you making that meeting on Sat. I missed mine yest. Dropped car off to have a part put in at 10 and they promised by Noon, 2:00 still not done so I was stuck at work for the day. That should explain the candy bar for lunch I am going to try and make one this week after work. My sneak peak is looking pretty good and I want to check out the difference with my scale and theirs.

    Carla-Hope to hear from you soon, I really hope the absence is not due to some airport horror

    Have a great day!
  • Good Morning!

    Pat - I hate it when they bring a basket of bread and I chow down on it! I always put globs of butter on the bread too - which is kind of wierd, coz I'm not much of a bread eater. Next time I'll tell them to keep their bread - Mike's jaw will probably drop to the floor! Journaling vibes being sent along with Judy's.

    Hey, Karen - great for you for self-diagnosing the feeling-soory-for yourself syndrome, and getting right back on track! My chocolate bar, btw, cost me 45 minutes on the treadmill at 3 mph at a 6% incline. Major penance indeed.

    Judy - sounds like you're majorly busy these days. Great for doing well with the evening snacking. I've taken to 'closing' the kitchen after dinner. I do the dishes, tidy up, turn off the lights and consider it 'closed'. A little mental trick, but it seems to work for me. I've been eating massive salads with dinner most nights, so haven't been getting the munchies in the evening anyway.

    Michele - I agree about something in the air with the candy bars! Hope you're feeling back up to par today. NH has some pretty draconian labor laws if you're not entitled to any vacation!

    Hi Carla!

    Mike is feeling much better, thanks. He's back to work today, and will be indulging in exotic leftovers from last night for dinner. I traded shifts and am working afternoons today, so I'll be bagging it for dinner. My trip to the scale was good this morning. I'm down 2 more lbs. That's 13 since New Year's, and 15 since I started back here. I know I couldn't do it without my great BB friends. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart!

    Bye for now,

    Karen B.
  • Karen-Wow 15 pounds! That is awesome!

    My candy bar was 5 points, but all I had for lunch My 60 minute Jazzercise class gives me 6 exercise points so I ate that up, but still did not even come close to my 20-25 points yest. I might have had 12 total. I know that was bad, just did not have it in me.

    I am still going to work on my boss about my mothers hours, I am going to do it slowly. Don't want to push him and I don't really have to start it until Spring when Bobby wants to be out of the house playing. Right now he gets home around 2:45 and I am home around 4:15 so only 1.5 hours alone, but just enough at the same time. He is getting to the age where he wants to venture out of the yard and off the street and that makes me nervous. At least my next door neighbor is home with her kids and knows he is there alone and keeps her eye on him for now. It will be the teen years that really scare me.

    Judy-we were posting at same time earlier. Great job yest. I wish I could get some walking to work in. I would have to walk 12 miles and that is TOO much for me. I have thought about riding my bike in the better weather, but then be all sweaty at work all day. I tried walking at lunch but that was not working as I am in a bad area of town and I HATE when people make comments when you walk by, makes you feel so uncomfortable.

    Have a good one.
  • Hi everyone.

    I'm here and not stuck in an airport! Sorry about being MIA. I ended up working only 1/2 a day yesterday because Ana was home sick and I split the day with John. Had her back in day-care today, but they just called that she's coughing, hasn't slept, hasn't ate and is crying for papa. So, John's going to get her. Poor baby. We really thought she was better, but I guess not. Well, at least her fever is gone. We were battling it all weekend and at one point Saturday evening, it reached 105.2. I had an hystertical mommy moment.

    Michele - Those buffalo wings you conconcted sound fabulous! Good job avoiding all the snacks at the party. I can understand how excited everyone is about the Patriot's win. Back when the Bears won that 86 superbowl, they had spent a lot of years being a joke. Of course, history has repeated itself and this year with them winning the division, well you would have thought it was the SuperBowl all over again. Sorry to hear your boss is being a jerk about your hours. At my company, your vacation is pro-rated, if you're scheduled to work on a holiday, you get it off, and if you work 30 hours a week you get full benefits.

    Judy - Congrats on your loss on Saturday and on losing 4 weeks in a row. Terrific! Your dinner last night sounds yummy. It's freezing here too, but at least the sun is shining.

    Karen C - Sorry to hear that you had trouble over the weekend. But it sounds like you've got it all figured out and you're fighting the good fight again. I agree with Karen B - you're an inspiration.

    Karen B - How great that you walked away that chocolate bar. You're right, once you've worked it off, it hardly seems worth the eating. I'm glad to hear Mike is recovered from having his wisdom teeth out. Ouch. Congrats on those 15 pounds gone forever. Awesome!

    Pat - Bread can be a problem for me too, especially if its nice and warm. Heck, even if it isn't nice and warm. Remember - if you bite it, write it. I better remember that too!

    Jennifa - Please don't leave because you're not doing WW. We'd love to have you stick around.

    Last Wednesday when I weighed in, I was down 6/10 of a pound. It's a loss and I was happy to take it. I had a marvelous sneak peek on Monday and a horrible one today. Go figure. I know - stay off the scale. We'll see what tomorrow brings, at any rate. My trip was uneventful as far as airports and airplanes go. I found out who my new boss is and am pleased. I also found out that the scope of my job won't be changing, which again pleased me. So I guess it was a successful trip all in all.

    Take care everyone.

  • Karen C - Way to go figuring out why you were out of control and getting back on track.

    Judy - I think you hit on something. I do think I've been hard on myself lately for the slip ups and that just causes me to eat more. I need to start focusing more on the positives.

    Michele - Good luck working on your boss. One reason Darrell stuck with working nights was so he would be home when the kids got home from school. I know how you feel about the Pats. Until two years ago the Rams did nothing and before the Rams were here we had the Cardinals. What are playoffs???

    Karen B - Yahoo...15 lbs gone. Way to go. Glad to hear Mike is feeling better.

    Carla - Glad to hear you got some good news on the job front. Hope Ana is feeling better. Wow, 105.2 would have scared me too.

    Well, I didn't get the journalling in. Darrell and Laura are both sick and I'm feeling like I'm coming down with it too. Came home from work this afternoon and took a nap which seemed to help. On the positive side, I went to my sister's house this morning and steered clear of the cookie jar. I'll give the journalling another try tomorrow.

  • I'm going to have to make it short today - I have meetings all morning.

    Michele - that's awful about what your boss is doing - unfortunately, most states don't have laws that protect the employee. Maybe it's time to look elsewhere?

    Karen - I wish I could "close the kitchen down". Tony is a dear but he snacks continuously after dinner, so he'd keep "re-opening" it! I'm glad Mike is feeling better. Congrats on those 2 more pounds gone!!

    Carla - I'm so sorry Ana is sick - poor thing! I would have been hysterical with the fever too. I remember my mom giving me "alcohol baths" to cool down high fevers for me - do people still do that?? Good luck on the scale today.

    Pat - I catch myself beating myself up quite a bit more than I'd like - I'm with you on trying to focus more on the postives. Way to go on stearing clear of the cookie jar!!! That's a big accomplishment.

    Late day yesterday - glad I got my walk in in the morning (did it again today) because I ate dinner when I got home (Tony prepared it - he's great!) and snacked a bit but still have points for breakfast & lunch. Sneak peek was a little high today but it could be the chicken veg soup we had last night. Tony made it over the weekend but he probably put a bit of salt in. In any case, I'm going to be guzzling the water today.

    Gotta go,
  • Michele,

    How about checking into after school activities for Bobby? I know he's too old for day care, but I'm thinking the Y, Boys Club, karate, etc. Maybe if you can find something like that for him then you can continue full time and not lose benefits. Another option would be to pay your stay at home neighbor to watch him for the hour and a half after school until you get home. Just trying to think of alternatives for you both.

    Karen B - WOW! You are doing great with the weight loss. I think I'll have to get a treadmill, maybe for Valentine's day?? I love your idea of closing the kitchen!

    Carla, sorry to hear about Ana's illness, I'm sure it really stressed you out! Hope she's better soon. I'm happy to hear that you're happy with your new boss, good luck!

    Pat, hope you're taking care of yourself. It seems everyone is getting sick. Congrats on steering clear of the cookie jar, that takes some major willpower.

    Judy, good for you for getting the exercise in first thing. Hope the chest cold is history.

    Weighin this morning is maintain! YEA!! After the rough week I had, I was expecting a gain so I'm very pleased. Also, I got a preview of what I'll be able to eat once I reach my goal! Happy happy! Still haven't made it back to yoga (back is still acting up), but am continuing with the healthrider. I had a talk with Garrott last night and it was good to tell him how I'm feeling, to get it off my chest. I've been walking on eggshells around him since he filed in Nov, and came to the realization that it's not good for me. So, at last I'm starting to think about myself for a change, that's a major accomplishment for me!

    Hope you all have a great day!