a couple of motivational ideas

  • I joined Weight Watchers exactly two weeks ago and so far have had pretty good success (7.4 lbs). My concern is that I can usually lose the first 10 lbs without a whole lot of fuss and effort, but after that, it gets harder. So I've decided to do a couple things to afford myself the willpower and motivation to keep going:

    1) Carry a picture of when I was "hot" - I've never been thin thin, but just two short years ago I weighed 50 lbs less than I do at this moment. I was tan (whatever your opinions are on tanning, I guess that's reserved for another forum) and wearing a HOT red halter dress for my law school formal. I probably look better in this photo than in any other I've ever taken, so I'm carrying it my purse for quick "reference" should I want to grab a candy bar at the convenience store.

    2) Goal Reminders - My goal is to lose approximately 10 lbs a month. At that rate, I'll be somewhat close to my goal by the time I have to pull bridesmaid duty in July. I use Outlook at work, so I've created a reminder for the first of each month so I can see if I'm on track (for instance, February 1st it will remind me that I want to be at 240). I think this will keep me somewhat accountable for staying on track.

    Those are just a couple little motivators that I've thought of. Does anyone else have any to share? Do you think mine are a decent idea?
  • I was told to put some pics on your fridge so that when you want to snack, look at those pics and it'll help remind you to eat healthy. (pics can be of you when you were HOT or what you want to look like or it can be of what you look like now being that you don't like it, it'll motivate you or a pic of a hot model or body-type that you wanna look like) I keep the pics in my head so that it's a constant reminder to myself. Someone also told me to keep a food journal so that you can see what you are eating (and be honest about it). It'll prevent you from feeling guilty everytime you write sugary stuff so you won't eat it. If I have any other ideas, i'll let you know.