getting stuck on a plateau and not feeling very motivated.

  • hey everyone.
    ive been lurking around here for a few months and always read your daily posts so i figured i should jump in.

    i am 22 and i have struggled with being overweight pretty much as long as i can remember.

    almost a year ago, i decided enough was enough and i was going to lose the weight once and for all. i dropped some weight, gained some back and after starting at 240, i am now down to 203.

    i am DYING to get down to 199 - to no longer be in the 200's, but i seem to be on a plateau and i am feeling really discouraged about it.

    For the past 3 weeks I have been going up and down from 203 to 205 and back to 203. It is driving me MAD and I don't understand why I can't get these 3 pounds off.

    This past week I haven't been exercising as diligently as I usually do - I am really down about not being able to get this weight off and I think it has effected my motivation to move my body.

    I pretty much stay on program with my eating every day, i maybe have one "slip up" a week, but i don't really think it's all that bad because i tend to compensate the rest of the day.

    I was hoping someone here might have some advice, words of encouragement, anything to help me get over this.

    Come monday, I will start posting on the daily threads, but since it's the weekend and since I'm new i thought i would post this now.

    I was also wondering if anyone knows of any good books that deal with the psychological side of eating and being overweight?

    Oh, also, I am not on WW but this forum and group is much more active than the regular one and I understand the WW concepts, so I hope it's OK that I join in.
  • Welcome!!
    It's great to have you! Jump right in.
    Join us on our Daily Thread which usually has the date or day as the title.
    See you soon!!!!