Are these okay foods?

  • I just bought the book yesterday and the food list isn't too extensive, so I just wanted to make sure before I ate these things! Thanks!

    refried beans

    What about a taco salad from taco bell with no shell? beans, meat, cheese, lettuce, tomato, salsa...

    Or a low carb burger from Carl's Jr?

    Not that I'll be gorging myself on these items but every once in a while I will have to get a meal on the go.

    I also wonder about Wendy's mandarin chicken salad (for phase II) without the oriental noodles. That would just be lettuce, chicken, mandarin oranges, almonds, and oriental dressing.

    Thanks everyone!
  • u can sign up for and put in these foods to see how many calories and stuff. it is free and it is wonderful. just go to and that helps out alot.
  • The low carb burger, is a no if it is on a bun.
    Olives, pickles, refried beans are all ok.
    not sure about the cream as I don't use it.
    Check the wendys salads, our wendy's has a board with all the nutrition facts. Some of the salads are loaded with fats......
  • Olives and pickles are fine. Refried beans are also fine, but check the ingredients - I only buy the ones that have beans, water, and salt. You want to minimize the added fat. Cream is high in fat. Some chicks have made an allowance and have just a little in their coffee, but that's a decision you'll have to make. In any case, I wouldn't use much. Have you tried the fat free half and half? For cooking, I substitute evaporated skim milk for cream.

    For Taco Bell, their refried beans are cooked with lard. The ground beef is not lowfat, nor is the sour cream or cheese. I would assume it's pretty high fat and high calorie, and it's not healthy fats, so I would stay away.

    I think I have tried that Wendy's salad. The oranges are probably canned in syrup and high in sugar and the dressing has sugar in it. My on-the-go choice at Wendy's is a cup of chili poured over a side salad. Instant taco salad without the chips!

    I don't know anything about the Carl's burger. Maybe they have info on their website. Hope this helps!
  • Thanks everyone! I am just coming off of another eating plan pretty similar to South Beach but on that one I was aloud to have all full fat dairy and meats, but no olives or beans. So, I'm still getting the hang of it.

    BTW - I've already lost about 25 pounds but found the other WOE a little too restrictive.

    Looking forward to getting to know all of you! =)
  • Zoerba! The gals have all given you great advice, and you'll get all kinds of help and support here! Look around our forum and be sure to check out the revised foods lists stickies in the FAQ section.
  • zoerba. Much success to you on your journey.
  • Welcome
    I can't add much else to what has already been said. Again, have the list available. I found what has worked for me so far is making sure that I have enough of the basic staples that make up this food plan so that you can throw something together relatively quickly. Again, it might make your trip at the grocery store a little longer since you will be reading a lot of labels at first but after you make those adjustments I have found this an easy food plan to follow. I wanted something that I could follow for the rest of my life so I spent some time researching it. As far as I am concerned, I am a Lifer!

    The main thing to remember is that this is: lean meat, low glycemic index fruits and vegetables in "normal" portions/servings, low fat dairy and cheese, no sugar and minimal salt with healthy but limited cooking oils like canola and olive oil. Once you see that then you can shop without a list because you will know what falls into that category.

    I rarely eat out because almost every restaurant except for a strict vegetarian or health food type restaurant cooks with too much fat (of the wrong kind) and even adds sugar to the meat (which I have heard that fast foods do!) I am not sure how strict you want to take this but I feel that NO food plan will work if you don't follow it the way it was intended to be followed. That is why I spent time researching the different ones out there.

    Welcome and good luck on your journey!
  • Schmoodle, I love the Wendy's side salad with chili on it idea. Even while I was doing WW that is what I had on the rare occasion when I went to Wendy's, but I never poured it on top.

    Being new to SB I am learning so much from all of you, I don't take the time much to post. Thanks for all you help.
  • the low carb burger is wrapped in lettuce,no buns.
    I wouldn't see anything wrong with it.
  • I think the low carb burger could be an acceptable meal if I need to get fast food one day, but I'm certainly not going to make it a habit.

    Thanks everyone for the help and suggestions!