
  • I need to know if I can eat Dried Cranberrys or Raisins on the Sonoma Diet? I've not found that info anywhere.
  • Quote: I need to know if I can eat Dried Cranberrys or Raisins on the Sonoma Diet? I've not found that info anywhere.
    Yes they are allowed on Wave 2
  • Linda
    I cant find dried fruit in my SD book what pg and/or portions??
  • Fruit and dried fruit. same thing, but keep in mind for example that a serving of apricots, which is one whole fresh small piece, is more volume wise than two tiny halves of a dried apricot. So if you want dried fruit, fine.. eat two tiny halves instead of the one piece fresh fruit... but from a hunger standpoint it probably is better to eat the fresh as it will be more filling.

    You can have the fruits that are listed on the pull out sheet fresh or dried but just keep in mind dried is going to be a LOT less in volume than fresh for all of those choices. and for those that say 1/2c cup of fresh fruit, that would only be a few squares of the dried.