Need some Ideas

  • I really need some ideas to keep me looking at the big picture of the weight loss. I have done my 102 reasons and read it all the time...but sometimes when I just am sitting and thinking about how far I have to go, it seems to be so overwhelming that I just want to scream. I was just over lurking the success boards and instead of inspiring me, I actually think it depressed me because it made me look at how far I really have to go...

    Maybe I just need a swift kick in the Pants
  • I get the same way. I basically had 100+ pounds to lose and sometimes it does seem so overwhelming. I had 48 of that off last August then I let myself get derailed and gained 18 back. I admit I am having a much harder time getting refocused. I love to eat!!! Pure and simple. But I also love how I felt in my clothes when I was at the 48 down mark. I'm still in those clothes but now they are tight and uncomfortable. Ugh! I have to keep trying to look at the big overall picture and not focus on the fleeting moment of letting myself eat something I shouldn't. My biggest hurdle is getting the exercise in. I hope someday I get to a place where I actually like to exercise. Misery loves company, right? LOL! Let's just try to be here for each other especially in those times of weekness.
  • Maybe you shouldn't think about the big picture. When I began weight watchers I was so unhappy with myself that I hoped and prayed that I'd be able to lose about 20 pounds. Once I got going and got into the groove the weight fell off with very few glitches. I never looked at the big picture through my entire journey. When I hit a new "decade" I just focused on getting to the next one, so without really thinking about it I woke up one day and only had one "decade" left to go. Do it that way, and don't let the overall numbers overwhelm you. You can do this, one step, one pound at a time!
  • I constantly lose little tiny goals to keep motivated. I switch back and forth between the number of lbs. lost and the number on the scale, like I want to lose 5 lbs. then when I lose 5 lbs. I'll switch to I want to get to under whatever number that ends in 0 or 5 next, which is maybe a couple lbs. so then I've lost 7 lbs. and I shoot for 10, and so on.

    I do the same thing with the treadmill, I switch between how many minutes and the distance, it puts my goals in little bits that are manageable, but adds up big.

    Hope it helps.
  • That is true and I do try to take it one "decade" at a time. Or even 5 pounds at a time.
  • MC- I'm right there with ya today. I watched my niece and nephew eat my favorite pizza yesterday. Then they had warm brownies. I had to wipe the drool off of my shoes. It was pathetic! I didn't cave, but boy did I ever want to! Today I woke crabby and not wanting to be restrictive of my food intake any longer.

    But then I kept telling myself, "That's what got me into this mess. It's time to pay the piper. In the end, I will be able to have those items in moderation. Now is the time to gain control." It didn't take the negative thoughts away, but it helped. I'm still on plan today- even though I really don't want to be!

    I agree with everyone else. I don't look at my weight loss as a whole, but in increments. It's not so overwhelming that way. We're here. Just keep the communication open and we'll get through this together!
  • Paint! I'm proud of you. I try telling myself I can have it tomorrow, but sometimes it does suck to pass on something.

    You have the right idea, though, giving in is what got us where we are.

    Stay strong! you're an inspiration!