Hi! I'm brand new today!

  • Hi all. I just want to say that I am so glad that I found this forum. There are a lot of inspirational women on here pursuing their weight loss goals. I currently weigh 184lbs (down from 188) and am working on getting down to 140 so I can be healthier and feel more attractive to my boyfriend.

    I have tried soooo many different diets; South Beach, Weight Watchers, etc. but nothing stuck with me. Yeah I'd lose a few pounds here and there but the minute I went of the diet WOOSH I'm back up to my original weight. Now I am just doing my own thing, I'm counting calories, taking in no more than 1200 a day and working out on my elliptical trainer religiously.

    Anyway, it's a pleasure to meet everyone! And good luck to all of us as we pursue our goals!
  • Hey Alahanko, and

    Can I make a calorie suggestion? 1200 is the lowest that anyone should go on an daily basis. If you start at 1200 calories a day, when your weight loss inevitably slows as you get closer to goal, you won't have any room to adjust downward. You might want to try eating at a slightly higher level, then adjusting down only as your weight loss slows. After all, why eat less than you can if you'd be losing either way? There is lots more information to be found in our "Calorie Counters" forum, specifically the FAQ thread.

    Anyway, I'm so glad you've found us and can't wait to get to know you better!
  • Hi. Thank you for the suggestion. I might just try it.