Just Wondering?

  • Hi
    I was wondering what are all of you wonderful ladies out there doing to diet?
    Like what diet plan/ pill/ exercise works best for you??Or do you guys have a favorite video?

    I have tried everything it seems like ex: trimspa, zantrax 3, slimfast,cortaslim (SP?) gree tea pill & the drink.

    Well let me know

    Much <3
  • Calorie counting and exercise.

    Fad diets, pills, etc...they don't work, at least from every experience I've heard on here. A conscious commitment to exercising and eating less, though, works wonders...just check out the many goal stories people have posted!
  • greetings i am new to the site. for me, weight watchers has worked .. on an average people do loose about 2 - 3 lbs a week. Food journaling helps, portion controls, and changing your food choice habits. i do the "shimmy" workout show on fit tv and alternate working with resistance bands. im curious how do i get that cartoon like weight loss progression chart for me each time i post its cute.
    angela in nc
  • Quote: greetings i am new to the site. for me, weight watchers has worked .. on an average people do loose about 2 - 3 lbs a week. Food journaling helps, portion controls, and changing your food choice habits. i do the "shimmy" workout show on fit tv and alternate working with resistance bands. im curious how do i get that cartoon like weight loss progression chart for me each time i post its cute.
    angela in nc
    i started my new diet this past monday and i have been watching what i eat, and do stomache crunches, push ups and a few other exercises everynight.
    I bought some bands like forever ago and only used them once
    How are they working for you??

    to get the cartoon thing go here , well it won't let me post the link but theres a weight lose tracker on this site got there and it walks you through it

    and the go to user cp and click on edit signature and put your tracker code there.
  • Like Amanda, calorie counting and exercise for me! I was very interested in not only losing the weight, but keeping it off. I needed to find something I could do... well, forever!
  • I will echo what Amanda said. Calorie counting and exercise. And - I gave up "dieting" after losing and then regaining weight over and over again. I decided that I would not lose weight again until I was ready to make a lifestyle change that I could do for the rest of my life. It took until now, but I'm finally there.
    Other things that work for me - 6 small meals each day, try to make sure that I don't eat any (or very few) "empty calories", and eat as "clean" as I can - lots of whole foods and veggies.

    EDIT: LOL Heather - we were posting at the same time
  • i am on day 15 of slimspa pills, so far no weight loss.
  • Great minds!!
  • Yuppers to the calorie counting. Losing weight is more or less input vs output. Input (eat) less than you output (exercise, basal metabolic rate) and you'll lose weight. Much as I hate to admit it calorie counting is the only thing that really truly gives you a sense of what you're taking in which is half of the battle! Once you know how many calories are in what you are eating, it just becomes habit that you know this serving of xxxx is yyy calories.
  • I've tried it all as well Weight Watchers always worked for me until I would go off it, but this time around, calorie counting and exercise. It's working so far
  • Another thumbs up to Calorie Counting!
