ANSWERED Ask a Dietitian - courtesy of Extra Gum and the Bigges Loser!

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  • Sugar-free gum
    Thank you Ms. Gee for answering our questions!

    Sometimes I think I eat just to have something in my mouth, so I bought sugar-free gum for times like that. Are there any negative reasons to chewing gum instead of reaching for snack food?

    Thank you!
  • Oops! I thought of another question as soon as I hit submit.

    Jillian said that other day that she eats one peanut butter cup every day. Boy would I love to eat PB cups every day!! Is this a good idea for someone trying to lose weight? Or should I save this as a reward for reaching mini-goals?

    Thanks again!
  • I have another question, if you don't mind....

    I am currently going to take a class in nutrition this semster and I find myself really looking forward to it. I was wondering (and you can PM me with the answer if you wish) what is it like to be a registered dietician? I don't hear good things as far as pay and stuff, but I am really liking the idea of the class and may consider a career change...

  • Ms. Gee,
    Another question, there is so much information out about what's good for you and what's not. It goes a bit back and forth too. Anyways, what's the truth about sugar substitutes? I haven't used real sugar in years but I generally use Splenda or Equal. Thanks.
  • Hi Ms. Gee!

    Regarding diet long as you are drinking plenty of water and have a diet soda as a "treat", is that okay?

    Thanks so much!
  • Ms. Gee -

    Thank you for taking time to answer our questions.

    1. What's the best way to break an addiction to diet sodas? Cold turkey or a gradual decline in consumption?

    2. I currently take B-12, Calcium, and Fish Oil supplements, as well as a regular multi-vitamin. Is this too much of a good thing? The reasoning behind those particular supplements is that there have been studies suggsting that they ease PMS symptoms. It does seem to work for me, but are there others I should consider. Or foods that I could add to lessen my PMS? (besides chocolate )
  • What do you think of stevia and erythritol as sweeteners, Ms. Gee?

    Thanks again! I can't wait to read all the answers!
  • Ms Gee,

    What would your ideal day food plan look like?(for weight loss)

    Do you recommend supplements or not?

    Thank You!
  • Ms. Gee
    I have 2 questions. Question one is can a person drink to much water? I drink between 72 to 160 ounces a day. My husband says this is way to much. Also I don't understand why the more veggies and fruits I eat the more problem I have with being constipated. So my second question is should I eat more or less fruits and veggies?
  • My question, are lean meats (like burger) ok if fixed on a grill such as the GF?
  • Hi Ms. Gee! Taking in enough water throughout the day is a challenge for me. I occasionally drink seltzer water in place of plain water. My husband insists this is not a good substitute. Does the body take in carbonated water any differently than plain water?
  • Happy New You Year!

    I have been so impressed by your many thoughtful questions which really show me how hard you are working to reach and maintain a healthy weight. There is no easy solution and one size does not fit all.

    I do not have any magic answers but I can:
    • provide information based on science
    • help you problem solve and consider possible options/choices
    • encourage you to take one day at a time for your health’s sake

    I’d suggest that you focus on habit management. Some experts believe that it takes 21 days to modify habits. So, hang in there and be consistent with any changes you are making for about 3 weeks before you say “it didn’t work” for me.

    My number one suggestion is to start keeping a food journal. How can you map out your eating and activity plan if you don’t know what you are actually doing? Grab a favorite note pad and begin writing down what you eat and drink plus your activity minutes. Weigh and measure everything and note the time you’re eating and exercising. Reveal a new you on this journey to a happier, healthier lifestyle.

    I’m excited to hear about your journey in the coming weeks.

    To your health,

    Molly Gee, MEd, RD
  • Water Questions
    Quote: Thank you so much for your time, dedication, and hard work in this field. I have a similar question to one already posted, but does putting crystal light in water really make it so that you shouldn't count it as water intake? Although trying to cut back, I drink about 60oz of water with crystal light in it a day along with about ten ounces of plain water. I feel great!
    Regardless, I'd like to know! Thanks again!
    Quote: Ms. Gee, thank you for your time and support.

    Should you just drink the recommended 8 glasses of water or half your weight in water? I'm so confused on what is the best amount of water. One book says this and one book says this.

    Thank you thank you so much. I have pondered these questions long and hard for many hours before.
    Quote: Ms. Gee,

    I know we are all supposed to drink so much water a day. Is adding something like Crystal lite to water okay or should we just drink plain water to get the most benefit. I don't mind plain water but sometimes it gets boring.

    Thanks to Shay, Daimere, Kgood2005, Sun Kissed, Beliter and others who posted questions about water, weight loss and metabolism and flavorings for water.

    Water is the best way to quench your thirst; however there’s no real evidence that drinking water causes weight loss by altering your metabolism. Eating foods with a high water content like fruits and vegetables or broth-based soups can help dieters, by increasing the fullness factor.

    Researcher Barbara Rolls, PhD has shown that eating high-volume foods like fruits, veggies or soups increases satiety and are lower in calories resulting in weight loss.

    Start each meal with water or a low calorie beverage and you should feel full faster. Try a twist of lemon or lime or mixing some sugar free drink mix to water can add some variety while keeping you hydrated. Don’t wait until you are thirsty to drink some water, your body will thank you!
  • Working out
    Quote: I want to know what is the best workout routine for someone to do on a daily lose weight should we be working out every single day or is it more damaging to our bodies if we do that...
    Quote: Thanks for taking the time to answer questions here:

    1. Are the Walk Away The Pounds exercises adequate for weight loss?
    UtahGirl1082, Frozen Peach and everyone managing your weight, the best daily workout routine is one that you will actually do. The 2005 Dietary Guidelines suggest that you should be physically active most days of the week with 30–90 minutes of moderate intensity activity like brisk walking or cardio. Strength training is important to help reduce muscle mass loss as you are dropping those pounds. “Walk Away the Pounds” video is one of my personal favorites and my clients love it too especially when the weather keeps you indoors. Lifestyle activity minutes like taking the stairs and doing yard work also count.

    Just getting started on revealing a new you is the hardest part. Here’s a little incentive to help you reach your diet and weight management goals: Extra gum is offering you a chance to win $5,000.The winner can decide how to spend the money, whether it’s for a new wardrobe, a home fitness center or something else that can help you achieve weight management success. You can sign up at to GumIsGood . com to enter for a chance to win.

    Please remember that if you have any medical condition, check with your physician before starting any exercise program. Physical activity is the best predictor of weight loss maintenance. Move it to lose it!
  • Energy Balance
    I want to put an end to the debate once and for all, I realize the research on this is sketchy at best according to who you talk to. So I would like it cleared up once and for all, Low carb or low fat? Or right fat, right carb? Or is it really a matter of calories in VS calories out? When it comes to weight loss, what IS the answer?
    Ckatgo, there is no magic prescription for macronutrients to lose weight. Healthful ranges for carbohydrates, proteins and fats have been established by the Institute of Medicine.

    Energy balance continues to be the answer. A general rule is to reduce your calories by ~ 500 calories per day and to kick up your physical activity. This adjustment could result in a 1 lb weight loss per week. Keep in mind that 1 gram (1/28 of oz) of fat contains 9 calories while 1 gram of protein and carbohydrate contain 4 calories.