Following the old Exchange Plan?

  • Hi, I had years of success with Weight Watchers Exchange plan in the '90s before points. I have had no success with points. It is just too much freedom for me. I do OK for a few weeks and ultimately start overeating again. I searched out the information for the old program that worked for me and bought a used "Weight Watchers Complete Cookbook and Program Basics" from 1994. I just started yesterday and was wondering if there is anyone else out there trying to follow the old program that would like to exchange tips.

  • I am doing an exchange based plan, but it's not exactly the WW's old plan, but one I modified to be more anti-inflammatory because of my autoimmune issues and insulin resistance (more fruit and vegetable servings, fewer starch servings).

    Still, I think pretty much all of us "exchangers" have a lot in common, as the exchanges are all the same, just the distribution a little different. I don't know if there is already a thread or group for those using exchange diets, if so we can go looking for them, (and) or start one here.

    I do still plan on buying the book you mention, as I'm sort of collecting cookbooks with exchange information.
  • I am a lifetime member from 1978 and have seen many changes in the program. I like the exchange plan also. I am going through an illness right now, gained all my weight back and am trying to get it back off. I'm sooooo tired of counting points. I have read some of these messages and ordered the WW Quick Start Program & Full Exchange Plan from ebay. I NEED something that will work for me. Thank you for all your inspiring messages. Will keep my success posted.
  • I've decided to add a list of exchange program and recipe books to my blog. There are thousands, so I may eventually have to break it into more pages (maybe each program having it's own page)