My first day here and this is my 4th thread... exercise tips?

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  • jiffypop- im guessing gravity isnt your friend...i have the same problem (: but i finally mastered that thing called gravity and have managed to stay on the ellipitcal...barely LOL
  • A lot of times I get on these machines and start going... And I want to go faster... but I can't... yesterday on the elip. I was going at about 11 intensity and I wanted to just gun it. It was frustrating for me since I used to be athletic and I love being at the gym and breaking a sweat, but its discouraging that it takes sooooo little to make me sweat. lol
    Hopefully I will be able to crank up the speed within a few months though!
  • psst. rocker - try intervals! go slow for a few minutes, then rev it up for a few seconds - 10, 15, 20, 45, whatever, until you're uncomfortable. then go slow again, until you feel like gunning it again.
  • I second Jiffy's rec for intervals. They're a GREAT way of doing exercise. Not only do they allow you to crank periodically, but exercise with intervals makes your body burn more calories all day long than does steady-paced exercise. They're also less boring. It's win-win.

    Wiki Explains
  • I'll try it today!
    Lower body and abs + 10 minute cooldown and streches so I don't wake up wanting to kill myself.
  • Hey Rocker, I added you on AIM, but you haven't been online since I added you, I'm not sure if this is right or not, but try adding me to your buddy list and see if it works?
  • k I get off of work at 5... then to the gym... then eat and shower... look for me around 8 or 9
  • Alright, I should be online then, or if not, soon after.
  • Third and fourth suggestion for intervals! So great! Break a sweat, then cool really well.
  • Hey Rocker -
    I just have to add a plug for a book I learned a lot from - "Winning By Losing" by Jillian Michaels (the trainer for the Black Team on Biggest Loser). She gives lots of eating tips and a 12 week workout routine. She's all about circuit training - which is cardio and weights together to keep your heart rate up and burn lots of calories. Also like Jiffypop mentioned check out the Weight Training forums