Newbie to the Sonoma Diet

  • Hi everyone,

    I just came across this forum while researching the Sonoma diet online. I think its great and im sure it will be useful for me to post here while im trying to lose weight!

    Im 22 and I gained a lot of weight over the last couple of years. Im currently at 182 pounds and im 5'2- so it shows quite a bit. I really want to get down to 150 pounds, which was my weight before I gained. I felt really good at that weight and thats where I want to be.

    I was looking through books at the bookstore and I came across the Sonoma Diet book. It sounds really great and healthy. Weightloss aside, I really want to eat for my health and stop putting so muich crap into my body. I really want to be able to stick to this diet/lifestyle and thats why Im so glad I found this forum!! I hope that we can all help eachother and we reach our goals!!

  • Hi Steph,

    Glad you found 3fatchicks and Sonoma! It's a very friendly place and lots of support.

    I'm also 5'2". Boy, the weight sure shows up quickly at our height. I had good luck with Sonoma back in Feb.-March-April, then slowly got sidetracked. I'm back to finish the job this time.

    What you said--it's so healthy--absolutely true. When I follow it, I don't have the energy slumps in mid afternoon. And the food tastes good so it's pretty easy to follow. Well, for me it is til after dinner. Then I start snacking, but that's a different story.

    Look forward to getting to know you.
  • Welcome Steph. Glad to have you on board. The best thing about this plan is the food tastes wonderful so you won't miss a thing!

    For some people the idea of doing a lot of cooking is daunting at first. What I do and really recommend is try and do one big cooking on a weekend afternoon once a week to get stuff ready and prepped for the week. I always make a full recipe of foods and freeze the leftovers, even though it is just me I cook for. I don't know about you but after working all day and being up for more than 12 hours by the time I get home, cooking is the last thing I want to do so I really rely on have stuff ready for me.

    Even though the book doesn't really go into it very much, exercise is also a big part of this. Sure you can lose weight without exercise, but will you be healthy? And isn't that what matters most?

    Hope you'll stick around and enjoy the good eats!
  • Welcome Steph. This forum hasn't been very busy but hopefully with the New Year people will be refocusing on their health (myself included) and it will see more action.
  • Hello!!!
  • Thank you all for the welcome messages. I plan on starting either tomorrow or Thursday. I need to get all my meals planned out and go to the grocery store. Im really excited and a bit nervous- Ive never succeeded at losing weight before so I really do hope this time is different.

    I also think that the board will pick up with New Year's Resolutions. Either way, I will be here posting as I lose the weight! Best of luck in 2008 and I look forward to getting to know you all!!
  • Hi all. So I have been pondering the Sonoma diet for at least a year. The good: most of the time I follow the ideas of the Sonoma diet (I have been eating more vegtables). The bad. I havne't actually done that whole portion control aspect yet. And well I have been slacking off on my exercise, even though I was seeing good results in the summer. (I got sidetracked by life busy-ness over the past few months) In order to re-dedicate myself, I plan to follow a Sonoma-esque diet. With more portion control, and well take more time for my self. I uncovered the Bikini Bootcamp book, and the yummy sounding recipes sounded like a great way to go. There are also extremely aggressive exercise goals, but this will give me just the kick in the butt I need to get back into the groove of exercise.

    I'll be posting recipes in the board and my blog if you are interested. I love to cook, and that's why sonoma and bikini plans were good for me, I have definitely got a lot more cool ideas these days. Now it is time to get in more veggies.