Screw New Year's Resolutions...

  • I've never been one for making New Year's resolutions. It seems pretty pointless, seeing as the majority of resolution-makers don't stick with them. But, I do feel that the start of a new year is a great time to start other things as well, so here I am.

    I've been in and out of 3FC a lot over the past few years, but my most recent departure was for far too long. I let life run me instead of running my life. It's time to take back control. I need to take back control of my food intake, my exercise, my physical care, my appearance, my job, my family, my relationships, my social life, my finances, my home...I've been just sort of going with the flow, doing what I need to do to get by...

    But now it's time for me to climb back into the driver's seat!

    I've been very successful at having healthier habits in the past, and I need to get back to that point mentally where it is a priority and a habit, not a nuisance or a short-term fix.

    January 1 will be my "official" starting day for progress and metrics tracking purposes, but being not much of a believer in a clear-cut "start" or "end" to a "diet," I've already started making some gradual changes and setting up support for myself.

    So who's with me? I've got a LOT to work on, a LOT of weight to lose, and a LOT of strength and motivation right now (for some strange reason ). No more namby-pamby whining about my day, whining about my job, sitting on my butt on the couch, stuffing my face with junk that makes me FEEL like junk...

    Losing Weight in 2008. Nice how that rhymes, huh? It's like it was meant to be

    I think I'm going to go over to the Support Groups section and start a new thread...okay, scratch that, I already just did it in another window. So, anyone interested, let's start 2008 with motivation and energy and support each other to keep it up throughout the entire year over in the Miscellaneous Groups section...Losing Weight in 2008!
  • I'm with you, Jill!

    I'm sick and tired of being controlled by food -- of feeling like I can't change. I can, and I am.

    Losing weight in '08!

  • I'm joining you Jill and Lori. Let's lose weight in '08.
  • Count me in. I already turned in my goals to my boss. The business part of it is a requirement for my job, but I also put my personal goals on there, just to have one more reason to be accountable. He doesn't know the exact pounds I want to lose, but he knows I'm committed to it.

    Here's to seeing "less" of all of us in 2008!!!
  • Count me in! I'm ready for a life long change for 2008.
  • I'm there with you, Jilly.
  • Me too, little sis! This is THE YEAR!!
  • Congratulations to all of you on your commitment!

    I never make New Years Resolutions...but imagine starting '09, thinking "wow, I've really gotten where I want to be...I don't have anything to resolve!" It is a powerful feeling and you can ALL get there in '08!

  • Count Me in Jillybean!!

    I really feel like I don't require enough of myself. I spend allot of my life operating at 60-70% of my potential and the really surprising bit is that I accomplish quite a bit at this level. I've been cheating myself out of the kind of life I could have if I at least TRIED to operate at 100%. And this is the year I am going to do it.

    I'm really excited to see what i can accomplish if I can go after my goals wholeheartedly!
  • Yup, you all CAN get there in '08!

    I don't have any new year's resolutions now. I have things I would like to achieve, but like you, jillybean, I think new year's resolutions are commitments that people rarely follow.

    Still, I made a new year's resolution in January 2007 (when my "before" pictures were taken - the ones in my goal thread in my sig) to lose my weight. I had no idea I had gained fifty pounds and would end up losing forty; I honestly thought I only gained maybe 25 and that if I lost 20, I might be happy.

    Nearly half the year went by before I did something about my weight. I knew I could not hang onto my weight forever, as it was bad for both my health (believe me - I know 175 at 5'6" is not that unhealthy on many, but with my circumstances, it was killer fat) and my self esteem. And despite waiting half a year, I did it... and now I am entering 2008 with a smile wider than I've had in two years.

    If I can do it, so can all of you.
  • Quote:
    I've been just sort of going with the flow, doing what I need to do to get by...

    Wow jilly...This quote is SO me the last couple of months. We can do this girl!
  • I'm with you! It was around this time last year that I made my resolution for 2007, resulting in a 35-pound loss. Almost all of it was during the first half of the year, as I slacked off some and plateaued during the second half. So, while I'm happy to have lost the weight I have so far, I'm not where I want to be yet. The rest of it is coming off in 2008!
  • I did make a resolution last year to lose weight and I did! However, I didn't start until the year was almost half way over. Figures, huh? LOL. Anyhow, now I'm 27 pounds lighter and I plan to get down to 145 by 2008! I am sooo doing it!
  • Any day is a good time to set goals. Setting a goal is the first step to progress....achieving that (realistic) goal is awesome!
  • I am with you, I actually began thinking about the changes a while back, but waited for the holidays to be over to offically start.

    I am just tired at this point. I almost feel like there is no "fight" left in me. I too have been living a marginal life. And I am sick of it! I want to live, not just exist on the sidelines. My goal is not only lose weight, but gain a life and drop all that no longer serves my best interest.

    Heres to us!!!