What is your New Year's resolution

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  • I don't have any big goals, just continuing goals. I would like to keep losing weight, exercising and eating healthy. Will be real nice if I reach my goal of 120 by my birthday Nov 9. In the mean time I hope the walking/aerobic videos and the upper body work outs I do will help reduce the excess skin people have been telling me I am going to have. Don't have any yet knock on wood. I hope they are going to help tone this body little by little. Would be nice to not only reach goal but be in good shape at the same time.

    I hope to keep encouraging everyone here. For those that say I don't seem to need encouragement, you are so wrong. I get encouragement each and every time I make someone smile, each time something I say helps someone dust themself off and get back on the wagon seat instead of letting the wagon run them over. I may get down from time to time but my friends lift me up.
  • As I no longer will set weight loss goals for myself that specifically say an amount & a date (I have never actually met these goals despite having success losing weight) so instead my goals are:

    -To get down to 190lbs & get my long awaited tattoo
    -To continue with my training & continue to see progress
    -To start walking/running on the mountain I am living on & gain a fitness level where it is easy
    -To enter & compete in a few powerlifting competitions
    -To learn spanish
    -To keep my house clean (haha - I am not a domestic goddess)
  • continue losing weight. try to work through my shyness bc it is really holding me back in a lot of things that could make me so happy.
  • To jump back on this. Before my computer died on 6/27/07, I weighed 225, down 22 from start (247). Since then, I'm back to 256 after gaining 31 pounds due to stress, watching TV again and plain eating what I had no business eating (fried foods, take out, candy). But, I'm back for 2008, same goals as last time but this time, I plan to make it stick, especially since I plan to save money and calories by bringing my own food to work.
  • My goal for 2008 is to drop my last 50 pounds and throw a hundred pound party! All I have to do is keep doing what I doing and I should reach my goal. Good luck with all your dreams for 2008.
  • I don't have specific weight goals for resolutions. Just to keep doing what I am doing.
    I do want to do some more volunteer work.
  • 100lb party - that sounds like fun!
  • I want to exercise every day this year. 30 min or more every day.

  • Quote: -To keep my house clean (haha - I am not a domestic goddess)
    Too funny - as I saw the title of the thread this is the very first thing that crossed my mind. Getting a routine going so I can keep my home organized. Well, as much as possible at least! I recently started working from home and with a 2.5 and 4 year old at home with me it's challenging. My house looks like a bomb went off inside by 6pm when DH walks in the door! (Today was the worst, since there were so many more toys suddenly involved in the mess!) Lucky for us, he gets right to work on it, but it makes me feel kinda bad. I think that I can work out a plan to keep more order!

    Of course, keep doing what I'm doing for my health.
  • MissyCrissy,

    I love your goal of remembering special occasions in your family. A tool that I find helpful for doing that is simply a wall calendar and a Sharpie. I sit down with a calendar at the beginning of the year and mark down all of the important dates (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) so that I don't have to remember them as they come up. There are also some places where you can get the dates preprinted on a calendar (despair.com has some hilarious calendars).
    • To make my goal weight and keep the weight off
    • To continue to love the gym and get this body toned, healthy, and sexy.
    • To finish college (with a 4.0) and finally find out what it is like to have a career.
    • To survive living with a 16 year old daughter!!
    • To continue loving my man with all my heart and soul.
    • To continue giving all the praise and glory to God Almighty!
  • HA I love the "domestic goddess" comments hehehehe. THAT has been my newfound exercise routine! I was heading out the door to walk leaving a disaster behind LOL so I made housework a daily workout! it's amazing how much you can sweat running baskets of laundry up/down 3 flights of stairs, scrubbing floors, moving furniture LOL and the side benefit is that you can now eat off my floor ~ I highly recommend it! and it's something you can do rockin' out to music, dressed as scuzzy as you want and the weather doesn't matter! hehehehe
  • To get healthy....Period!
  • To love myself, mind, body and soul. That means school, losing weight, and continuing my search for God.
  • Ahhhhhhh. Mine is to get back on track and stay there. The holidays really did a number on me. I would like to lose this last half of the weight in less than six months.