Cripes!! Never thought I'd be here!!

  • I've been in and out of 3FC for a little over a year now, but unfortunately off the site and out of my healthy lifestyle for several months now. I've had a lot of changes in my life, and the worst has been starting to wear scrubs daily for a job in a vet's office - I didn't notice just how tight my clothes were getting!

    I knew I was gaining weight over the last 6 months or so since I moved in with my fiance (eating with/like a guy is a BIG mistake!), but I never realized just how bad it was until I hopped on the scale this morning. I'm almost 40 pounds heavier than I was a year ago!!! 230! What the heck was I thinking??

    All of my "I'm not THAT fat" excuses over the years are suddenly slapping me in the face.... "at least I can still wear 'regular' clothes" (even if they're XL/size 16-18 and barely fitting).... "at least I'm still active - I can still run 3 miles a day" (until I stopped running.... "at least I still have a waist and a generally good hourglass shape"...."at least I don't have to lose a lot of weight - not like 100 pounds or anything"....

    Alright. All those excuses are suddenly bouncing back to me - I now AM "that fat." I have 100 pounds to lose. I've completely lost the fitness level I've always maintained - I haven't taken steps toward any deliberate exercise in months. I'm not beating myself up, but I'm finally seeing myself clearly for the first time in forever (I've always had a "positive" image - possibly so "positive" to be deluding myself!)

    I want to be healthy again. I want to be thin for the first time in my life. I want to be healthy to start my life together with my fiance and to start a family together. Most importantly, I want to establish healthy habits to carry through the rest of my life. I know how to do it - I just need to get going!

    Any support is welcome - I never thought I'd be in the 100-pounds-to-go club, but I've always read this board - you guys have some of the greatest advice and upbeat people! Here I go!
  • Welcome back, chick! I wondered where you'd gone

    The important thing IS that you ARE back - and we're all here to support you, too!

    Just climb on that horse and take those reins in hand!! You CAN do this!

  • welcome back! (i'm just returning myself) sometimes reality checks are hard but they're worth it in the end. good for you for taking back control of your health!
  • Welcome Back! I think eating like our guys may be one of the biggest mistakes women make. I know it got me once.

    Good luck on your journey. Stick around; we are a supportive bunch.
  • Oh hello there and WELCOME back. Glad you've decided to step on that scale. I personally avoided it for close to 15 years - not such a good idea. When I finally stepped on it, I had over 150 lbs to lose. Sheesh. So, I hear you.

    I'm also glad to hear that you're ready to embark on a journey to health and fitness. I wish you much good luck. And we are most definitely here to support you in any and every way that you need. Good luck.
  • Good to see you back. You'll get it done this time, don't be discouraged. Start again and keep plugging along. You can do it!!
  • I think many of us can relate to your story in one way or another. I played an ostrich for so long and when I finally took my head out of the sand I had over 130lbs to lose.

    Please join us on this forum and start on your journey to a healthier new you.
  • Welcome back - I 'member you!

    I've been nailed by letting myself eat like DH as well. So I totally hear ya.
  • Good luck! It's a long journey, and there will be bumps in the road - but the destination is the most important thing.
  • Welcome back and congratulations on starting again! In my opinion, being healthy and taking care of yourself is a constant work in progress. So it's great that you were able to first of all be courageous enough to get on the scale, and be honest with yourself about where you are and where you want to be.
  • Hi ~~ I'm new here, so you don't know me, but I totally relate to what you wrote. For me, eating like my guy was wonderfully liberating, but WHOA -- I packed on mega-pounds & he just got a little overweight, but kinda normal! So unfair!! Welcome back
  • Hey Rock Chalk,

    I do remember you. Sorry things took that turn... But you're not alone. I, too, had to wake up one day and admit that what I was doing wasn't working and hadn't been working...

    OK, so now you know! And that's a good thing! Take it from here!

    Good luck!
  • Welcome back! This is such a great place--I wish I'd found it when I started my journey!
  • welcome back, and good luck. I'm sure you'll handle your business.