Working out when its COLD/RAINING!

  • So the weather is changing and its cold/raining and I can't seem to find any motivation to get out there and exercise. My school gym is closed until the Jan 2nd and until I need to find an alternative workout. So for those of you who run outside or escape the confinment of the do you deal with cold/raining weather and working out??
  • workout videos, i do them when I am too lazy to get to the gym but still want a work-out.
  • You know, I've had the exact same question! It's too rainy to run, I can't afford the gym, and my dvd player is broken (hence, no work out vids ) So what do to? I can't wait to hear other people's input!
  • I agree that workout videos work well for me. I started with to see what instructors I liked. You can find several full length workouts there. I also use resistance bands at home for an easy alternative to weights.
  • Hmmm. I usually try and wait for a break in the rain. Or just go.

    I've tried some workout videos.

    I'll go for a swim instead as well.

    Or just the gym, on the treadmill/other machines and do some weights.
  • I've just started using podfitness. You can pick a workout that you want and mix your own music to go with it... it's great for me because music really motivates me. However, most of the workouts require at least a set of dumbbells at home. They have yoga and mat pilates though, if you're into that!

    If you don't have any equipment, I would recommend maybe doing stuff like pushups, jump squats, lunges, planks, side leg lifts with a plie squat, etc...

    As for the motivation, I like browsing! They have some good stuff on there.
  • Thank you for all the recommendations...I'll give it all a try. I've never heard of i'll deff give that a look.
    I think they have short videos on there and instructions as well.
  • Yeah, Self online has things, plus Self Magazine and Women's Health have exercises you can do from home. They have little cards you can cut out of the mag and hold on to. Each month there are different workouts.

    You're not alone, though. I am NOT motivated to work out in this weather. In the summer I'm out rollerblading on the lake or taking my dog on long walks around the neighborhood. In the winter the only way I can work out is if my fiance picks me up from work and drives me straight to the gym. If we go home first it's over, I'm not leaving the house.
  • I have an elliptical downstairs.. its MUCH easier to exercise when you don't have to leave the house. So I recommend coming up with your own exercise regiment. Look at websites from magazines like fitness and shape etc. and they have a bunch of different workouts you can do!
  • If you are going to run outside getting going is the hardest part. Just run hard for like the first 2 minutes and you get pretty warm, then you can back off to your normal pace. Just wear something over your ears and gloves, becuase no matter how hard you get your heart beating the ears and fingers will be COLD otherwise.