Yay! I'm overweight!

  • I am consistantly weighing in at under 171 pounds, which means my BMI is now at 28.8, meaning I'm very overweight rather than obese, but I'll take it! This is the lowest it's been since I was twelve years old, so it's pretty exciting. I can't believe I did it!
  • Way to go!!! I can't wait to be overweight msyelf!!! Keep up the good work, your so close to your goal!!!
  • That's awesome!!!!

    Wow, congrats on getting there. Only alittle ways to being within the healthy range!!!!

    Keep it up!
  • The day I became "overweight" I seriously almost threw a party......CONGRATS!! It's a HUGE accomplishment!!!!!!!!!!
  • Congratulations!!!
  • AWESOME, i am SO PROUD of you for being overweight, YOU ROCK, I can't wait to join you!!!!
  • Congratulations!! I remember how excited I was when I finally made it there too. It feels so good to not be obese!! Soon you'll be a healthy weight. Yeah for you!
  • Great milestone to have reached, congratulations. That is my next goal for me to be overweight but I have a while to go yet