Do YOU have LOADS more energy?

  • One thing I've noticed since losing all my weight is that I'm literally a hundred times more energetic. Even on days when I'm tired, I have to get up and walk around, run a little bit, jump around, ANYTHING... I just can't sit still for long anymore. When I was fat, I could sit still for long, long periods at a time. Now, I get very antsy and restless like a little child who drank a whole bottle of Mountain Dew.

    I've also picked up several nervous habits since losing weight.

    I don't mind it. Most of the time, I actually like it, because I figure I'm probably burning more calories being hyper than I ever would being completely inactive.

    Is anyone else as hyper as I am?
  • I have plenty of energy and sleep better, but I can't say I'm hyper. Are you sure the hyper isn't related to those energy drinks you love? :P
  • Might have to do with what you are eating or drinking. I have two hyper children and weight loss has nothing to do with it lol. If being over weight would calm them down. I would think about feeding them high calorie and high fat and hi carb foods for a long time lol.
  • Baffled, actually I haven't drank any energy drinks for almost a week now! I try not to get addicted to those things. I'm almost always high energy, though, with the exception of early morning.

    Shy Moment, I think if being overweight would calm kids down, a lot of parents would consider making their kids fat Kids are ALWAYS hyper, though. I have no idea why, but my GF's nephews totally wear me out even though I seem to have more energy than most. I remember wondering why I tired my dad out as a kid and thinking, "WOW, he gets pooped out easily!" until I grew up and realized ALL adults do compared to children.
  • I do get more antsy than I used to. I used to be perfectly happy to sit in front of the TV for 8-10 hours straight, and now I'm not. OTOH it's partially because sitting for so long makes my legs hurt a lot!!

    I wouldn't say I'm really high-energy though. I still come home (after the gym), cook dinner, and sit in front of the TV until bed time (though that's only about 2.5 hours!).
  • My son is on some serious meds which makes him only go warp speed all the time instead of super warp speed lol. My daughter just climbs the walls in her lovely natural fashion lol. I never could sit still. Unless I am sitting here chatting I am always doing something. Good thing I like to clean house huh lol.
  • Apart from this past week, when I've been sick, I always have MUCH more energy than I used to. I do think my old diet made me sluggish, but I attribute most of it to just getting in shape and becoming a runner. I notice a HUGE difference in my job, actually. I'm much more energetic in the classroom, jumping around and acting silly with kids. That keeps their attention, at least. I used to hate being on my feet teaching all day. Now I can't really imagine wanting to have a job that requires me to sit down all day. I think I'd be bored silly.
  • I suppose I have more energy. I think that's what it takes to get me out of bed at 4:30 for my morning run twice a week (the third day I sleep in until 6:30!). BUT I have to admit that I have a whole lot more energy at the end of the day if I don't have my evening glass or two of wine. OTOH, if I don't have the wine, I get so cold at night that I literally have to keep moving around the house to stay warm. have the wine or not?
  • Yes, the increased energy was an amazing, unexpected side effect of my switching to whole foods and losing weight. I used to fall asleep in meetings, in my office every afternoon. I occasionally get sleepy, but I think it's normal now, not the depressed, draggy, slow person I used to be. Sometimes I do feel like I ZING with energy, I feel it racing down my arms (and I don't drink energy drinks at all, and I usually just have a couple of cups a tea a day!).
  • Well, I don't "zing" but I do have so much more energy.

    I actually noticed recently that I am still tired a lot, but I used to get tired from doing NOTHING, now I'm tired but am doing SO MUCH more! So that's what I notice, I'm tired because I'm doing more at work, AND going to the gym, AND grocery shopping and cooking every week... It's just ... more!

    I'd like to get in on some of the "zing" action, though. That sounds kinda cool!
  • I zing lol - I can't sit still for very long at all without having to get up and do something else.

    It isn't a matter of a short attention span as at work this bouncing around usually sees me taking whatever file I was working on with me. I'm lucky though my job does involve a lot of work outside the office so I get to wander around a lot on inspections etc.

    I can't watch TV anymore because I find I hate to sit still that long - I love to be moving instead. It annoys people sometimes because unless the movie or show is really good and I am fascinated I'll twitch and jiggle and get up all the time :P I can however still lose myself in a good book for hours though lol.

    It isn't down to food choices because I don't drink soft drink (except the rare diet one maybe one a week or less) and I don't eat junk (obviously lol). I just become more and more full of excess energy the fitter I become which then makes me more and more willing to get out and move in some way...kind of a cycle that!
  • Yep, I have more energy, and I've grown more fidgety and unable to keep sitting for too long as well. No need to say that sitting throughout two hours of meeting or class is almost a torture; my classmates wonder why I'm wriggling my *** on my chair all the time, and am the first one to jump out of the classroom (and the last one to get back in) as soon as we get a break.

    The paradox for me when eating 'inappropriate foods' is that it gives me a fake burst of energy. As in, if I eat a lot of sugary stuff after dinner, for instance, you can be sure I'll be up until 1 or 2 am. But these are waking hours I don't do much with--I can't focus well on studying or working. And then I only sleep 4 or 5 hours, since I'm an early riser no matter what hour I go to bed at, which in turn makes me tired and sluggish. Definitely a vicious circle, and one of the reasons I'm currently focusing on to keep in mind WHY bingeing is a bad, bad idea.
  • I used to sleep all the time when I was larger. So, given that I no longer need mid-day naps, yes I have more energy.
  • I have to be able to sit still unfortunately -- I have to sit at my desk for 8 hours straight every day since I'm a software developer!

    I do get up and walk around every so often, but my job largely requires being at my computer nonstop.
  • I have sooo much more energy and stamina and strength - it amazes me. I can't still for very long at all. I don't know how in the world I functioned before the weight loss - oh, I practically didn't.