Body For Life #34

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  • Newbie - sticking my toe in the water
    Hello all! I have been lurking around here for a few months now, and think I am brave enough to jump in .

    I am in C1W3D7 of my challenge. I tried BFL in 2000 and did very well at implementing the program, but at the time I did not see the changes I needed to stay motivated. I felt stronger and firmer(I know this should have been enough), but in addition, I felt bigger ! That was the last thing I needed, and I concluded that like every other workout, diet plan I had tried, it was me, I was just some freak, or too lazy, or some other negative thing and would never be successful.

    I did not have a computer or access to the wonderful resources for support and inspiration that are available now. Before I started this time, I read and read and read! I planned, and studied, and really feel that I can do this not just for one challenge, but for as long as it takes (life!!).

    I am not even focusing on goals such as specific #s lost anymore. I am focusing on lowering my cholesterol and risk factors for disease. I do want to wear smaller clothes and reduce body fat, too of course .

    I am so happy when I read how supportive places like this and leanandstrong are. I really think that even just reading the posts will help me succeed. I am shy about posting, but as i become more confident about my progress, I think it will be easier.

    Thank you for giving me a chance to "try it out" in a small venue to start. I look forward to reading here every day.

  • Welcome Biv!
    Glad you found our site! It sounds like you have a great attitude for BFL this time, and I know you will make important changes in your health (and clothing size!)

    Today's scale story -- like many of you, I don't pay much attention to scale weight, and mostly just use it to calculate fat and lean body mass once in a while. My husband Brian, on the other hand, is a real numbers guy and does weigh and measure every week. This morning he asked me to help with his measurements, looking forward to good results after a week of clean eating and hard lifting. Measurements were all the same -- oh, well! Then he weighed, and was up a pound! But then -- he entered all the numbers in the body fat calculator we use -- and was down slightly in body fat percentage for a one pound loss of fat and two pound gain of lean mass this week!

    So my advice is also to ignore your scale -- but when you do use it, combine it with the tape measure and/or calipers, pictures, and trying on clothes.

  • Scale fever
    I don't know if I can ever just hide the scale- it's been a life long obsession and continues to be. My hubby hid it from me for a week after Christmas and I was in a tital panic! Well, the numbers finally moved today- I'm UP 2 pounds, and its not TOM. BUT, like Carriej's hubby, I pulled out the calipers and my average reading is about 3% less than the average when I started, and my previously way too tight to wear size 6 jeans are now only marginally too tight. So I guess that's progress. I still think I weigh WAY to much to be gaining scale weight with the muscle, but I'm not quitting. I do love the workouts and the definition I'm getting.

    Hi Biv- Glad you decided to jump in here. I'm only one day ahead of you on c1w4d1, but did it "my way" since last July. My way was pretty sucessful, but I decided I needed more structure and new goals to progress. Good for you on not focussing on the numbers except for health indicators! I wish I could get to that point... as you can see from my previous posts, I'm totally #'s obsessed!

    On another note, my hubby, who is a once a week cardio and once a week lifter (but also plays ice hockey and racquetball) asked me to help him put together separate UBWO and LBWO so he can hit more body parts. I know I'll never wean him off chocolate, chips or Black Russians, but I guess if he wants me to help him change his workout routines, he must be seeing something positive going on with me! That was my bright note for the morning.

    Thanks everybody for listening to my scale rants.
    gotta go lurk at l&s then do UB-

  • Good Day All...
    Biv.........welcome........S.........the more the merrier I say.....

    Well......I have completed week one.....for today is my free day.......and what did I want to have more then anything........okay don't laugh..........even though I haven't craved it.........a COFFEE........Laffin'..........I can't believe I had one........and you know what.........I didn't particularly enjoy it........

    I really don't feel the need to go overboard......and stuff my face with everything and anything.........and believe it or not......chocolate........isn't even on my mind...........gggggeeeeezzzzz........this is working.....changing my thinking patterns.......the way it feels when my body is eating clean.........I even noticed.........that I am sleeping sooooooo much better at night...........this is really fantastic.........just makes me want to keep on going.......and I do know that attitude is everything.........I think that is why.........I did alot of reading and research before even starting the lifestyle change.......I just didn't want to jump in head first.........

    meliris.......the scale can be addictive.........unlike BFL........all other programs stress weighing yourself and watching the numbers show progress........and as Bill says in the book......we have to change the way we we have always be en taught/told how to do things............and let me tell one of the hardest things a person can do.......we all get sooooo use to those things that become habit and we rely on them.........but from your posts..........I can are really trying..........and well..........if you keep my brother says.......a little light will come on........and your attitude adjusts to a new way of thinking...........this is the second time in my life..........that I have had this come true.......the first.......was when I went to college at the age of 30.......I wanted to give up sooooooo many times......but I perservered.......for 4 yrs......and I am happy to say I hold an honours degree in knowing this.........what I have lets me know.........that I can do anything I put my mind to........sooooooo that is why......I know..........through this lifestyle change........I will accomplish this......and be a true BFLer.......I know it......and I feel it........


    good luck to you mel.........I know you can do it!....

    Well is an absolutely gorgeous day out and I am not going to waste it by staying in doors.........have a very good day......
  • Good morning gals!

    Nice to see that it's been so busy in these here parts.

    a big WELCOME to Biv! Please do feel free to hang out, post and ask questions, both here and at L&S.

    Kel - today is my Free Day as well. When I shop on Free Day I'm always tempted to buy junk, and today is no exception. I was sooooo going to buy a package of Oreos and YES I succumed - but instead of the big size, I bought one of those little snack packs with six cookies in it. That was enough for me! In a bit we'll probably go to Pancho Villas and each have a burrito. The chile verde ones are to die for. Then tonight I'll probably have some minestrone soup - I like the Rivera brand.

    Last night for meal #6 instead of a Myo Lite I followed one of Steve L.'s tips - cut a Granny Smith apple into chunks, put them in a bowl with some cinnamon and Splenda, and nuked it for a little over a minute...then mixed in cottage cheese. AWESOMELY GOOD. It really is satisfying and smells divine!

    Hey, I hear ya about the scale. After being a slave to it since I was seven years old, though, it feels SO GOOD not to have my whole state of mind relying on those numbers. If you're having a difficult time getting away from it, make a PROMISE TO YOURSELF that you will only step on the scale once every four weeks at most. Then make it six weeks, then 12...soon you will get over the scale. Instead I recommend taking progress pix at regular intervals (4 to 6 weeks apart), tape measurements, and personal journaling (not just food and workouts, but FEELINGS as well). and DO put the scale somewhere where you don't see it all the time. Out of sight, out of mind, right?

    Our little Sparky has not been feeling well since yesterday. Last night he threw up what looked like blood, except kind of watery. We called the emergency vet and they told us not to give him food or water until morning, then give him some baby food chicken/turkey. Well, tried that this morning and he sniffed at it. It's funny because except for the eating he has been acting very normal - I got him a new tickler at Safeway this morning and he was all over it, wanting to play. Called the vets' again and they told us to wait until this evening to feed him. I guess this is something not out of the ordinary but when we saw the blood (or whatever it was) on the floor we just freaked out! If he's still chucking I'll be taking him to the vets' tomorrow morning. Early this morning he had the dry heaves, just a little clear liquid came up. I guess it's the same as when a child has a 'stomach bug'.

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Hi everyone!
    Betcha thought I ran off, 'eh? I'm still here. Had a killer week at work that lasted two weeks, so I didn't have much time to "play."

    I'm doing pretty good over here. Tomorrow (Monday) starts week four for me. Haven't noticed any major changes, but I know that's normal, so I'm not stressing. I'm enjoying my free days with no guilt and I think I've got my menus down pretty well.

    I bought the Myoplex Lite from the L&S link and LOVE those shakes! Boy, they're yummy. I've also tried several recipes that I'm enjoying. My favorite is a power loaf that's made with oatmeal and protein powder. Great for when you're on the run. I keep some Zone bars handy for emergencies, but only have maybe one a week.

    Water? Well, I am up to 3/4 gallon a day, so I guess I'm doing pretty well. My goal is to hit that gallon!

    Oh, and we turned our back room into a rec room! I've got my recumbant bike, a step, mini-trampoline, exercise ball, full weight system, free weights, weight bench, etc. out there. I love it! Like Shelia, I have my own gym!

    I've been reading all your posts and you gals sound like you're doing great! Keep it up and don't let the turkeys get ya down

  • Sunday
    Do any of you dream about your workouts or am I losing my mind? I had a nightmare last night that all the weights and machines had been moved around in the gym and I couldn't find anything. I kept racing around looking for the lat pull down machine.

    I did have a great UBWO this morning, and everything was in its place. As usual, I was the only woman in the free weights, with about a dozen really big guys. I've taken to just walking up and asking them questions, after they're done their set of course, and they seem to think its kind of funny, but are helpful and friendly. Well, this morning I decided to add more weight on my last set of incline BB presses, and kinda overestimated my ability. Somewhere around rep 6 I realized that bar wasn't going up again no how, visualizing sky-hooks, the hand of god or Bill Phillips standing next to me-- nothing was gonna get it up on that rack. So I let it gently onto my lap, rested, and tried to pick it up onto the rack. Same result. By then I felt pretty ridiculous. There didn't seem to be any way to wiggle out from under it, and rolling it down my thighs onto the floor didn't seem like a good idea either. That's when I realized all 12 of these muscleheads were staring at me and chuckling. One came to rescue me, and thank heavens I still had the stregnth to laugh. Then they all told me their "stuck under the bar" stories. Now I'm officially "one of the guys". It was fun. But boy am I going to be sore tomorrow!

    Welcome back chynna, I thought we'd lost you!

    MRsJim- Hope Sparky's OK! Riding in the rain- yuk!

    Steve L. cottage cheese concoction is one of my favorites, but without the splenda. I get a nasty aftertaste from that stuff. After so long off sugar, just the apple makes it taste really sweet.

  • Hi all!

    I jumped into your thread a week or so ago asking about BLF, and was told to get the book for more info. I finally got a copy from the library, and was reading it, sounded great until I got to the "authorized foods" list! I am a vegetarian!!!!! What do I do to get proteins, besides using the Myoplex? I can't live on just cottage cheese and Myoplex for my protein!! HELP!! Anyone know the answer?

  • Mel - OMG!!!! That exact same thing happened to me once - I was doing BB chest presses and my left arm failed before my right - could NOT get that bar up to the hooks. What's even more embarrassing is that I didn't use the sleeve to secure the weights, so on the left side the plates slid off onto the floor. Thank goodness one guy next to me quickly was able to get there and lift the bar before I was strangled Needless to say I'm MUCH more careful when using barbells. That's the main reason I wish my Jim would come work out with me but he hates getting out of bed before 7 am.

    Sparky is doing better now. We have been feeding him tiny portions of stage 1 baby food (chicken) this evening. This morning when I offered it he didn't want any part of it. I really think it was just a tummy bug. We are going to PBE (play by ear) tonight, he hasn't thrown up since this afternoon and if he doesn't throw up between now and tomorrow morning, we're going to put a very small amount of dry food out for him and give him a little more babyfood before we go to work. I am so glad we didn't have to take him to the emergency animal hospital, but truthfully they didn't sound too concerned. Apparently this sort of thing is pretty common!

    Coke - I think I have an answer for you...this is from John Hussman's Q&A Page at :
    Q Hi John! I'm doing the program as a vegetarian. Is there anything you would advise for keeping my protein up?

    A It helps if you aren't totally vegan, and can include foods derived from milk and eggs. If that's not the case, then by necessity, the staple is probably soy protein, which you can have in tofu, Boca Burgers, and other texturized forms. So far as soy-protein isolates are concerned, my understanding is that they vary significantly in terms of amino-acid profile. In the March 2000 Muscle Media, Brett Hall R.D. notes that the best of these is Supro brand, from Protein Technologies (a division of Ralston). The Supro is very complete in that regard.

    As far as beans, rice and lentils go, be sure to remember that they are higher in carbohydrate than in protein. For example, most beans have about 2-3g of carbohydrate per gram of protein, and rice is closer to 10g of carbohydrate per gram of protein. So in order to get 1 gram of protein per lean pound (which I would suggest on the BFL program), it's almost essential to supplement with a soy protein isolate or other high protein source. If you're targeting your protein intake to about 1 gram per lean pound (at least 30-40% of your calories), and your overall caloric intake is consistent with your fat-loss goals, the carbs will work themselves out, so you don't have to be analyzing the whole diet gram for gram.

    If milk and eggs are included in your diet, you've got a much wider range. On the whole-food side, there's egg protein, which gives you a lot of variety itself, and casein protein (cottage cheese). Cottage cheese is digested slowly, and it has properties that help to reduce muscle breakdown (for example, high glutamine content). It's a great choice for your last meal of the day. I'd definitely include it in your dietary mix, even though Zig Ziglar says "I have found it to be universally true that 'aint nothin' but fat folks eat the stuff".

    Whey protein is also derived from milk, and is the key protein source in Myoplex. It has an excellent amino-acid profile, with a high concentration of branched-chain amino acids that are integral to muscle growth. It also has immune-enhancing properties, so is good to include if you can. EAS derives the whey protein from micro-filtration and ion-exchange, which keeps it intact. Brett Hall, a vegetarian, suggests that you try to get a balanced variety in your protein supplements, and he shoots for an equal ratio of soy, whey and casein proteins, with egg whites (or egg-beaters) as an additional whole food source. Hope that helps! John
    I know there are some vegetarian BFLers at L&S - you might want to check in there for veggie support, recipes, tips, etc.

    Well, end of Free Day for me...since Jim had two pretty decent paying gigs this weekend, he treated us both to La Pinata, a terrific Mexican restaurant in Burlingame. I finished like 1/3 of my plate - so Jim is going to have Mexican leftovers for lunch tomorrow. Later I had a small bowl of minestrone soup and some French bread and right now I'm having my bedtime Myo Lite.

    Good night all! Back/Biceps/cardio for me tomorrow AND tomorrow evening another session with Theresa (we're doing quads/hams).
  • Mrs. Jim just checking in to ask...
    how Sparky is doing today? I hate it when the cats get sick!
  • Good Morning Ladies
    Biv~~~Welcome to our thread and glad to have you here. Please, don't be shy about posting. That's how we all learn from each other.

    MrsJim~~~So glad to hear that Sparky is feeling alittle bit better. My Miller, who is 3 yrs old) came in last night after having his first "noticable" fight. Poor little guy,he had little tufts of fur sticking out, a cut on his head and was limping on his front paw that had been cut also. He's such a friendly guy and is always trying to make friends with the neighborhood cats. I hope he gave as good as he got, so that cat will stay away from him.

    Chynna~~~You and I are at about the same place in our challenges. Today is W4D4 for me. I took measurements today and lost a few inches (-1.5 at the waist, -1 in the hips) and down 3# scale weight. I'll check again at week 8.

    Like you and Sheila, I am also adding to my home gym. Hopefully ny the end of the year I will have all that I want. Attaching a small pic of it. I have 2 benches (one with the leg ext/curl bar, recumbant stationary bike, step,rack w/ cables for tricep pulldowns and back pulldowns. Also includes the olympic curl bars and BP/squat bars.
  • Hi all,

    I am tight this morning. Just got back from my morning walk and ow yow yow. Sat at the computer doing school work most of yesterday so that would explain it.

    I had a burrito for free meal 1 and had planned on a "splurge" of chicken, rice and gravy for meal 2 but I used Boston Chicken gravy and it's low in fat and surprisingly balanced carb/protein. So I actually had a free meal and a half. I did have some unbalanced fruit portions. I'm trying to not go crazy on free day this challenge but do enough so I don't feel deprived.

    Biv: WELCOME!!! This is the group!!!

    Kelster: Do you know that coffee is okay on BFL? Not with sugar or a lot of skim milk but during my first challenge I added coffee to my first MRP of the day every morning. I did a classic vanilla MetRX with a smidgen of fat free/sugar free vanilla jello pudding (just to thicken it a bit), cinnamon, half a cup of coffee (high test), a smidgen of sugar free/fat free cappucinno mix for a morning cappucino. You can also use Myoplex cappucino MRP instead of this but I like this better. :-) You can add choc sf/ff pudding mix for a mocha. But I need that coffee boost in the morning (I think Bill Phillips is a coffee nut as well).

    More later,
  • I am so envious of that home gym!
    I'm just workin' dumbells, a not-so-new bench and a stationary bike. Saving the money for more equipment though, just gotta be patient.
    Or actually join the Linda Evans center, but for me working out at home is far more convienient.
    Hope y'all are doing good. 2nd week starts for me today.
    That title is directed at Sil, by the way, after getting a load of her home gym! I hate to say this but it looks like your gym can fit in our apartment...that's the way it is around here in the beautiful but way overpriced Bay Area.

    The Sparkmeister is doing MUCH better today. Last night we gave him 1/4 tsp of baby food every half-hour until 8:30 or so. Today we gave him a bit more and put a 1/4 cup of Dental Diet in his bowl for munching. My boss is very much a cat person and her sister is a breeder, so today we had a little chat about what could be Sparky's problem. She recommends that we start giving him hairball medicine because that could be part of the problem, so I'm going to have Jim pick some up this afternoon.

    When we left this morning he was on his cat tree watching the birds. The squirrels hadn't shown up yet - I think it may be too cold for them to venture out right now. There is SNOW on the mountains around here and BOY is it cold! Hey Susan, do you have snow out in Antioch? Betcha do! BRR! Can't wait till summer comes, I'm dying to get back into shorts and tanks.

    Speaking of coffee, I am not a coffee drinker (but for some reason I just love Myo Lite's Cap Ice flavor - go figure) but you might want to check out that special mag that Muscle Media put out this month called "Hydrate" (I think they sent all subscribers a free copy). There's a WHOLE section about the benefits of coffee and a couple of recipes too. Unfortunately I just skimmed over that part since I didn't feel it pertained to me.

    I have a bunch of stuff to get caught up on right now, and this evening my personal training! Yay! So much fun!!!
  • Thanks Mrs. J! I'll check out both sites!
